Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Confidence will be greatly Rewarded

7 steps of the over comer

Seven steps of an Over comer – 1 John 4:4-6

1.  The privilege of eating from the tree of life.  Rev 2:7
2.  A new name.  Rev 2:17
3.  Authority.  Rev 2:26
4.  Robes of Righteousness.  Rev 2:35
5.  A memorial pillar   Rev 3:2
6.  Enthronement.  Rev 3:21
7.  An eternal inheritance.  Rev 21:7

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Holy Spirit is inside

Holy Spirit is Inside – 1 John 4:4-6

    The second truth is that child of God or the devil, have to masters either God or the Devil.   Those of God; however have the great advantage of having the Holy Spirit Living inside them.  The third truth is that we are overcomes.  Rev 2 & 3 reveal the rewards of the Over comer.  First, what are the characteristics of an overcome?   An overcomer refuses to quit, is faithful, obedient, courageous, willing to take direction, counsel and guidance, listen to orders, humble, when knock down gets up and trusts in God.  They always get up after getting knock down because they know if they quit the devil has won.

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Redeemer LIves

Isaiah 59:20-21

The Redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins declares
     The Lord. Is 59:20  Isaiah sees a time when the Lord will come to Zion which s the
     Place where the glory of God is.  Zion refers to the place where David built his home,
     The tabernacle and then where Solomon built the temple.  In most references is means
     The place where God is worshipped.
a.  Isaiah also saw it as a place where those in Jacob would repent of their sins.  A
    Place where forgiveness would be asked and received.  Today we live in a time where
    As Jesus describes in John 4:24, where we can worship the Lord in Spirit and truth.  A
    Place as Paul says, in Rom 10:9-10, believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths.
    Location is not as important as confessing our sins and knowing that God will forgive
    Us as John states in 1 John 1:9
b.  I love the time period we live in.  Repentance is so easy, yet powerful and effective.
    Believe, confess, renounce you sins and receive forgiveness.  It amazes me that    
    Mankind refuses it, complicates it or procrastinates when t comes to this wonderful
    Gift.  Or that His church finds it so hard to share it with others.   As the temple of the
    Holy Spirit this next verse is so wonderful

Thursday, September 25, 2014

You got something to share

I saw the Lord

Is 59:20-21

Isaiah was known as a man who had an incredible relationship with God.  He was
    A man of prayer and a scholar of the word.  An entire version of his book is on display
    In Jerusalem.

a.  When King Uzziah died Isaiah saw the Lord, high and lifted up and His train filled the
    Temple.  It was then he saw he was a man of unclean lips and dwelt in a land of
    People with unclean lips.  He repented of this and had coals off the altar of God that
    Cleansed of that.  He volunteered at that time to speak to the people on God’s behalf.  
    Which he did for decades until his death at the hands of King Manasseh.
b.  This relationship now brings us to our scripture today.  This is a promise given to

     Israel but has application for us today.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Who is God looking for

Matt 16:13-20

Upon men like Peter the Lord will build his church.  Men who God has shown the truth of Jesus Christ and they stand upon that.  The gates of hell will not prevail, overcome or destroy the church.  We win, conquer, overcome and have victory. No demon, worldly influence and fleshly opponent will defeat us.

We have the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.  Righteous, peace, joy and love.  Keys in those days represent power and authority.  We have the power and authority to do the works of Christ.  We are His ambassadors and representatives and we can continue His work.   

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Peter Declares Jesus is Lord

Matthew 16:13-20
Peter Declares That Jesus Is the Messiah
13 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”
14 They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”
15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter,[a] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[b] will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[c] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[d] loosed in heaven.”20 Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Lord will be with always

7 Secret of a Victorious Life

Seven Secrets of Victorious Living - Gal 5
1.  Stand fast in the liberty of the gospel and renounce all law keeping.  Gal 5:1-3
2.  Maintain justification in grace and obey the truth.  5:4-15
3.  Walk in the Spirit.  Vs 16-17
4.  Be led by the Spirit.  Vs 17
5.  Crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts.  Vs 19-21 & 24
6.  Demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit in daily life.  Vs 22-23

7.  Live in the Spirit.  Vs 25-26

Friday, September 19, 2014

Time to reconnect

Stay in your present state

Stay in your present state – 1 Cor 7:27-28

Vs 27 – He follows the same rational as in previous verses.  If you are pledge to be married then follow through with that commitment.  If you are not married then do not sake a wife.  Stay in your present state whatever it may be.  Marriage is great place to be as is being a bachelor.  

