Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Jesus tells of His death

Jesus tells of His death – Matt 16:21-26, Mark 8:31-37 & Luke 9:22-25

                Jesus warns His disciples to not tell anyone of this event until after He has risen from the dead.  Jesus then tells of His death and the cost that must be made to be His followers. 

1.       Jesus would suffer much at the hands of the priest, scribes and elders.  He would die and then rise on the third day.
2.       If anyone wants to follow Christ, they must be willing to deny themselves, pick up their cross and follow Him.’
3.       Whoever wants to save their own life will lose it but the one that loses their life for Christ’s sake will find it.  If we are ashamed of Christ he will be ashamed of us.
4.       Jesus is coming back in the glory of His angels and at this time all things shall be revealed.  Jesus said that some who were standing in that place would not taste death.
5.       Peter tried to rebuke Jesus but Jesus saw it was satan and Peter had the mind of men and not the mind of Christ.  Jesus wants all human kind to speak on His behalf in this terrible time.
6.       Jesus said that when He comes back, people will be rewarded for all the things they done.  All awhile we must be doing what Jesus wants us to do.

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