Saturday, May 13, 2017

On the winning side

2 Kings 6:16 – On the Winning Side

Intro:  It is again a privilege to share the word of God with you.  Today we will be looking at the book of 2 Kings...  Our lessons today are from the life of Elisha, the double portion prophet and 2 Kings

Don’t be afraid, the prophet answered, “Those that are with us are more than those who are with them.


-  Every plan of the Arameans against Israel had failed.  They found out Elisha told the
    King of Israel what was spoken even in the king of Syria bedroom.
-  Sent troops to capture Elisha when found out he was Dothan.  Surrounded the city.
-  Servant of Elisha saw the troops and horses and panicked. 
-  Elisha made this statement and then prayed the servant’s eyes would be opened.  He
   Saw the hills around filled with horses and chariots of fire. 

1.  With the Lord on our side we will always win the war.  I John 4:4, James 4:7,
     Is 41:10
2.  We have divine protection in all aspects of life.  Ps 34:7, tells the angels of the Lord
     Camp around those that fear Him and He delivers them all.  Ps 91:4 tells us the Lord
     Is our refuge, shield and ramparts.  Zech 2:5 says He is a wall of fire around us.
     Jesus stated in Luke 21:8 that not even a hair on our heads will perish.
3.  The Lord has already provided the victory.  1 John 3:8.  Daniel found that in the
     Lion’s den, the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace and Elisha found it here.
4.  This battle is fought through Spiritual means.  2 Cor 10:4.  It fought is with prayer,
     Word of God, binding and loosing, putting on the whole armour of God.  Staying
     Connected with God, being obedient, faithful and purity.
5.  Examples from this book are how the famine was lifted off of Samaria because Lord
     Causes the Syrians hear the sound of a great army.  An angel of the Lord killed
     185,000 Assyrian soldiers. 
6.  As they came Elisha struck them with blindness, led them to Samaria, open their eyes
     And when the King of Samaria wanted to kill them, Elisha instructed them to be fed
     And then returned to Syria.  Results attacks on Israel stopped for a while.
The book of 2 Kings as we learn this morning covers a time of Ahaziah to Zedekiah.  It talks about the two nations of Israel and Judah.  The four others lessons I want to leave with you are simple.

In times of great apostasy, God always raises up His spokesman.  There was Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Amos.  God today is speaking.  He is using, David Wilkerson, John Hagee, John Bevere, and Tommy Tenney to name a few.  What is He saying?   Return to the Lord, seek His face, don’t squander this day of grace, His time is very close, keep your oil lamps full, pray fervently and without ceasing, be diligent in all things and keep your eyes on Him.   
There was the witness of the prophets but the Kings and the people chose to ignore them and so they reaped the results of their apostasy. 

Pray for our nation that we do not forget about God and end up like Israel and Judah.
2 Chron 7:14 is the key.  Prov 14:34, tells us it is righteousness that exalts a nation.  When God had given them sufficient time to repent, He poured out His judgment.  This book teaches us to be people of spiritual discernment.  Any nation that forgets God will be put down unless it turns back to Him.

Rulers often decide the spiritual condition of a nation or show the spiritual condition of a nation.  Canada has had very few good spiritual leaders.  Mackenzie King was a spiritualist, Pearson, abolished prayer and the bible from schools, Trudeau allowed, abortion, Chretien allowed homosexual marriages and some forms of euthanasia. This reflects the moral decay of our nation.  Our current Prime Minister claims to be a Christian and his support for Israel has proven that.  That is why we must pray for Him.
I pray for God’s grace, that we don’t get another leader like we deserve.  Israel and Judah
Are our examples.  The Northern Kingdom never had a godly king... Judah fared better but ultimately they were destroyed because the kings and people forgot about God.

Making alliances with the world will only lead to destruction.  Make an alliance with God and live in peace through His Son Jesus Christ.  We learn through the examples Jehoahaz against Neco or Zedekiah against the Babylonians.  We learn from Elisha and Hezekiah how an alliance with God will keep you from destruction.  You want to live in peace, get along with everyone all the time and die in victory.  Serve Jesus Christ.  He will give you peace that passes all understanding.  He will help you to walk in love, acceptance and constant forgiveness.  Lastly you know where you are going.  Who is your victory? 

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