Thursday, July 13, 2017

1 John 5:16-21 – John’s Final Words – June 8, 2008

This is my second last message from the book of 1 John, thank you for your patience and attention during this series.  What to we do when a person is known to be sinning and how we must be in the restoration process.

If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he should pray and God will give him life.  I refer to those who sin does not lead to death.  There is a sin that does not lead to death, I am not saying that he should pray about that.  All wrongdoing is sin and here is a sin that does not lead to death.

1.  John is now closing his letter.  He has addressed wrong teaching, how to love, what
     Overcomes fear, how to defeat the devil, the divinity and humanity of Christ and so
     Many other subjects.  He has kept it simple, succinct and short.

a. The first thing he deals with is what to do with a fellow believer who is has sinned.
     John here talks about sins that lead to death and do not lead to death in these two
     Verses.  Scholars have wrestled with this question for centuries.  They have listed
     Discussed and categorized them.  I am not going to do that today.  I want to focus
     On John’s exhortation of what you should do when you come across someone caught
     In a sin.
b.  John says, we should pray for them.  The promise John gives her is that God Himself
     Will speak to them and give them life.  The Holy Spirit is a much better convincer of
     Sin than we are.  What we are doing is praying for divine intervention in their life
c.  James says in James 5:19-20,  “if a brother wanders from the truth, we are to try and
     Bring them back.  This will save them from death and a multitude of sins.” 
d.  Paul writes in Gal 6:1, that if anyone is caught in a sin or fault, they should be restored
     Gently by spiritual people.  The only warning Paul gives is to be wise and careful so
     You will be not tempted.  Either by their sin or sympathize to excuse what they have
     Done by your compassion for them.  In Gal 6:2, Paul says when we carry the burdens
     Of others we are fulfilling the law of Christ, which is to love our neighbour as
e.  John speaks of sin that leads to death and those that do not .  James in James 4:17, says
    That when we know what to do is right and we do no do it, it is sin.  That is pretty clear.
    The underlying principle is that when someone sins our main responsibility as
     Believers is not exposing and humiliating them but restoration, love, forgiveness and
     Help.  I have discovered in my ministry that people caught in sin are already beating
     Them selves up enough without me making it worse. 
f.  Remember each person needs security.  We must help them know God is their
    Security.  God provides forgiveness and love.  Each person needs personal worth, we
    Must let them know we have no rejected them but love them in Christ and still believe
    In God’s ability to restore and rebuild their lives.  Lastly each person needs
    Significance.  Remember sin has hurt them, blinded them and the devil has exploited
    Them.  So you need to be there to help them see this is not the end but a chance for a
    New beginning and stronger relationship in the Lord. 

2.  I want to remind you on how Jesus saw people.  He did not see Mary Magalene as  
     Fallen but as a trophy of grace.  She became part of the early church.  She was at the
     Garden tomb the morning Jesus rose.  She was one of the first that saw Jesus in his
     Resurrected form.

a.  Jesus went and singled out Zaccheus the tax collector in Jericho.  He went to his house
    Had a meal and Zaccheus made a promise to pay back anyone he cheated 4 fold.  Don’t
    You wish Revenue Canada would do that.
b.  The woman caught in the act of adultery.  Jesus did not condemn when others wanted
     To stone her.  He didn’t condone what she did either.  He said,” Neither do I condemn
     You sin no more.
c.   Jesus revealed true worship and the nature and essence of God to a Samaritan woman
     Who had five husbands and the man she was living with was not her husband.  His
     Acceptance allowed her to tell others and he ministered in Samaria and she was
     Restored.  This visit would be a foundation for the Samaritan revival that would
     Happen under Phillip 8 years later.  I believe that woman was there at the beginning.
d.  Jesus’ reaction when the fallen woman came to anoint him with expensive oil and
     Wipe his fight with her hair and tears.  When she was criticized he rebuke those who
     Did and said what she did would be written about and known for all time and it has.
e.  Jesus prayed for Peter and when he denied the Lord, Jesus restored him and he was
    Was a pillar of the early church.  Talk about Mike Warnke and the guy in his boot
    Camp room.

3.  John I have learned from my study of him was all about restoration, love acceptance
     And forgiveness.  Some people have accused me of being to liberal, to open, to loving
     On this issue.  I would rather error on the side of grace then be found on the side of
     Law and condemnation.  I know I have needed it from time to time. 

a.  This was a decision that Lois and I took when we started in the ministry 30 years ago.
     There was a book called, Love acceptance and forgiveness by Jerry Cook.  It became
     Our life course.  It has not been easy but it has had many rewards. 
b.  We have seen many lives restored in the process.  There have of course but failures   
     But the successes have outweighed the failures many times over.
c.  We must help others to see, that life is more than just being happy but to please God.
     That freedom comes in offering ones life as a sacrifice to God and being of service to
      Others.  John here was trying to get his audience to understand that we must help
      Others to be free to better worship and serve God. 
d.  One of the prevalent themes of this book was love for one another.  In 1 Jn 1:9, John
     Wanted us to know we can be forgiven of any sin and that God has already accepted
      Us and approves of us. 
e.   John as well through this book wanted his readers to know that they were perfect in
     the sight of God through Jesus.  So in return we would want to live a life that pleases
f.  The theme here in these two verses is how to deal with a sinful brother.  Number 7 of
     the 8 themes of the last chapter.

g.  When I was studying these verses I saw where sin had been defined.  But I felt that
     God wanted us to go this direction.  He wants us to know that our basic needs of
     Security, significance and personal worth can be met through Him.  Without Him the
     Highest need will never be meet, this will lead to seeking power and pleasure.  Lastly
     He wants us to know that all long term goals and plans will fail without Him.  Without
     Him man will be violent, arrogant and immoral.  We as the church have the greatest
     Message of love and restoration.  John was its greatest promoter.  Let us in turn follow

     His example and restore. 

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