Saturday, April 18, 2015

Move in the Lord

Move in the Lord – One Hundred and Nine

     When we praise the Lord we release an attitude of the heart expressed.  There is nothing quite like praising the Lord.  It frees the Spirit and soul like nothing else.  You are praising the God of heaven.  You are releasing your spirit to reconnect with the one who created it.  Praising the Lord is allowing the inner man to soar in a way unimaginable.  The new way to praise the Lord is called Halell.  This means to rave and boast about what the Lord has done.  Paul said, “I shall boast about what the Lord has done.”  What has the Lord done?  He has given you salvation, healing and deliverance.  He has given you eternal and abundant life.  He has given you the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit.  He has given you all the benefits of heaven.  These things that have been mentioned are just of the few things that you should rave and boast about in the Lord.  The Lord is the one who created you and has given you each breathe that you take.  The Bible says that God formed man out of the dust of the earth and then breathed into us the breath of life.  He gave the mental capacity of speech and thinking.  With our mouth we should declare, “Praise the Lord.” 
     There is a modern song that says, “Look what the Lord has done.”  What has the Lord done for you?  The hymn says, “Count your many blessing, name them one by one and you will be surprised by what the Lord has done.”  Being thankful gives you a point of reference when it comes to praising the Lord.  Taking a little inventory from time to time will help you see the Lord’s faithfulness.  He has been faithful and by counting your blessings you will see that. 

     There are physical ways in which we should praise the Lord.  There is the clap, the shout, the rave and boast but how about the dance.  There is nothing that frees the toes and legs like a good dance before the Lord.  Moving in the Holy Spirit sets your heart and feet to dancing. David danced before the Lord.  Now of course you are going to get the critic and the cynic who are going to try and stop you but remember you are not doing it for them.  You are doing for the Lord so dance and praise His name.  Be wild, have fun but praise the Lord and again I say Praise the Lord.  

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