Vs 28 – Whatever state they find themselves they have not sinned but married couples face many trials and problems in life and Paul just to spare them from this.  Paul had been for a long period time as a widower and he saw the benefit of it.  His whole devotion and time could be focused on the Lord and His work.  Yet married couple have the promise that a two or three fold cord can not be broken.  Married couples are two people standing against the world instead of one.  Solomon said when you are alone you may not be able to stand up but with someone with you.  You will.  

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Days are evil

The Days are evil – 1 Cor 7:25-26

Vs 25 – Paul has advice for the those who are not married.  He says that this is not a command of the Lord but a judgment, suggestion or piece of advice.  He believes that by God`s mercy what he shares can be taken trustworthy.  Paul believes that his advice can be trusted because he has spent many years serving and perfecting his thoughts.  

Vs 26 – Paul view of the world is much like of today.  The days are evil and short so a person should remain unmarried if they have been.  The crisis Paul is also talking about was the persecution the Christians were facing under Nero.  Persecution is a reality no matter who we are and where we live.  It comes in many forms and faces. When you are married you always have as a concern your family.  This can be a tool used by the enemy to derail faith.  So keep your family in prayer and cover them with protection of the Lord.  You have God’s promises so stand on them and be strong for the Lord.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

promise for your children

Salvation costs everything

Salvation costs everything – 1 Cor 7:23-24

Vs 23 – Paul once again re-emphasizes the fact that the price for your salvation cost Christ everything.  So never become a slave to human beings.  Never let the opinions of the ungodly influence your relationship with Christ.    There are many voices in the world calling for your attention promising you hollow and dangerous things.  Be free in Christ and stay free.
Vs 24 – Paul called them brothers and sisters in Christ.  Each person is responsible to God.  The first priority of the Christian is to Christ first and then everything comes second.  They were to remain in whatever situation they were in when God called them.  This is a direct challenge to the Gnostics who were advocating certain spiritual practices that led them to classify themselves as special advocates of truth.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Water Baptism

True Freedom

True Freedom

Vs 21 – If they were a slave when they called don’t let it trouble you.  Although it you can gain your freedom you should try.  Interesting side note.  Historians tell us that about 80% of the early converts to Christ were salves.  The early message of the church was that Christ could set them free.  When you are in physical slavery the promise of eternal freedom and spiritual freedom is very appealing.

Vs 22 – Paul alludes to this now.  He says the slave who called to faith in the Lord is actually the Lord’s free person.  Likewise the one who is called into the faith who was free is now the Lord’s slave.  The Lord offers freedom from all issues of life but to become truly free you must be willing to give up all to follow Christ and be His slave.  His Lordship in your life is the key.  Who the Son sets free is free indeed.

Monday, September 15, 2014

God's will

God’s will counts – 1 Cor 7:19-20

Vs 19 – Paul puts this issue in its place in a simple and precise manner.  This issue is nothing.  It has become something but it really is nothing.  Keeps God’s command is what counts.  Samuel said that obedience is greater than any sacrifice.  Obedience is the key to opening God’s blessing.       Andrew Murray called it being in Christ’s School of Obedience.
Vs 20 – Paul tells his readers to remain in whatever situation they find themselves in when God called them.   He was encouraging them to be a light where they were.  There is a picture of a tree planted on a cliff.  It seems to almost falling out of the cliff but it is fresh and green.  The caption below is, “Grow where you are planted and prosper.  Let this be your thought for today.

Friday, September 12, 2014

What true marriage is all about!

General Advice

General Advice – 1 Cor 7:12-14

Vs 12-13 – Paul then gives advice to the church in general.  It is advice and not the Lord’s.  If a man or woman has an unbelieving spouse and they wish to remain in the marriage than the Christian should not divorce them.

