Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Joshua stills the Sun

Joshua stills the Sun – Joshua 10
Lessons we can learn here.

1.       When you make a promise sometimes it can be a bit tricky.  Be you must keep your word.  God expects you and so do the people who you made it too

2.       Sometimes doing the will of God`s gets messy and you have to do things that make you uncomfortable. 

3.        When you go into any battle or situation you do not need to be afraid.  This phrase is mentioned in one form or another 365 times in the Bible

4.       The Lord had given Joshua`s enemies into his hand.  The Lord has given your world into your hand.  No one stand against Joshua or us.  We will win remember as it says in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5New King James Version (NKJV) 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

5.       This just one of several example throughout the Bible of God helping either to win the battle or coming to the rescue of someone

6.       What is remarkable is God answered a prayer or a man by doing a miracle.  A miracle is the suspension of a natural occurance or event by a supernatural intervention of God.  Jesus stopped the wind and waves.  Hezekiah shadow went backwards this suspending time for about 20 minutes.  This happened and the Israelites won the battle.  The book of Jashar is an apochrypal Book.  It is called the book of the just man.  It is mentioned here and 2 Sam 1:18.   

7.       The Lord does fight for Israel.  We see that today as well.  Since its beginning the modern state of Israel has never lost a war.  Matt 8:18 says whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven.  Believe for a miracle and victory in your life and world today,

Proverb of Steel

Worldly rewards will mean nothing when you stand before God.  So seek God`s rewards and not man`s.

Verse Today

Psalm 119:138Amplified Bible (AMP)

You have commanded Your testimonies in righteousness
And in great faithfulness.

Man who cannot speak is healed

Man who cannot speak is healed – Matt 9:32-34

                Jesus was working and ministering when a demon possessed man was brought to Him.  He could not speak.  Jesus did speak and the demon was driven out and then the man could speak.  The people were amazed and said, “Nothing like this has ever happened in Israel.”  The Pharisees said, “It was by satan’s power that Jesus did this.

1.        There are demon spirits that cause afflictions and this is how you can tell their activity.
2.        Nothing has ever happened like this before.  Jesus was the first one to ever drive out demons just by His name.
3.        Rven when something is done, those who are unbelievers will try to refute it or attribute to something else.  In the case of the Pharisees they were treading on thin ground.

Thought today

Today is Tuesday and here is your thought.    Worldly rewards will mean nothing when you stand before God.  So seek God`s rewards and not man`s.  Remember that.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Proverb of Steel

The wealth of time, talents and resources we pour into our children will always reap great rewards. 

Verse Today

Psalm 119:137New International Version (NIV)

צ Tsadhe

137 You are righteous, Lord,
    and your laws are right.

Jesus sends out the Twelve

Jesus sends out the Twelve J– Matt 10, Mark 6:6-13 and Luke 9:1-6

                Jesus sends the twelve out with His authority.  They were able to cast out demons in Jesus’ name.  He sent them out two by two so they would always have each others back.  They were told to take no provisions with them their needs would be met by those who would house them.  They went from town to town proclaiming the good news.  They were to preach in the town and if the people of the town rejected their message they were to shake the dust off their feet and go to the next town.  This act of shaking the dust off their feet was a sign of God’s judgment.  They went and preached the gospel and many people believed.  Demons were cast out.  This was of course an assault on the kingdom of satan.

1.        The laying on of hands and anointing with oil was part of the ceremony for healing of the sick even when Jesus was alive.
2.        Jesus gives authority to His disciples over demonic spirits.
3.        Jesus healed the sick as a sign of victory for the gospel message.
4.        The disciples were sent to the lost sheep of Israel and their message was the Kingdom of God is near.  They were heal, cast our demons and as they received so they were to give.
5.        The worker is worthy of his hire.  We bring peace when we come into a house.
6.        To a person who rejects a Christian they shall be judged because of this rejection.  We must be wise as serpents and yet harmless as doves.  We will be persecuted for Jesus but the Holy Spirit will help us to know what to say.
7.        People and families are fighting among themselves right until Jesus comes.  All mankind will hates us because of Jesus.  Never think the world will be your friend because they will not.   All who stand firm to the end will be saved.


