Saturday, April 18, 2015

Prophecy to California

Prophecy to California – One Hundred and Nineteen

     Lament, Lament, Lament.  The lack of rain and the drought you are experiencing is because of your sin.  For decades you have set your heart against the Lord.  You have spurned, mocked and scorned the name of the Lord.  Your filth done in the name of art and entertainment has polluted the world.  You have a chance for righteousness but instead you chose to laugh, curse and degrade the name of the Lord.  Your comics, directors and actors chose to use my name in vain.  You thought you were wise funny and smart but the truth is you are foolish, stupid and vain. 
     So I am coming against you and the land you live in with drought, pestilence and great judgment.  Your violence and hatred will increase.  You will see riots, food shortages and crime.  All the protection I gave you will no longer be there. 
     The drought of rain is a reflection of how my words have been in drought for decades.  Yes there have been small pockets of righteousness in the midst of your great darkness.  Your pride is your downfall.  You call yourself, great, beautiful and right.  In reality you are worthless, ugly and destitute.  You have allowed the sodomite spirit to lead you.  You promote lifestyles that are an abomination to me.  You call these lifestyles, progressive and enlightened.  They are backward, regressive and led to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  These will be your undoing.  I will with hold the rain until you truly repent.  I the Lord will show you how really poor and blind you really are.  You have been the seat of satan for over a century and now your time of judgment has come.
     Your wickedness, disease and pain are just beginning.  A great shaking is coming.  You will be overrun with creatures and other pestilences.  Your cup of iniquity is full and now my judgment is coming.  Even great repentance by my people will not avert judgment.  I will keep my people but others will face my judgment says the Lord.  I have weighed you on my scales of judgment and you have been found wanting. – One Hundred and Nineteen


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