Saturday, August 27, 2016

Joseph - ,Man of forgiveness

Joseph – The Man of Forgiveness  - March 25, 2007

Intro:  This morning we began our trek through the Bible.  Today I supplied you with a survey of Genesis and a brief outline of the life of Joseph.  Today I am going to focus on the last chapter of Genesis and Joseph dealing with his brothers and His example of how to overcome hurt and ones past.

1.  Our story begins with the family returning to Egypt after the burial of Jacob. Joseph’s
    Brothers were afraid of what would happen now that their father was dead.  Fear is a       
     Powerful force in ones life.  Scientists tell us we will do one of two things when face   
     with something that effects our personal safety.  We will either fight or take flight. 
     Fear powers both.  If we fight, we or others will be harmed.  If we flee, then our self
     esteem suffers or others can view us as cowards.  One thing the Bible makes clear is
     that fear is a spirit not given by God.  It is overcome by spiritual means and by three
     things, communicated by a relationship with God.  Love, power and soundness of
     mind or personal godly discipline.  2 Tim 1:7

a.  In vs 15, the brothers were afraid that Joseph now that their father was dead would
     seek revenge or justice for what had been done to him.  To summarize.  Joseph was
     the son of Jacob by his second and favourite wife Rachel.  He was the favourite son of
     Joseph which cause his brothers to hate him.  He was given a coat of many colours
     which caused his brothers to hate him so much they sold him to Midianite traders for
     20 silver coins.  He was sold into slavery in Egypt to Potiphar the king’s captain of the
     guard.  He became manager of Potiphar’s house but was put into prison after refusing
    Potiphar’s wife’s advances.  She accused him of rape.  He stayed in prison for over ten
    Years.  During that time he interpreted the dreams of two of Pharoah’s officials.  One
    Was killed and the other released.  Joseph asked the official to remember him but he
    Did not.  Only after Pharoah had a dream did the official remember.  Joseph was able
    To interpret the dream and give advice on how it could be handled and in one day went
     From prisoner to Prime Minister.
b.  He was able to prepare the land for the seven years of famine according to Pharoah’s
     dream.  When the famine hit, Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to by food.  Joseph
     recognized his brothers and had them put into prison and questioned.  He found out
     his father was alive and his brother Benjamin was O.K.  He kept one brother in jail
     and let the others return with their food and money.  He told them to not returned
     without Benjamin  When the brothers had returned & told Jacob what happened and
     he refused to let Benjamin return.
c.  It was only after the food was gone Jacob was forced to allow Benjamin to return.   
     When they returned Joseph dealt with them kindly, held a feast and met their needs.
     Unknown to them Joseph had his manager put his cup in Benjamin’s pack sack.  The
     Brothers were returning when soldiers came to return the cup.  When Benjamin’s sack
     Was opened they returned and bargained for his life.  Joseph saw they were truly sorry
     And revealed who he was.  He Brought Jacob and the entire family back to Egypt.      
     Jacob would live another 17 years in Egypt and then die and be returned to be buried
     in Canaan.  This is where we find ourselves.

2.  They were asking Joseph to honor a request his father had made.  He asked Joseph
     To forgive his brothers of the offenses they had done to Him.  I never saw that before.
     Until I look at it this time.  Jacob as a good father & did not want any friction between
     Family members before he died.  He also recognize his failure of favoring one
      Son over another.

a.  They were asking Joseph to honor that request.  Joseph wept because of this. When
     they came to him and told him they were his servants.  They were trying to save their
     lives and their children’s lives. 
b.  Joseph in this passage would be an example of how true forgiveness works.
3.  First, Joseph told his brothers to fear not.  Joseph’s love for God and his brothers
     Overcame any thoughts or attitudes of revenge.  True love casts out fear.  1 John 4:18
     The Bible contains 365 times where God says fear not.  One for each day of the year.

a.  Secondly, he said, “Am I in the place of God.”  Joseph understood that only God
     should take revenge.  He also knew that God was a forgiving God and as a man of
     God, he must do the same.  He understood the power of forgiveness.  It frees, heals
     And restores.  Forgiveness is an act of love, the will and of choice.  Jesus said, Forgive
     As you have been forgiven.  Joseph was a type of Christ when he did this. 
     Forgiveness is one of the most powerful gifts of God.  It is contrary to the ways of the
     World, the flesh and the devil.  These three know nothing about it.  Vs 19
b.  Thirdly, Joseph said in verse 20, “what you meant for evil God turned it around for
     good.  Joseph is an example of what Paul talked about in Rom 8:28, that all things
     work together for good. 

1.  Joseph saw the divine purpose for what he had gone through.  He saw his life in Egypt
     As God saving not only his family and nation but Egypt and its neighbours.  Joseph
     Was able to grasp the big picture.  True forgiveness focuses on the big picture and
     Refuses to stay bogged down on petty offenses.  Joseph saw the sovereignty of God.
2.  Did Joseph suffer? Yes.  Was he wronged? Yes.  But he grew out and above what he
     Suffered.  Hebrews 5:18, tells us that Jesus learned to obey by what he suffered. 
     Joseph saw the greatness of God.  He saw this as the Lord’s doing.  His trust in God
     Allowed him to overcome the littleness of man.

c.  There is nothing like the power of forgiveness to destroy the power of sin, anger,
     hatred and revenge. As Shakespeare said, “To err is human, to forgive divine.”

4.  Joseph then again in vs 21, said, “I will take care of you and your family.”  He then
     Comforted them and spoke kindly to them.  True forgiveness is being able to not only
     Forgive but be willing to trust and help.  Joseph in this instant is an example of
     Forgiveness having its complete work. 

a.  Today if you have been a victim of hurt.  If you have been wronged or are living with
     emotional, intellectual, spiritual, physical or family pain.  Forgive and be set free. 
b.  Joseph saw that people come and go in our lives.  It is best to not sweat the small stuff
     and look at the big picture.  See the long range view and forgive.


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