Monday, September 12, 2016


Intro:  Today we are learning about Isaac.  He was the promised son of Abraham and Sarah.  He was born to them in their old age.  His name means laughter.    Talk about Sarah hearing the new that she was going to be a mom at ninety.  She laughed and so would you.

We are going to look at seven things that stood out in Isaac`s life.

1.      He was submissive.  He allowed his father to bind him on Mt Moriah.  Talk about the Ram sticking his head in a thicket.
2.     He was a man who was reflective and love to think things through.   In Gen 24:65, he was walking through a field doing this when he met Rebekah.
3.     He was affectionate.  In Gen 24, he brought Rebekah into his tent and married her.  He loved Rebekah.  Affection and love are characteristics of those who love the Lord. 
4.     He continued his father sin.  When he was Philistia he told the inhabitants there Rebekah was his sister.  Just like his dad had.  We need to emulate those characteristics in our families which are good and cut off the ones that are bad. 
5.     He was peaceable in Gen 26:20-22 we have Isaac digging three wells because instead of quarreling with the inhabitants of the land he chose the path of peace.  When you think you have your rights then you quarrel and fight but if you remember that you are a pilgrim passing through, a sojourner and that this world is not your home you have a more peaceable attitude and reaction when wronged. 
6.     He was a man of prayer.  In Gen 26:25, you find Isaac continuing his father’s habit of building altars and calling on the name of the Lord.  Isaac was aware that he needed God’s help in his day to day affairs.
7.     Lastly he was a man of faith.   In Heb 11:20 it states that Isaac blessed both Jacob and Esau in regards to their future.  He saw their future and what they would become.  God wants you to be a person of faith.  To know yours and your families future.  Men of faith walk with God daily.  Close with professor who had a strong faith and student who wanted to learn from him.

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