Vs 14 – This is such a great verse.  The unbelieving spouse is sanctified by the believing spouse.  God looks at them with favor and the promise of Acts 16:31 is in place.  Not only shall we be saved but our household as well.  You cannot have influence over an unbelieving spouse unless you are still married.  Paul says the reason to remain in this condition is for the sake of the children.  They are sanctified as well and not unclean in any way.  As we are holy so our children and spouses but our association with them have been made holy in the sight of the Lord.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Do not separate

Do not Separate – 1 Cor 7:10-11

Vs 10 – Paul then gives a command of the Lord and not his opinion.  The married must not separate from each other.   Genesis 2 states that a man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife.  Corinth was a place of easy morals and short term commitments.  The church is the role model and example for all to see.  It is easy to divorce it is not easy to stay together.     

Vs 11 -  If they separate  they should remain unmarried or they should be reconciled.  Paul makes it clear that a man should not divorce his wife.  Paul took this position because in most cases it is the man who strays from the marriage vows first.  Paul wants the marriage to sacred and something to be treasured.  In modern day marriage ceremonies we make vows before God and people.  These vows should be the foundation of our commitment to our spouses.  They are protection from the easy out.  

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Advice to unmarried

Advice to the Unmarried – 1 Cor 7:8-9

Vs 8 - Paul then gives advice to the unmarried and widows.  It is his advice not the Lord’s.  He tells them to remain unmarried like he is.  This way they can dedicate themselves fully to the Lord and His work.
Vs 9 – He then tells them that if they cannot control themselves it is best for them to marry then burn with passion.  Uncontrolled passion is a doorway toward immorality.  Paul also knew the many temptations that Corinth offered.  It is best not to tempt oneself.   Christian conduct is best served in the context of marriage if passion is the issue.  God wants us to live in peace.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A gift from God

A gift from God – 1 Cor 7:6-7

Vs 6 – Paul makes it clear that the advice he is giving is a concession and not a command.  It is strictly advice and one that can to obeyed or ignore.  Paul knew that his world view had limitations and so he is conceding that what he is giving it his view and it was not a command.

Vs 7 – Paul wishes that they all could be like him.  He had chosen to remain celebate.  This was a personal decision.  We do know that at one time Paul had a wife but what happened to her we do not know.  Each person has their own gift from God.  So each should be established in their own mind what is the best course of action for them.  Faith is a personal decision one that cannot be dictated by another or it has become spiritual bondage.  Paul as a bachelor was free to travel where he wanted, where he wanted and why he wanted to be there.  Married people cannot do that.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Claude Sevingy shares at Cornerstone

Claude Sevingy shares at Cornerstone

The blood of Jesus gives authority

The blood of Jesus gives authority

Proper Responsibility

Proper Responsibility – 1 Cor 7:3-5

Vs 3 – Both partners in a marriage should be fulfilling their marital responsibilities to each other.  This prevents immorality and frustration.
Vs 4 - Each person in the marriage does not have authority over each other’s body.  Each yields this control to the other in submission and love.  It is mutual love and admirable for each other.  

Vs 5 – The only time that a willing fast from sexual relationship is permitted is when both agree to set aside time to devote to prayer.  Then when the time period is over come they need to come back together again.  This way satan is not able to tempt them because of their lack of self control.  Paul understood the power of sex and he knew that without the Lord and mutual consent there was an opportunity for adultery.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Commentary of the Bible - Robert Dean Steel - Genesis 4

Genesis 4

1-2 – Adam and Eve have two sons, Cain and Abel.  Adam acknowledges this event came about by the help of the Lord.  Abel kept flocks and Cain tilled the soil. 
3-5 – Cain and Abel brought their offerings.  Abel brought an animal and Cain brought fruits of the soil.  Abel’s was accepted and Cain’s rejected.  It is indicated that both knew what was required, that is indicated in in verse 7, but Cain chose not to do that.  When his offering was rejected he became angry and downcast.
6-7 – At this moment Cain is about to make a decision with eternal consequences.  It also shows here that sin is standing at the door of Cain’s heart wanting control but Cain can master it if he wishes.  His anger caused him to make terrible decision. 
8 – Cain decides to kill his brother.  It is pre-meditative murder.  He takes his brother Abel into the field and kills him. 
9 – God asks Cain where his brother is?  Cain lies and then says, “I am my brother’s keeper.”   Sin always makes us lie and defer blame.
10-12 – God exacts judgment on Cain.  The ground will not yield to his work.  The tiller of the soil loses his most precious possession and the object of his offering becomes the object of his curse.  He is also made a restless wanderer.
13-14 – Cain told God that the punishment was too much for him to bear.  He was being driven from the land.  He knew that he was going to be hidden from the presence of the Lord.  As a restless wanderer his own relatives would later find him and kill him.  Cain was being driven from all he knew and was familiar.  Punishment is never easy and repentance after the fact is common.  We are not so sorry for what we have done but being caught.
15-16 – God gracious put a mark on Cain that anyone who attacked him would suffer many times over.  So no one was able to kill him and Cain and went to live in a land called Nod which was east of Eden.
17-18 – Cain with his wife had child name Enoch and right after that Cain built a city.  Enoch had Irad, then Irad had Mehujael, then Mehujael fathered Methusael and he became the father of Lamech. 
19-24 – We have the story of Lamech.  He married two women, Adah and Zillah, Adah gave birth to Jabel who was father of the tent dwellers who raised livestock.  He had a brother name Jubal who fathered all those who played musical instruments.  Zillah had two children. Tubal Cain who was a tool maker and Zillah`s daughter’s name was Naamah.  Lamech told his wives that he had killed a man for wounding him.  He then said, Cain was avenged seven times but I will be avenged seventy time seven.   Lamech as saying that his wrath would be many fold more than Cain`s. 