Here is your thought for Tuesday.  The wealth of time, talents and resources we pour into our children will always reap great rewards.   So make sure you spend as much time with your kids and family as you can.  Give them as much as you can because in the end they will be the ones at your funeral.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Psalm 119:49-56

Looking through the eyes of Christ –

Looking through the eyes of Christ – Ten

     My beloved I want you to never look down at another human being through the eyes of hatred, prejudice and bias.  Instead look at all people through the eyes of Christ.  He viewed all people as someone God could reach.  Reach out like He did to the wayward, the outcast, the sinner and the oppressed.  Remember you are His hand extended.  What you do in all circumstances and to all people does matter. 
     Remember what you were before Jesus came and changed you.  Remember all the bias, unforgiveness, hatred and pain you had.  Now go into your world and help the hopeless, the sick and dying.  Remember Jesus came to set the captive free.  He will use you as His instrument.  You are His hand of love, acceptance and forgiveness.  You are His hands, feet, eyes and hope.  People are living in a lost and dark work.  You have the answer and the light within.  Jesus has called you to be a light.  Shine for Him in your world.  Reach out and heal in His name.  He has given you the power authority and anointing to turn your world upside right.  Do not shrink back but press in.  Your world is waiting for you to tell them about your Saviour.  People will not be saved because you hope, wish or even pray.  You need to get out and do the will of God.  The will of God is to love Him with all your being, to love yourself and love others.  You are commissioned to tell others and set them free in the name of the Lord.  So today, Go, do not wait because someone needs you today.


Jairus’ Daughter and the Woman with an issue of blood

Jairus’ Daughter and the Woman with an issue of blood – Matt 9:18-25, Mark 5:21-43 & Luke 8:41-56

                These are wonderful stories connected by location and opportunity.  We are going to spend two days talking about these two great stories.  Jairus was the leader of the local synacogue.  He asked Jesus to come and heal his daughter.  Jesus went to the house.  On the way there a woman who had an issue of blood for some twelve years and who had tried to be healed by doctors saw Him.  She felt that if she could just touch the hem of His garment she would be healed.  When she touch and was healed by Him, Jesus felt the power go out of Him.  He turned around and asked who touched Him.  The woman came forward and Jesus told her that her faith and made her well. 

1.        The woman who had the issue of blood had tried all the manmade cures and now she needed Jesus the great physician.
2.        She knew by faith that Jesus could heal her and all she had to do was touch the hem of His garment.  Faith is the catalyst to knowledge.  You know in your heart that Jesus is the healer and just one touch from Him can make you whole.
3.        It is the power of God coming from God into your life that makes you well.  Jesus felt the power of God go out of Him so when He asked the question who touched Him though He knew what had happen.
4.        When this woman came forward she was giving a testimony of God’s goodness.  We over come by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.  So tell others what Jesus had done for you.

Wise Saying

Think well of others no matter what they think about you.  You have to live with yourself and not  with them.

Verse Today

Psalm 119:136English Standard Version (ESV)

136 My eyes shed streams of tears,
    because people do not keep your law.

Think well

Here is your thought as we start a brand new week.  Think well of others no matter what they think about you.  You have to live with yourself and not  with them.  It is all about following Jesus' advice of doing to others as they you would have them do unto you.  Jesus did and you can as well.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Joseph - ,Man of forgiveness

Joseph – The Man of Forgiveness  - March 25, 2007

Intro:  This morning we began our trek through the Bible.  Today I supplied you with a survey of Genesis and a brief outline of the life of Joseph.  Today I am going to focus on the last chapter of Genesis and Joseph dealing with his brothers and His example of how to overcome hurt and ones past.

