Saturday, April 18, 2015

`Dry Bones

`Dry Bones – One Hundred and Sixteen

     In Ezekiel 37 the Lord gives us a powerful demonstration of valley of dry bones and how speaking forth brings dead things to life.  The church today is much like the valley of dry bones.  They are little patches of life but in most cases in western Christianity it needs to come back to life.  This can happen when men of women who know their God will once again speak forth God`s word.  The question the Lord gave to Ezekiel was, “Can these bones live?  He answered only you know.  Wrong answer.  God wants these dry bones to live.  He wants His church to come back to life.  Joel 2:28 is His promise.  The Lord is going to pour out His Spirit again upon His church but only in places where the Word of God is honored and practiced.  The remnant is once again being called.  If you are in a place where the Word of God is watered down or not preached with clarity, confidence and power, flee that place.  Its candlestick has been removed and all who go there are dying even though they live.  Their leaders are dead men walking.  They are leading the blind into greater darkness. 
     The Lord is looking for people who preach with power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  What made the church so powerful in the first century was that they were full of faith and the Spirit.  Too many of my people are full of education, science and religion.  It is time for those who know their God to speak again to the dry bones.  Yes, believe it not some of those churches will come alive once more but only after their leaders have repented or have been removed.  If your pastor does not preach the Word of God with power and clarity move from that place to a Bible believing church.  If your church has accepted people who are living in sin and refuse to repent of it and expect you to accept their lifestyle because it is culturally acceptable flee that place for it has become a seat of satan. 
     There are people who are being raised up to speak God’s word in this final generation.  The Valley of Dry Bones is about to live again.  There is coming one more great revival and outpouring of the Spirit.  Be part of it.  You can live once again.  Pray that your pastor and church leaders live again.  This Sunday go to your church and proclaim life once again in your church and it can live.  Otherwise I will write Ichabod on its door and my glory will leave and all that will be left is man and satan. 


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