25-26 – Adam and Eve had another son named Seth which each said was her replacement for Abel.  Seth in turn had a son named Enosh.  It was during Seth’s time that people began to call on the name of the Lord.  Godly leadership always produces Godly people.  A time of violence came to an end with Seth and a time of righteousness had begun.  Seth helped undo the wrong of Cain. 

Blood of Jesus removes sin

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Blood of Jesus makes us holy

The Blood of Jesus makes us holy

Godly Mothers 3

Godly Mothers – Titus 2:3-5

    This is the third day I am talking about godly mothers.  Here is more advice. This is in contrast to the ungodliness of our world where personal happiness is placed above every other priority. Godly Mothers in an Ungodly World love their husbands.  Love Your Children.  Loving our children does not mean: Giving them everything they want; Making sure that they keep up with the world; Make their own religious decisions.  Loving children requires:  Discipline. Proverbs 23:13-14 "Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die. Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death." Discipline is a sign of love.  Instilling the Christian world view.  Teaching them to love Jesus Christ.  Caring for their spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.  Godly mothers are rare jewels and every Christian mother should strive towards this.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Commentary of the Bible - By Robert Dean Steel

Genesis 3

1 – We are introduced to the serpent.  It was more crafty than any of the creatures God has made.  It talked to the woman.   We know that satan by other passages of scripture was inhabiting the serpent and giving it the ability of speech.  Must have been quite a surprise when the woman heard the serpent speak.  He said, “Did God really say, You must not eat from any tree in the garden.”  Planting seeds of doubt and deception in mind to distrust God is a common ploy of evil.
2-3 – The woman tells the serpent that they can eat of any tree in the garden but not the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden.  If they do they will die.
4-5 – Immediately the serpent counter acts the command of God and says they will not die.  He then says that their human eyes will be opened and they will be like God knowing good and evil.  This is again any plot of evil.  The same lie the demons fell for.  They wanted to be God and they now want God’s greatest creation to fall like they did.
6-7 – The woman saw the fruit was good, pleasing to eye and also desirable to gain wisdom so she ate it.  She then gave it to her husband who we learn was with her at the time and He ate it.  This shows Adam’s not only participated but willingly engaged in disobedient behaviour.  He was there when the serpent said all this.  Their eyes became open and they realized their nakedness and they tried to cover it with fig aprons.  You cannot cover sin with human efforts.  Only the blood Jesus Christ can truly cleanse from sin.
8-9 – They heard God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.  Obviously a representation of God though we do not know in what form God came.  They hid from Him and God called to them.  Two things of note; God had a wonderful friendship with man before this incident and He showed himself in some form to man until the fall. 
10-11 – Man responded by telling God four things.  I heard you, I was afraid, I am naked and I hid from you.  God says, “who told you that you were naked.”  Then God asks the man a pointed question, “Did you eat from the tree I commanded you not to eat from?”
12-13 – This immediately brings about the blame game.  The man blames the woman and the woman blames the serpent.  Since the fall mankind generally does not take the blame for their own actions.
14-15 – Judgment is immediate and severe.  The serpent is cursed to crawl on the ground.  They will be warfare between its seed and hers.  The woman’s seed will one day crush its head and the serpents will bruise his heel.  Two thoughts.  First, this scripture talks about Jesus Christ coming to destroy the works of the devil.  This was a promise of future victory.  Secondly ,it is the seed of the woman.  A woman does not have seed a man does.  Yet this child will be a product of the seed of the woman.  It indicates that this child will have no human father but only a human mother.  A virgin born child which we now know was Jesus Christ.
16 – The woman would face three consequences.  First, she would have much pain in childbirth.  Secondly, her desire would be her husband and lastly man would rule over her.  Not God’s plan but a consequence of sin.
17-19 – Adam face the following consequences.  The ground became cursed because of him.  It will be through pain toil and hard work that he would reap fruitfulness from the soil.  Thorns and thistles became a reality.  Lastly man would die physically and return to the dust as he came. 
20 – Adam named the woman Eve because she became the mother of all living things.