1.  Our story begins with the family returning to Egypt after the burial of Jacob. Joseph’s
    Brothers were afraid of what would happen now that their father was dead.  Fear is a       
     Powerful force in ones life.  Scientists tell us we will do one of two things when face   
     with something that effects our personal safety.  We will either fight or take flight. 
     Fear powers both.  If we fight, we or others will be harmed.  If we flee, then our self
     esteem suffers or others can view us as cowards.  One thing the Bible makes clear is
     that fear is a spirit not given by God.  It is overcome by spiritual means and by three
     things, communicated by a relationship with God.  Love, power and soundness of
     mind or personal godly discipline.  2 Tim 1:7

a.  In vs 15, the brothers were afraid that Joseph now that their father was dead would
     seek revenge or justice for what had been done to him.  To summarize.  Joseph was
     the son of Jacob by his second and favourite wife Rachel.  He was the favourite son of
     Joseph which cause his brothers to hate him.  He was given a coat of many colours
     which caused his brothers to hate him so much they sold him to Midianite traders for
     20 silver coins.  He was sold into slavery in Egypt to Potiphar the king’s captain of the
     guard.  He became manager of Potiphar’s house but was put into prison after refusing
    Potiphar’s wife’s advances.  She accused him of rape.  He stayed in prison for over ten
    Years.  During that time he interpreted the dreams of two of Pharoah’s officials.  One
    Was killed and the other released.  Joseph asked the official to remember him but he
    Did not.  Only after Pharoah had a dream did the official remember.  Joseph was able
    To interpret the dream and give advice on how it could be handled and in one day went
     From prisoner to Prime Minister.
b.  He was able to prepare the land for the seven years of famine according to Pharoah’s
     dream.  When the famine hit, Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to by food.  Joseph
     recognized his brothers and had them put into prison and questioned.  He found out
     his father was alive and his brother Benjamin was O.K.  He kept one brother in jail
     and let the others return with their food and money.  He told them to not returned
     without Benjamin  When the brothers had returned & told Jacob what happened and
     he refused to let Benjamin return.
c.  It was only after the food was gone Jacob was forced to allow Benjamin to return.   
     When they returned Joseph dealt with them kindly, held a feast and met their needs.
     Unknown to them Joseph had his manager put his cup in Benjamin’s pack sack.  The
     Brothers were returning when soldiers came to return the cup.  When Benjamin’s sack
     Was opened they returned and bargained for his life.  Joseph saw they were truly sorry
     And revealed who he was.  He Brought Jacob and the entire family back to Egypt.      
     Jacob would live another 17 years in Egypt and then die and be returned to be buried
     in Canaan.  This is where we find ourselves.

2.  They were asking Joseph to honor a request his father had made.  He asked Joseph
     To forgive his brothers of the offenses they had done to Him.  I never saw that before.
     Until I look at it this time.  Jacob as a good father & did not want any friction between
     Family members before he died.  He also recognize his failure of favoring one
      Son over another.

a.  They were asking Joseph to honor that request.  Joseph wept because of this. When
     they came to him and told him they were his servants.  They were trying to save their
     lives and their children’s lives. 
b.  Joseph in this passage would be an example of how true forgiveness works.
3.  First, Joseph told his brothers to fear not.  Joseph’s love for God and his brothers
     Overcame any thoughts or attitudes of revenge.  True love casts out fear.  1 John 4:18
     The Bible contains 365 times where God says fear not.  One for each day of the year.

a.  Secondly, he said, “Am I in the place of God.”  Joseph understood that only God
     should take revenge.  He also knew that God was a forgiving God and as a man of
     God, he must do the same.  He understood the power of forgiveness.  It frees, heals
     And restores.  Forgiveness is an act of love, the will and of choice.  Jesus said, Forgive
     As you have been forgiven.  Joseph was a type of Christ when he did this. 
     Forgiveness is one of the most powerful gifts of God.  It is contrary to the ways of the
     World, the flesh and the devil.  These three know nothing about it.  Vs 19
b.  Thirdly, Joseph said in verse 20, “what you meant for evil God turned it around for
     good.  Joseph is an example of what Paul talked about in Rom 8:28, that all things
     work together for good. 

1.  Joseph saw the divine purpose for what he had gone through.  He saw his life in Egypt
     As God saving not only his family and nation but Egypt and its neighbours.  Joseph
     Was able to grasp the big picture.  True forgiveness focuses on the big picture and
     Refuses to stay bogged down on petty offenses.  Joseph saw the sovereignty of God.
2.  Did Joseph suffer? Yes.  Was he wronged? Yes.  But he grew out and above what he
     Suffered.  Hebrews 5:18, tells us that Jesus learned to obey by what he suffered. 
     Joseph saw the greatness of God.  He saw this as the Lord’s doing.  His trust in God
     Allowed him to overcome the littleness of man.

c.  There is nothing like the power of forgiveness to destroy the power of sin, anger,
     hatred and revenge. As Shakespeare said, “To err is human, to forgive divine.”

