Saturday, October 26, 2013

Letter to the Nations - Canada

Letters to the Nations

Canada, this will be your finest hours. Over the decades God has promised you many great things. Many prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers and apostles have come here to proclaim that Canada would be a nation that would help heal other nations. Canada will rise with healing in its wings. 
There is a call right now of the Holy Spirit calling at those who have the ministry of prayer and intercession to throw off every weight and shackle that has beset them. There is a cloud of witnesses who have gone before cheering you on. You have been given the privilege of praying for this current generation. You are the key to this next great move of God. Revival will come from your lips and heart as you speak to God on behalf of others. There are many who waiting to be endued with power from on high and it will begin in the prayer closets of the intercessor.
To the watchman and gate keepers in the spiritual realm. God is about to give you a brand new anointing and assignment. As you have been calling out day and night for God to fulfill His promises and will. Your new assignment to proclaim that God’s Kingdom is coming and His will shall be done among all the nations that have come to Canada for restoration, freedom and new beginnings. 
To those who work among young people. This next move of God will start with them. Joel 2:28 says that God will pour out His Spirit upon all the flesh. Our sins and daughters are going to prophesy and the young men shall see visions. What God did in the past was marvelous but what He is going to do in the near future will be even greater. So those who work among the young, enlarge your tent pegs and get ready for the harvest. If you are not ready God will give it to someone else who is ready. Don’t miss what God has in store for you.
The current unrest in our nation is actually going to be a catalyst for revival. The province of Quebec will see great change but the secret will be the churches who pray. We need to stand with our brothers in Quebec and pray that the darkness that has descended upon that place will be lifted. There is a fire that is starting to burn there but it needs to be flame by all of us among the other provinces to help it happen.
Do not be fooled by what is happening in Canada among the money markets. It is a false hope and security. What is happening around the world can and will happen here if we do not place our security in the Lord. Remember what can be shaken will be shaken. Never place your security in that which can be seen. Hard assets like silver, gold or precious stones can not save you. Oil is a false hope. Your debt will be your undoing. Remember the borrower is always the slave to the lender. Get your house in order or it will crumble. 
To the church in Canada. You must throw your apathy, lethargy, procrastination and apostasy. Seek the Lord while He may be found. There is right now a call of the Spirit. He is calling each of us into a deeper place with Him. A place of still waters where your soul can be healed. We are the ones called to humble ourselves, to pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways. If we do not our moment will pass. Revival and judgment begin in the house of the Lord. Remember righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any people. 
There is a call of the Spirit to all right now. He is saying come. To the blind, lame, imfirmed, sick, broken and hurt, Come. To Christian, backslider, and unsaved, He says come. Come to the Lord and you will find Him loving, compassionate and forgiving. But Come.

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