21-24 – God gave Adam and Eve animal skins to cover their nakedness.  Animal sacrifices would become a temporary method to cover man’s nakedness and sin.  Man was then banished from the garden because they had become like God knowing good and evil.  Here we also see the first mention of the pronoun us indicating trinity.  Man was banished as well because if they would have eaten from the tree of life they would have lived forever in sin.  God then drove them out for they were not willing to leave and then he placed a cherubim with a flaming sword to keep man from re-entering.  This sword protected the tree of life.  In this passage angels are first introduced and the tree of life is placed on hold until its re-appearance in the book of revelation.

Blood Brings righteousness

Blood Brings righteousness

Godly Mothers 2

Godly mothers – Titus 2:3-5  
    I am going spend a couple days talking about being a godly mother.  Moms the marriage relationship takes priority. Ephesians 5:22-33 lays down the principles that should govern the home where the husband and wife desire to love each other in the will of God.   When the marriage relationship is a priority.  The wife and husband will be the most fulfilled.  The children will learn how to have successful marriage.   The wife and husband will both be aware of the dangers of placing other pursuits as priorities above the marriage relationship.  Keep your marriage fresh by creative and impromptu outings.  Whenever possible have a date night or a meal together without the kids.  Remember you will not always have the kids around so it important to keep your relationship strong or you will have two strangers living in the same house with nothing to talk about.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Godly Mothers

Godly mothers – Tit 2:3-5

    We hear every day about wicked mothers who do evil things, but I believe most people have good mothers who do their best. No mother is perfect and motherhood is no easy job. Our culture has embraced as its greatest value personal happiness. The dangers of divorce, acceptance of sexual immorality, and a preoccupation with self-fulfilment have taken their toll on the family. While our culture spins out of control and the family unit breaks down, the Bible lifts up the family and exalts the place of the woman in the family. Motherhood is a ministry. It is a ministry of teaching, preparing children to follow God’s pathways, and being an example of the love of Jesus.   To be a good wife Love Your Husband.  Make the marriage relationship is a priority and make sure you keep your priorities straight.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Commentary of the Bible - Genesis 1-2

Genesis One
 1-2 – In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The world at that time was without form and void.  Darkness was over the surface of the deep.   There was water, one of the building blocks of life.  Man cannot live without water.  We see the Spirit of God hovering over the water. 
3-5 – God then spoke and said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.  God saw that the light was good and so He separated light from darkness.  Darkness was night and light was day.  The Jewish thought on light is that it is good and darkness being evil.  This was creation on the first day.
6-8 – On the second day God separated water from sky and this was creation on the second day.
9-10 – God then made land and the seas.  This was His act of creation on the third day,
11-13 – God made vegetation with trees and seed bearing plants, all after their own kind.  This clearly debunks and theories of evolution.   God is the engineer of all creation.  He is the divine master planner.   This was the third day of creation.
14-18 – God then created the sun, moon and stars to help mankind mark time, space, matter and motion.  The sun is the source of heat and light.  The moon governs seas and lunar movement associated with the earth.  The stars were designed for navigation and a reminder of a creator.  This was the fourth day.
20-23 – God made all the living creatures, those in the sea.  He created the birds that fly.  Each after their own kind.  Reality check, you can mix breeds but their offspring is always sterile.  All creatures great and small had one mandate to be fruitful and multiply.    This was the fifth day.
24-25 – God then commanded the land to produce its creatures.  Livestock, wild animals and insects each according to their kind.  God saw that is was good.  All God does and makes is good.  That is why the Psalmist says, “God is good.” 
26 – God made man in His image.  A mental, moral and spiritual likeness of Him.  We are the only creature who has a mind to comprehend and communicate with God in a spiritual manner.  Man’s mandate from the beginning has been dominion and care taker of the earth. 
27 – God created both the male and female of our species in His image.    Man is not an accident of nature or a product of amino acids over a billion years.  We have a divine maker who has eternal and divine plans for us.
28 – This verse us our mandate.  We are to be fruitful, subdue, increase in number and rule over this earth and all its inhabitants.
29-30 – Seed bearing plants and trees that bear fruit is ours for food.  All creatures who hath breath is ours is ours to rule.  Ruler ship and dominion was man’s original mandate.
31- God saw that it was all good and this was the sixth day.  God created the world in six days.  He spoke and it came about.  No wonder Isaiah said, “God honors his word above His name.”  His word brings life.