4.  Joseph then again in vs 21, said, “I will take care of you and your family.”  He then
     Comforted them and spoke kindly to them.  True forgiveness is being able to not only
     Forgive but be willing to trust and help.  Joseph in this instant is an example of
     Forgiveness having its complete work. 

a.  Today if you have been a victim of hurt.  If you have been wronged or are living with
     emotional, intellectual, spiritual, physical or family pain.  Forgive and be set free. 
b.  Joseph saw that people come and go in our lives.  It is best to not sweat the small stuff
     and look at the big picture.  See the long range view and forgive.


Psalm 119:41-48

Never rains in Southern California

Friday, August 26, 2016

The man who peered into the future.

Nov 8 -2009 – Malachi 4:2– The man who peered into the future.

Intro;  Today we will look at the book of Malachi and also will focus at the end of our service on Communion. 


-  Malachi wrote the last book of the Old Testament around 525-450 B.C.
-  His name means messenger. He had one final message to the returned exiles before there would over 400 years of silence.  It is interesting to note that this last voice of the Old Testament introduces the first voice of the New Testament.  He was the last of the Old Testament prophets until John the Baptist. 
- He was a contemporary of Nehemiah and Ezra.  He was also one of three prophets that ministered to the returning exiles.
-  Malachi had a forward view.  He saw things not as they were but as they would become.  In his 28 distinct messages from God.  Malachi saw Jesus and John the Baptist.

But you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings and you will go out like calves released from the stall.

1.  Malachi stood at the crossroads of one of the most significant time periods of history. 
     After him written prophecy would become silent for over 400 years.   
2.  Prophets had come and gone, the priests of his day had become corrupt and because of
     Their example the people were no better.  God in his justice was about to put a curse
     On the priests and those that had robbed them 
3.  Malachi revealed that God had brought judgement on Edom, he had cut off those who
     Had intermarried after being warned for 4 generations.
4.  But this book has powerful statements like this.  To those that revere His name.  Those
     Who love, worship, fear, honour and exalt His name, there is this promise.  The Sun
     Or Son of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings.  The Son of God, the
     One is righteous and makes us righteous through his broken body and shed blood will
     Rise with healing in his wings.  This is an analogy for the presence of God.  In the
     Presence of God is fullness of Joy.  The Son of righteousness comes with healing,
     Physically, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually.  He brings healing for every
     Situation and circumstance.  He is Jehovah Rophi, our healer, By His stripes we were
     Healed.  Amen.
5.  When He heals you, you will be like a calf released from the stall. 
6.  There is nothing like freedom in Christ. Remember it is not who you are in Christ but
     Who Christ is in you.  It is about Him not you..  You can do nothing without Him. 
     The focus is Him. 

2.  The main message of Malachi is turn from your wicked ways and love of House of

a.  Malachi love his nation and the people of Israel.  So he brings them six things to

1.  The Lord will give the remnant a story of grace and love for His people.  God always
     Shows unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness and so much we.  Love is
     Especially important it shows that we are His disciples.
2.  There is an offer to His faithful servants that one day there will be a Son of
     Righteousness.  I love living today.  We have what Malachi dreamed about we have
     Accepted and live in what he saw.
3.  The Day of the Lord will be glorious in the sight of the Lord.  Malachi spoke about
      Jesus and John the Baptist.  He looked forward to them.  We have the privilege of
      Looking back at them and enjoy the benefits of what they did.
4.  Malachi says divorce is something People of God should not engage in.  It breaks
     God`s heart and destroys a sacred covenant made before God and Man.  Malachi
     stated God hates what divorce does.  He sees how is destroys individuals, families and
     society.  Yet we also know that God can heal this and restore lives even after it has
     been done.  For the believer there are only two legitimate reasons for divorce, from
     the Bible.  Jesus said adultery, Paul said, being married to an unbeliever who wishes
     to be released from the marriage.  After careful consideration I have a personal third
     reason, spousal abuse.  Yet I also believe you must do everything you can to reconcile
     if possible, divorce should be the last option.
5.  Carelessness in worship may be the first step to spiritual decline.   Be careful how
     You worship and the reasons you worship.
6.  Instead of airing our doubts to others, we may speak in secret to God about our
     Doubts so He may guide us into truth and peace.  Malachi saw first hand how this
     Led to spiritual decline of those around him.

