Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Love one another.

In John 16:12, Jesus says that He gives us a new commandment.  We are to love one another.  He then says in the next verse that there is no greater love than laying down your life for a friend.  Jesus demonstrated this when He died on the cross for our sins.  Jesus became our sacrifice and substitute.  This was love demonstrated in a practical sense.  Jesus showed us the way and now expects us to do the same.  I am always amazed when I see love with no strings attached.  I am also fascinated by redemption and salvation.  One moment you have a person who has all their life only thought of themselves and what is best for them.  In a moment of time changed from the inside out and their thoughts are no longer inward and selfish but outward and unselfish.  I remember a man named Tom who gave His life to Christ in or church in Yellowknife.  When we first met him he was telling us all about himself and what a wonderful person He was.  After he came to know Christ his conversation and lifestyle was not focused on himself but on Christ and others.  Tom became one of most effective people for Christ I have ever met.  He loved others and did what ever he could to help and minister to the needs of others.  Tom was a man who knew he was forgiven much and in return he loved much.  Jesus said, people will know we are His disciples by the way we love one another.  Make it you goal today to love others and in this way you are loving God.

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