Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Letters to David Ephaphras

Dear David

It has been over three weeks since we last communicated and I am sorry for such a long delay. It has been a busy season and I should not let things get in the way. One thing I have been busy with of course is prayer. David, I came across something the other day that I just have to share with you.
In Col 4:12, I came across a fellow worker of Paul's whose name was Epaphras. Now I have read this verse many many times but on Sunday morning in my extended prayer time this verse came alive and I will explain why.
It says that Epaphras was a man who wrestled for the Colossians day and night in prayer. This was a man who understood the power and reality of intercessory prayer. He knew that this type of prayer was hard and diligent work. It is a ministry that demands effort and consistency. It takes months sometimes years to see a break through. It is like the long distance runner who paces themselves because they know it is not how you start that matters but how you finish. Many times in fact this type of wrestling in prayer also needs fasting to help it break through. Certain demonic, worldly or human strongholds cannot be broken without the combination of prayer and fasting.
Now what I find fascinating is the three things, Epaphras was praying for them. First, he prayed that they would stand firm in the will of God. It is as if he knew that many times we hear the will of God and then struggle with the carrying out of that will. Or it is also when you know the will of God to be able to stand in that will and stay in that will until it is completed. He is praying for staying power. To not give up to soon or maybe also not staying to long. I believe Moses said, "Lord if your presence does not go before us, I will not go up." I love the phrase, "God's will, will never take you where God's grace cannot keep you.
The second thing is that he prayed that the Colossians would become mature. I find it interesting that maturity has nothing to do with age but mentality. You can have a young person who is mature and an old person who is immature. You can have Christians acting like babies when they have been saved for decades and young Christians who show maturity after only a short period of time. Epaphras wrestled on behalf of the Colossians with God because he knew maturity is the only quality that allows you to stand firm and look at things in the long term. It helps you not to panic or to lose your head when everyone around you is.
The last thing is that the Colossians would live in the full assurance of their faith. I have heard that 90% of Christians struggle with assurance. Momentary doubt is one thing but continual doubt is devastating to the Christian walk. Ephaphras knew that this was a constant pressure for Christians to face and so He pray and wrestled long and hard for His fellow Christians. I believe that God is looking for the Epaphras' of today. I pray that in some way I can learn how to do this like he did.

Your Friend


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