3.  Malachi was forceful and creative in his presentation of the Word of God.  He told the
     People to honor God’s name instead of sinners.  To stop offering blemish sacrifices,
     Justifying sin & with holding their tithes.  I actually know Christians who have done
     This because they did not like the pastor, a board member or someone in the church. 
     This is wrong because all our resources belong to God and it dishonors Him when we
     with hold it.   There are consequences when we do, If we with hold it He with holds
     His blessing but it we do not He opens the heavens and pours out His blessings.

a.  Malachi saw the spiritual decline of  the exiles and how it made them dishonest in
     business, over look or participate in social injustice or sin.  Allow sorcery, impurity
     and oppression. 
b.  Yet it is not a negative book or writing.  As we prepare for communion or the Lord’s
     supper.  Here are four promises given from Malachi.

1.  The prophecy of John the Baptist as the messenger of the coming covenant.
2.  Outpouring of great blessing.
3.  Saints as God’s treasurers.  We are God’s channel for blessings and His jewels.
4.  A new day of righteousness before the Day of the Lord. 


Psalm 119:33-40

Proverb of Steel

Life is the most precious gift, guard it like an army guards a city.

Verse Today

Psalm 119:135King James Version (KJV)

135 Make thy face to shine upon thy servant; and teach me thy statutes.

Paying Taxes

 Paying Taxes – Matt 17:24-27

                Jesus arrives at Capernaum and the collectors of the temple tax came to Peter and asked him if Jesus paid temple taxes.  Peter said, “Yes,” and then went into the house.  Jesus asked Peter, if kings of the earth collect taxes from their sons or from others.  Peter said, “Others.”  Jesus then told him to go to the lake  and catch a fish and in it he would find enough to pray both Peter’s and Jesus’ temple tax.

1.       Jesus saw that Peter answered a question without thinking and she let him off the hook by telling him to go and do what he did best, fish.  He would catch a fish and in its mouth would be enough to take care of the need.
2.       Jesus will always use our natural skills and abilities first when we are called to do something for Him.
3.       Jesus taught here that the people of God are not to offend the authorities or bring shame to His name by not paying our taxes.    This helps insure that we will live a quiet and peaceful life.

Life is Precious

Here is your thought for the weekend.   Life is the most precious gift, guard it like an army guards a city.  Never take life for granted and make sure you include the Lord in everything you do.  The steps of a good person are ordered by the Lord.  So let Him order your steps and be a blessing and live every moment for Him.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