Genesis 2

1-3 – God institutes the Sabbath.  He rested on the seventh day after He had created all things in six days.  God blessed the seventh day and made it holy and instituted it as a day of rest.  The body is designed for six days of work but it needs to rest and relax. 
4-7 – The full account of how the universe was created has been made.  Shrubs and plants had not sprung up because God had sent rain on the earth.  Streams from the earth came up and watered the ground.  The earth was like a hot house.  Science has confirmed this.  God formed man out of the dust of the earth breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.  Life begins and ends with God.  He is sustainer of life.  God gave us life and we became a living soul.  We are a tri-part being.  We have a body, soul and spirit.  We have a will, intellect and emotions. 
7-8 – God made the Garden of Eden or paradise.  He put man in the garden and He put trees in this garden that were pleasant to the eye and good for food.  In the middle of the garden were two trees.  the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 
10-14 – We get a sense of how large this garden was.  One river was the source of four other rivers.  The Pishon, where the land of Havilah was.  Gold, resin and precious stones were there.  This was a land of great mineral wealth.  The Gihon, which winds through the land of Cush.  The Tigris, which runs along the kingdom of Asshur and the last was the Euphrates.  This garden was hundreds of thousands of miles large.  It would encompass the fertile crescent and much of the middle east.
15 – Man’s mandate in the garden was two fold.  To work and take care of it.         
16-17 – God gave man one commandment.  He was free to eat from any tree in the garden but not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  The consequence of breaking this commandment is that man would die.  Seems simple but this shows that mankind can even foil the simplest of instructions.
18- God saw it was not good for man to be alone so He decided man needed a helpmate.  Woman was always designed to be a help mate not competition or a replacement.  We need each other we were designed to complete each other. 
19-22 – Man was then given the responsibility of naming the animals and whatever name he gave it that was its name.  All living creatures derive their names from man.  No suitable helper was found for Adam.  Here for the first time the audience of Genesis is introduced man’s first name.  His name was given to him by God.  God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and God did major surgery on man and took a rib and formed woman out of his rib.  Woman was formed out of his rib not to be trampled on or to be above but a person of equal value.  God then brought woman to Adam and he said, “wow and vavavoom.”
23-24 – Adam called her woman because she was the bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh.  She was taken out of man and is part of him.  This became the mandate for family.  A man would leave his father and mother and would be united with his wife and they would become one flesh, one unite or family.
25 – Adam and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame.  This was a time of innocence and harmony.  The only time where man and woman were truly equal and happy. 

Redemption through Jesus

Redemption through Jesus

Wonderful Promise

Wonderful Promise – 1 Cor 6:18

Vs 18 – Paul closes off with such a wonderful promise.  I will be a Father to you and you will be my sons and daughters.  Son ship is such a privilege and responsibility.  Paul’s exhortation for purity is a warning that evil association can and will destroy our relationship with God.  Where we spend most of our time becomes our master.  A warning and reality.  So today make it your aim to keep godly company and not pollute yourself with the things of the world.  James says true religion is taking care of the widows and orphans and keeping oneself unpolluted by the world.  A young woman one time was told by her ungodly friends they like her form of Christianity.  They never felt any conviction around her.  She went home and cried out for forgiveness because she had been such a poor witness.  Do the unsaved feel convicted when they are in your presence.  I trust they will.