Saturday, March 2, 2019

Letter to David

Hello David

     I have decided to put my thoughts on prayer onto paper and share with you what I have learned about this wonderful exercise.  Prayer is something that all major religions in the world do.  The difference between other religions and their exercises of prayer and Christianity is the object of prayer.  Other religions are praying to ancient demons and satan himself.  Jews and Christians pray to the Lord.  The Christian prays through Jesus Christ and we are aided in this by the Holy Spirit. 
     In the Bible the first mention of prayer is in Gen 4:26.  It states that Seth had a son and his name was Enosh which means “human being”.  It says that after he was born that mankind started calling on the name of the Lord.  They began to pray and seek after God. 
     Prayer is communication with God.  Wikipedia says prayer is, an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship, typically a deity, through deliberate communication. Prayer for the Christian is a desire to build a relationship with God.  Jesus did this to perfection because He wanted to do the will of His Father.  Jesus was a master of prayer and in a later letter I will look at the prayer life of Jesus.  To me prayer is a time of communion and building our relationship with God. 
     Prayer in the ancient times of Genesis would lead to men who stood out in their generations.  Prayer does the same today.  When we become people of prayer we stand among those in our world.  In a world of prayerlessness when you pray you are doing that so many are not doing.  It has been said that the average Christian will 3-5 minutes and the average pastor will pray about 12 minutes.  This is one of reasons we do not see mighty moves of God, 
     In the ancient times we do not know how many or how long the ancient worshippers of Genesis prayed but the fact that they did was noted by the writer of Genesis.  If the men of Seth days called on the Lord.  We should be even more today.  They did not have the same access that we have.  We have the Holy Spirit to aid us.  We come in Jesus name and through Him we can change our world.  My prayer is that people of our generation will call on the name of the Lord.  That our prayer life will noteworthy and those around us we be impacted by it.   

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