God`s dream for you

Psalm 8:1-9 – God`s dream for you – Sept 27, 1981
Intro: Many people do not realize that God has a dream for them. Something many realize too late or do not take it to heart. God thinks we are real special and He wants us to realize that today.
1. God created us to have dominion over all things. We bear His fingermarks. We are His testimony and man is God`s grand creature. Created in His image.
2. Man is heir to Jesus Christ when we are willing to accept Him as Lord and Savior. We have the power to choose Him and have friendship with God.
3. God created man originally to be King over the earth but we were defeated by sin but one day we shall reign with Him in glory. God`s dream is that we have dominion.
4. We were created in the image of God and yet so many do not like themselves. This is one of biggest problems in Canada.
5. God`s dream is that we are in control and not to be controlled. We are created for a high and holy calling. A calling worthy of God.
To have God`s dream in your life depends on two facts. First, your opinion of man. One man quoted. “It is not what you think you are but what you think you are.”
1. What is your opinion of yourself? Do you think you are worth something? Evolution has robbed us of our high position on this earth. It says we started from a one cell creature. We must break away from that devilish thinking.
a. We were created in the image of God. We have worth. We are God’s crowning creation. Our high calling was lost at the fall but given back to us on the cross.
b. Environment tells us that we are insignicant. Eastern religions make life cheap. Media portrays us as nothing but livestock. Pornography peddles that people are nothing but creatures obeying their lusts.
2. The Bible however says we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. God is not going to let us go. Today many children are told they are good for nothing but to God every life is precious.
A. Evolution says we came from a monkey. The Bible says we created out of the dust of the earth and God breathed life into us. We are His creation. The Bible and evolution will never agree.
B. We should not be controlled by cursing, complaining, low morality and low self - esteem. David knew what man was worth when he said that we are marvellously and wonderfully created.
C. What a relief it is to come out of the darkness of unbelief into the sun shine of God’s love through Jesus Christ.
In Psalm 91:3, 7 and 13
1. This psalm tells us that the second thing that will help achieve God’s dream is having a right opinion about God. We have victory in the Lord and so you do not have to be afraid of darkness. Remember fear is a spirit that will be cast out when we allow God’s power, love and a soundness of mind to fill us.
2. We can actually talk and think ourselves into sickness. 85% of all sickness is caused by the mind. 85% of all hospital visits are because people think they are sick. Jesus is our healer. God will heal us if we asked. Remember by His stripes we are healed.
3. You need to rest in God and remember He is doing a good work in your life. God wants us to walk in victory over our problems. 2 Cor 2:14 tells us that we will triumph in the Lord.
4. We have dominion in the Lord and this all comes when we have the right opinion of God.
5. Psalm 91:1-2, helps us to realize that God is powerful. When we obey God we have victory. Many in the past have tried to attack God’s people and have lost. Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar were both humble by God. God is in control and not circumstances.
6. There is no one mightier than God. He spoke and the world came into being.
The Bible has many example of God rescuing His people.
1. God rescued Hezekiah from the Assyrians by sending an angel that killed 185,000 Assyrians.
2. Daniel was rescued from the Lion’s den.
3. Peter was rescued from Herod.
God’s dream is for us to be in control not be controlled. God’s dream is that you would know who Christ is in you. God wants to dominate the situations in your life and not let them dominate you. Let Him fulfilled His dream in your life today by giving your life over to Him today.
God’s dream is for you to let Him take control of your life and learn to trust Him. If we have a problem with self condemnation let Him take control and give you the victory in Jesus Christ. His dream for us is to believe and trust in Him. You can and will have the victory as you do that.

Psalm 119

Proverb of Steel

Those who justify taking a life for the sake of convenience never say that when their life in on the line.

Verse Today

Psalm 119:133New International Version (NIV)

133 Direct my footsteps according to your word;
    let no sin rule over me.

Greatness Defined

Greatness Defined – Luke 9:46-62

                Jesus disciples were learning about how the Kingdom works and there are so many applications for us today as well.

1.       When someone sins against us we are to forgive them 70X7.  If we are not willing to forgive how can we expect our heavenly Father to forgive us our transgressions and sins.
2.       If a person wants to be great in God’s Kingdom they must learn to be the servant of all.  No room for pride in the Kingdom.  Anyone who gives a drink of water in the name of the Lord will be rewarded.
3.       We are taught here that we are the salt of the earth.  We must touch the world with the presence of God and be at peace one with another,  Never allow yourself to lose your saltiness and flavour.
4.       Jesus makes it clear that no one can stand against Him and us.  We must not be like James and John who wanted to bring fire down upon the Samaritans.  This is the misuse of God’s power.
5.       Jesus taught here that a person must be willing to give up everything to follow Him.  Anyone who keeps looking back into the world is no good for the Kingdom.  Great lessons and truths to learn.

Be a Blessing

It is Thursday and today make a great thought day.  So today not only think positive thoughts but follow it up with positive actions.  Make it your aim to speak good things into others today.  Our lives are to be lived for the glory of God.  So today be His blessing to others today.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Psalm 119

I will praise Him

I will praise Him – Psalm 150 – Preach in Lacombe Alberta –Sept 6, 1981

Intro:  There is a message to the church today, `` I will praise him.”  There was a prophecy given in the general conference in California that said, `There is healing in praise, victory in praise,  growth, development, adoration and glory.  It then went on to say, “Oh praise the Lord, lift your voices and praise the Lord.” 

