Monday, December 26, 2016

The Christmas Celebration

The Christmas Celebration

"Glory To God in the highest, and on earth peace,
good will, toward men."

(Luke 2:14)

Many weeks before the day finally arrives, people begin to celebrate Christmas. There are lights blinking at night in windows, on trees, and on the outside of buildings. There are lots springing up to sell Christmas trees. There is Christmas music in the stores and on the radio. There are thoughts of what to buy, and sales to draw our attention. We are having a time of celebration. But, are we celebrating the right way, or the wrong way?


Many people will make Christmas a time of sinful partying. They will make It a time to drink and Indulge In sinful activity that may end in tragedy. Fleshly indulgence Is not the right way to celebrate the Lord s birthday. Certainly, the person who drinks and drives may end up killing someone or killing himself. Don t drink strong drink to celebrate Christmas. Let the Holy Spirit lift your spirit in true and lasting happiness this Christmas by realizing the true meaning of Christmas.

Here are the lyrics from a song sang  in 1928 by Leroy Carr

“On the twenty-fifth of December, 1928 it’s a national issue of heaven to the world that it’s Jesus’s birthday.
Some people use the wrong way to celebrate Christmas day.
Some people who work every day and draws good money every pay and here is what the same people said I wanna spend my money and have my way.
Some people use the wrong way to celebrate Christmas day.
While the church is praying on Christmas Day other people are roaming the streets and drinking their soul away.
Some people use the wrong way to celebrate Christmas day. ”


Christmas is a time to promote peace on earth. May we pray that the weapons of war will be laid down, and the billions of dollars being used to kill people and to destroy homes may be used to feed the hungry, to put clothes on the poor homeless and starving millions, and to furnish housing that will bring them In out of the cold and rain and snow. This is the "good will" that honors and pleases Jesus. Remember, It Is the Lord 's birthday we are celebrating.

1.        Spread cheer. When you hear Christmas songs, instead of being grumpy smile and whistle along. Being cheerful during the Christmas season really will help in spreading Christmas spirit to those around you, plus it helps you enjoy it more too.  Remember it is about peace on earth and good will to all men.
2.       Enjoy your country’s Christmas traditions. Let yourself be a kid again and enjoy Christmas.  We all have our traditions let us embrace and enjoy them.

3.       Decorate your house for Christmas. The possibilities for decorating are nearly endless.
Buy and decorate a Christmas tree. Go with your family to your local Christmas tree farm to cut your own or head to a lot selling pre-cut Christmas trees. Pick out a Christmas tree that fits your house. After you’ve gotten your tree situated, wrap it in lights and begin hanging the ornaments. Don’t forget to water it occasionally and safeguard it from pets!
You can decorate your tree with family heirloom ornaments .  It’s really up to you--be as creative or traditional as you like.
4.        Join up with friends and family. For many people, Christmas is about gathering with friends and   family to enjoy each others company and celebrate the holiday. Take advantage of this time to reconnect with friends and family. Create your own traditions or celebrate with the traditions that have been passed down in your family.  Invite your friends or family over for Christmas dinner. Make it a potluck if you want to keep expenses (and the workload) manageable. The important thing is just to get together with people you love and make the winter a little warmer by sharing the warmth of caring with them. Consider making a traditional Christmas dinner complete with roast turkey, or create your own traditions by branching out and making whatever you want!
5.       Go Christmas Caroling, watch Christmas movies, do a generous act, make gifts yourself, so something outdoor as a family.


When we celebrate Christmas in the right way, we bring glory and honor to God. The angels said, "Glory to God in the highest," and our greatest ambition should be to glorify God in all our activities at Christmas. Then, we should be sure to keep Jesus Christ at the center in our celebrations. Many times, too much attention Is given to Santa Claus and decorations. Christmas is all about Jesus, our only Savior.

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