Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Being a follower of Christ

In Matt 5:17-20, Jesus taught about His relationship to the law and how the follower of Christ is to respond to the law.  Kingdom living is one of faith and practical application of its principles.  Jesus did not come to do away with the law but to fulfill it.  The law should bring us to Christ.  Jesus fulfilled its requirements.  The law will not be done away until it has fulfilled its purpose.  Its purpose was fulfilled and accomplished in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Disobedience to the law and teaching others to do the same makes an individual the least in the Kingdom.  Jesus dealt with pride and self righteousness in this portion.  If one obeys and teaches others to do likewise will be considered great in the Kingdom.  Obedience is the key in the Kingdom.  Influence is also a key component in the Kingdom.  Then Jesus puts an important statement about righteousness here.  Unless a person is able to out perform the Pharisees and the teachers of the law in acts of righteousness they will not enter the Kingdom.  In a final statement Jesus makes it clear that righteousness is not accomplished through works but through grace.  Jesus also makes it clear that the law had its purpose but the only way to fully merit its demands you must come through Him.  The Kingdom of God is not about works but grace.  Your promises today are:  2 Sam 22:31, Job 13:15, Psalm 25:2, 40:4, Isaiah 12:2 and 1 Thess 2:4.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Men rarely ask the five W's because they associate the first W with either woman or wife.  Man's best effort does not even come close to God's worst mistake if He ever made one.

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