1.        Many Psalms begin with the words, He is worthy and I will praise Him.  One time a person came to Abraham Lincoln with a gift and told him they just wanted to thank him for the wonderful job he was doing.  So many times we come to God and plead and beg Him to meet our needs and we come with no gift.  Praising the Lord is our gift to Him.  This should be done daily.

a.        Praise is the secret of a growing church, an alive atmosphere creates church growth.  People want to be where there is life.  Many are like Pharisees who came to Jesus at the triumphant entry and told Him to keep his followers quiet.  Jesus replied to them that if His followers will not praise Him the rock and stones will cry out.
b.      Joy comes when we praise the Lord.  Some say that it is Pentecostal to praise Him.  It is not Pentecostal but Bible to praise Him.  It should be normal in church and out of church.  Out of the soul comes rivers of living water.



1.        Me, I am greater than the heavens yet they praise Him so I should as well.  The disciples did when they were beaten.  You know it is easier to calm down a fanatic then to raise up a corpse.
2.       The rocks and stones will cry out if you do not.  He has done so many great things for us.  He gave us a second chance, He died for us, lives in us, he is our strength, comforter, guide, example, older brother, king and so much more. 
3.       Jesus paid a debt he did not owe, I owe a debt I could not pay.  Jesus by His death, burial and resurrection gave us new life.  We are now the people of God and it is only right that we would want to thank and praise Him.
4.       It says that God inhabits the praises of His people we so need this avenue of praise again in the church of Jesus Christ.  It is there but not enough.


1.        Psalm 34:1 says, “I will bless the Lord at all times.  In Psalm 103, David tells us to worship the Lord with our whole being.  David was a man after God’s own heart because he was a worshiper.  There are many times we do not feel like praising the Lord and that is when we make a decision to praise the Lord and then it becomes a sacrifice and releases even more blessing.  Daniel, Moses and Joseph were worshipers. 
2.       How about you?  When you are hurt will you praise or blame Him?  Praise takes us into the throne room of God in minutes without agony or hours.
3.       It takes guts to praise the Lord in adversity, painful times and difficult circumstances but when you do it works.  God loves it when His people praise Him and focus on what He has done and who He is.


1.        This is the highest gift a believer can bring.  It centers around what God has done and not what we have done.  C.M ward, said, “We need a refreshing and this comes through praise.”
2.       Glorifying God brings us to new heights because we need to be edified and that comes through praise and worship.  I am so glad for the Pentecostal movement because it has brought back self edification.  Speaking in your heavenly language really helps edify you.  It helps to get your battery recharged when it feels like it getting low.  People desperately these days need to be recharged.
3.       We should be moving in the Spirit.  Praise is a great thing because He is worthy.


1.        When you praise the Lord sometimes people will make fun and mock you.  This happened to David when Michal mocked Him.  But David was blessed and Michal became barren.
2.       Remember He is worthy and He is the object of our praise.  When Isaiah went to the house of the Lord and He saw the Lord and so will you.  Isaiah said, “I will praise Him.”  Will you? 
3.       Paul realized what the Lord had done for Him so he wrote, “I thank God for what He has done.  I praise God.”  Paul did and I trust you will as well.

Proverb of Steel

Children are a heritage from the Lord.  Never consider them an inconvenience or problem or you just lost your heritage.

Verse Today

Psalm 119:132New International Version (NIV)

132 Turn to me and have mercy on me,
    as you always do to those who love your name.

Jesus rejects His Brother’s Advice

Jesus rejects His Brother’s Advice – John 7:2-9

                Jesus was in Nazareth when His brothers came to him and said that He should go to Jerusalem and Judea so that people could see His miracles.  He should become a public figure they thought.  They want Him to show Himself to the world.  Even His own brothers did not believe in Him.  Jesus rejected their advice and stayed for a short time in Galilee.  He would go later the feast.

1.       The brothers because of their unbelief thought like the world.  Promotion, prestige and prominence is important.
2.       They thought that Jesus should not keep Himself a secret.  The world think that a person should go and show their stuff.  Jesus was not there to be on display but to minister and save a lost and dying world.
3.       His brothers were thinking selfishly.  They wanted to be part of the limelight that Jesus was bringing. 
4.       They wanted Jesus to show Himself to the world.  They did not know that the world will hate Jesus and all who follow Him.   They would not find that out till later.  The world hated Jesus because he testified to it the fact that what it is and does is evil.


