Friday, September 23, 2016

The Service of the Seventy

 The Service of the Seventy – Luke 10:1-24

                Jesus after this appoints 70 disciples.  They go out two by two.  There task was to go ahead of Him and into villages and prepare things for His arrival.  He told them about the harvest and how the workers are few.  He told them He was sending them in the wolves.  They were to carry no provisions.  They were to go into a house and stay they until they left and when they left they were to leave a blessing upon that house.  He told them not to move from house to house.  They were to heal the sick and preach the Kingdom.  If a community did not receive them they were to shake the dust off their feet and judgment would come to that community.
                Jesus then spoke judgment over Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum for their unbelief.  They had many miracles performed in them and the people did not believe.  Who listens to a disciple listens to Christ and whoever rejects us rejects Christ.
                The seventy returned and marvelled how the demons were subject to them.  Jesus told them how through them satan’s kingdom was falling.  He had given them authority over snakes and scorpions so they could overcome any enemies.  They were not to rejoiced because evil spirits were subject to them but that their names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

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