Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May 1 – Moab - Isaiah 25:9-12

 May 1 – Moab - Isaiah 25:9-12


     In that day which means that time where God powerfully and miraculously intervenes in the affairs of man.  In Isaiah’s case it means in the future.  Those who loved and trusted the Lord will say “This our reward for trusting in Him because He saved us.”  They will rejoice and be glad in the fact that they trusted in Him and His salvation.” 

     Moab will be trampled down in that day like straw.  They will be stretch out their hands like a swimmer.  This is a direct reference to what kind of judgment they will face.  Moab suffered under the Assyrians but also the Romans.  The principles sin was pride, and they were good at their cleverness, and deception.  Their walls will be destroyed and be ground down into dust.  This speaks to the fact that Moab will be destroyed and never be heard of again with did happen.  This shows the contrast between the righteous and unrighteous and their future.

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