It is Wednesday and here is a thought for today.  Children are a heritage from the Lord.  Never consider them an inconvenience or problem or you just lost your heritage.  They are a blessing and a wonderful and sometimes scary view of you.  Enjoy every moment you have with them because the grew up so fast.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

How to Worship

Psalm 66:1,4 & 8 How to Worship (Sept 20, 1981)

Intro:  One man asked a preacher one time has we should worship and the preacher answered in unity.    We call Him Lord but we are so divided and the only way to truly be blessed is too unified in the Lord.

1.        The reality is that there are many temperaments and types of people in every church.  There are many expressions of worship as well but to truly be unified you have to under the direction of the Holy Spirit.  If I were to ask you if you believe in the Lord, the bible or God`s ability to touch people you would say yes? 

a.        The question however is how if God touching His people there would be many different answers.  The answer for unity to happen it must be done by the Holy Spirit.
b.      Jesus had a prayer in John 17 and that was that we would be one.  We have to make Christ the center then true worship happens by the Holy Spirit and the word.  1 Cor 1:10 says that we should speak the same thing and there should be no division in the church.
c.       Did you know that there can be division in a service?  I could say, “Let’s just praise the Lord and half would and half would not.”  There is immediately a division.  It is obvious we don’t all worship the same so how can we reconcile it.  By listening to the Holy Spirit and responding to what He lays upon our heart to do.  We are a body and we must listen to the head.  Christ is the head of the church and so we must listen to Him. 
d.      Worship is designed to bring unity and release but we have to enter in.  What I am saying is that when a worship service is going on, enter in or you are causing division.  The Spirit is leading the service and by you refusing to enter in you are grieving the Holy Spirit.  So when we are worshipping let us enter in and sing, praise, pray and rejoice.  Listen and learn what the Spirit is doing because He has a purpose.
e.      Psalm 67, says we should praise the Lord.  Paul brings this out in the New Testament when he says, when believers come together there must be unity. 
f.        God promises to bless us when we are in unity.  The problem is that the church misses out in so much because of division.  We lack true worship because of division.  Don’t you contribute to this?

2.        Worship is not giving God the nod or doing God a favour by giving Him a little time during the week.  Some feel that when they get the urge they will worship the Lord but in reality this is bursting into the throne room of God and God dislikes it.  Worship should be a lifestyle.  David was a worshipper.  Daniel was a worshipper and so was Moses. 

a.        It is such a blessing when you practice daily, systematic worship.  It is also such a joy when God’s people get together and spend time together worshipping the Lord.  So here is the question how can we become worshippers?

1.       Approach with expectation.  You are meeting with the mighty God.  Come with the attitude that God is going to be there.  Remember God is greater than any ruler or leader.  He is the ruler of the universe. 
2.       Jesus said that wherever two or three gather in His name He is in the midst of them.  Jesus is in every service. 
3.       Come thinking about God.  Come with the attitude that you will find exactly what you need in the service because you will.
4.       Make the most of the service.  You can be prayed for during the service and every part of the service has been watered with prayer. 
5.       Let God touch your heart and be prepared to receive. 
6.       Songs and choruses are to bring us to worship. 
7.       The offering is a time to give back what God has given you and is an act of worship.
8.       The preaching of the word is an appeal for greater Christian service.  It is through the preaching of the word that people are saved. 
9.       You must respond to the preaching of the word because the Spirit has spoken to you heart and you must respond either positively or negatively. 
10.   Remember every service is a time to meet with God.  It is not dull, boring but a time of victory when one participates.  You get out of it what you put into it.  So if you come out of a service don’t blame the church, preacher or music but yourself.

Final Thoughts

1.        We should make us of every part of the service so we can go home and be like David and bless our house.
2.       When we get ministered unto we in turn will minister to others. 
3.       In church we catch a glimpse of noble truth, forgiveness of sin benefits of eternal life and the challenge to follow Christ.
4.       We need to know that the Holy Spirit has met with us and that Jesus is here.  Church is designed to bring joy, hope and person to the one who participates.  Don’t go through the motions.  Let us seek the Lord and the fire of God will come upon us.

5.       Church is a place of warmth, Spirit and fire so we can bless our homes, community and world.