Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Jesus is God.

In John 5:1-47, John reveals some real nuggets of truth.  Jesus claimed in this passage that He was equal with God.  This is a recurring theme in the Book of John.  Jesus is the Word, the Logos, God with a face and the perfect union of the human and the divine.  Jesus taught that the Son is the one who reveals the Father and He will do what the Father has told Him to do.  The writer of Hebrews says that Jesus was obedient to the will of the Father.  John states as well that Jesus was God with a face.  Here we learn that God is going to show men even greater things than what was done on that day.  He would raise people to life.  This was a prophetic promise both physical and spiritual realities.  The Son can give life to whoever He wishes.  The sovereignty of God is both amazing and fearful.  Amazing to those His grace has been given and fearful because it cannot be questioned or understood.  The Son of God is going to be the judge of all.  So honor the Son as you would the Father.  God is the righteous judge because He knows all and sees all.  Nothing can be hid from Him.  He knows the thoughts and intents of the heart.  Live your life so well that the preacher does not have to lie at your funeral and you will not have to fear the judgment of God.  Your promises today are:  Matt 7:21, John 14:15, Acts 5:32, Heb 5:8 and 1 Pet 1:14-15.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Believers are like the devil, but they are not like the devil.  He believes and tremble, they believe and do not.  Believers are people who say they follow God and do not.  Disciples say they follow God and do.

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