Saturday, April 18, 2015

Free Will

Free Will – One Hundred and Three

     There is a reason why God has given us a free will.  Free will allows us to love with freedom, willingness and from our heart.  Satan hates free will because it does give him control.  Pride is at the heart of everything he does.  When pride entered into his heart it totally corrupted him.  He allowed his beauty, position and authority to go to his head.  As Lucifer he had the power of choice.  When pride came into his heart he chose to rebel against God and thus he went to battle with heaven thinking he could actually win.  He lost of course because a creation can never defeat its creator.  A watch for example will never be greater than the person who created it.  A car will never be greater than the person who made it.  This pride and rebellion totally corrupted Lucifer and he was renamed satan, the father of all lies.  There is no truth in him and he hates anything that looks like righteousness.
     Man is God’s greatest creation.  Man is the only creature in creation with the power of choice and the understanding of how to use it.  Unlike the animals we do not operate by basic instinct.  That is why satan uses many methods in which to destroy or hinder free will.  For example evolution an invention of satan tells man that he evolved from lower species into a higher species.  This makes man no more than an evolved animal.  We then live by basic instinct.  Our soul and spirit are only an awareness of the material world and we are born, live and die.  We have no real higher purpose.  Life is nothing more than a short span of time in which we are conscious of our surroundings.  We procreate, live sometimes thrive and then die.  There is no eternity, no God, no eternal destiny and no real reason to exist. 
     Religion is another invention of satan.  Every religious system does three things.  It basis it rules and regulations on men trying to reconnect with God through a series of traditions, rules, regulations and secret or not so secret ceremonies.  Secondly it is man trying to recapture paradise lost.  Thirdly, it is man reaching up to God trying to pull Him down to our level.  The church does this by telling people that they need a priest or teacher to interpret the bible for them.  It is pastoral leadership imposing a set of so called holy traditions on a congregation and enforcing them like this is the law of God.  The Moslem faith imposes Sharia law where anyone who chooses to disobey them can and will be punished either with dismemberment or death.  Governments do it because free will and free thinking are hard to control.  The list goes on.  Anything that opposes free will is satanic. 
     Man is a creation designed to make our own choices.  God made it that way so our surrender and love would be voluntary.  The man and woman who freely love and care for each other is beautiful, it is ultimate human expression of love.  God did not make us ticky tack robots who just do His will that is not love.  When someone tries to force you into love it will destroy them and you.  Free will is wonderful because it gives us freedom to do what we want to do.  With that free will however has consequences.  The person who drives drunk they will find out quickly the price of that decision either they or someone will die.  The person who puts drugs in their veins will find out quickly that they will destroy their lives and others.  The man who decides to cheat on his wife will find out quickly that he will lose her trust and ultimately her.  The woman who sends encouraging words will see love and encouragement come back to her.  The man who loves his wife and children will see a happy and healthy home. 

     Satan hates your free will.  Today choose to love the Lord with all your heart and refuse to live in darkness.  Choose today to be an evangelist and soul winner for Christ.  Choose to be a blessing.  Refuse to give into the sin in any form.  Use your power of choice for God’s glory and never submit yourself to any forms of bondage.  Remember who the Son sets free, is free indeed.

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