Tuesday, March 22, 2022

March 22, - Devotion on Ephesians

 March 22, - Devotion on Ephesians


Eph 4:14:   14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming


   In Vs 14, Paul continues his diatribe on the function of the fivefold ministry.  The goal is that we no longer be infants.  We give up the milk of the word and feast on the meat.  There is a time for milk but as we cut our spiritual teeth and mature we need solid food and doctrine.  The problem with infants is that they can be exploited and manipulated.  Paul uses the illustration of being tossed too and fro like a wave or being blown by every wind of doctrine.  When you are young in the Lord you trust and believe everything you hear and read.  However, it may be true.  The fivefold ministry is designed to help us navigate the early stages of our Christian development.      Paul makes it clear that there are people who will exploit our gullibility for their own means and advantage.  They do it through cunning, clever, and deceitful scheming.  These are tools of the devil.  He comes to rob kill and destroys.  Paul makes it clear that these people are deliberate in their approach and method.  They are selfish, vain, and deceitful.  They take advantage so they can gain power, prestige, disciples, and money.   They are led, inspired and directed by the devil even though they would not admit it.

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