Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Commentary of the Bible - Genesis 1-2

Genesis One
 1-2 – In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The world at that time was without form and void.  Darkness was over the surface of the deep.   There was water, one of the building blocks of life.  Man cannot live without water.  We see the Spirit of God hovering over the water. 
3-5 – God then spoke and said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.  God saw that the light was good and so He separated light from darkness.  Darkness was night and light was day.  The Jewish thought on light is that it is good and darkness being evil.  This was creation on the first day.
6-8 – On the second day God separated water from sky and this was creation on the second day.
9-10 – God then made land and the seas.  This was His act of creation on the third day,
11-13 – God made vegetation with trees and seed bearing plants, all after their own kind.  This clearly debunks and theories of evolution.   God is the engineer of all creation.  He is the divine master planner.   This was the third day of creation.
14-18 – God then created the sun, moon and stars to help mankind mark time, space, matter and motion.  The sun is the source of heat and light.  The moon governs seas and lunar movement associated with the earth.  The stars were designed for navigation and a reminder of a creator.  This was the fourth day.
20-23 – God made all the living creatures, those in the sea.  He created the birds that fly.  Each after their own kind.  Reality check, you can mix breeds but their offspring is always sterile.  All creatures great and small had one mandate to be fruitful and multiply.    This was the fifth day.
24-25 – God then commanded the land to produce its creatures.  Livestock, wild animals and insects each according to their kind.  God saw that is was good.  All God does and makes is good.  That is why the Psalmist says, “God is good.” 
26 – God made man in His image.  A mental, moral and spiritual likeness of Him.  We are the only creature who has a mind to comprehend and communicate with God in a spiritual manner.  Man’s mandate from the beginning has been dominion and care taker of the earth. 
27 – God created both the male and female of our species in His image.    Man is not an accident of nature or a product of amino acids over a billion years.  We have a divine maker who has eternal and divine plans for us.
28 – This verse us our mandate.  We are to be fruitful, subdue, increase in number and rule over this earth and all its inhabitants.
29-30 – Seed bearing plants and trees that bear fruit is ours for food.  All creatures who hath breath is ours is ours to rule.  Ruler ship and dominion was man’s original mandate.
31- God saw that it was all good and this was the sixth day.  God created the world in six days.  He spoke and it came about.  No wonder Isaiah said, “God honors his word above His name.”  His word brings life.

Genesis 2

1-3 – God institutes the Sabbath.  He rested on the seventh day after He had created all things in six days.  God blessed the seventh day and made it holy and instituted it as a day of rest.  The body is designed for six days of work but it needs to rest and relax. 
4-7 – The full account of how the universe was created has been made.  Shrubs and plants had not sprung up because God had sent rain on the earth.  Streams from the earth came up and watered the ground.  The earth was like a hot house.  Science has confirmed this.  God formed man out of the dust of the earth breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.  Life begins and ends with God.  He is sustainer of life.  God gave us life and we became a living soul.  We are a tri-part being.  We have a body, soul and spirit.  We have a will, intellect and emotions. 
7-8 – God made the Garden of Eden or paradise.  He put man in the garden and He put trees in this garden that were pleasant to the eye and good for food.  In the middle of the garden were two trees.  the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 
10-14 – We get a sense of how large this garden was.  One river was the source of four other rivers.  The Pishon, where the land of Havilah was.  Gold, resin and precious stones were there.  This was a land of great mineral wealth.  The Gihon, which winds through the land of Cush.  The Tigris, which runs along the kingdom of Asshur and the last was the Euphrates.  This garden was hundreds of thousands of miles large.  It would encompass the fertile crescent and much of the middle east.
15 – Man’s mandate in the garden was two fold.  To work and take care of it.         
16-17 – God gave man one commandment.  He was free to eat from any tree in the garden but not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  The consequence of breaking this commandment is that man would die.  Seems simple but this shows that mankind can even foil the simplest of instructions.
18- God saw it was not good for man to be alone so He decided man needed a helpmate.  Woman was always designed to be a help mate not competition or a replacement.  We need each other we were designed to complete each other. 
19-22 – Man was then given the responsibility of naming the animals and whatever name he gave it that was its name.  All living creatures derive their names from man.  No suitable helper was found for Adam.  Here for the first time the audience of Genesis is introduced man’s first name.  His name was given to him by God.  God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and God did major surgery on man and took a rib and formed woman out of his rib.  Woman was formed out of his rib not to be trampled on or to be above but a person of equal value.  God then brought woman to Adam and he said, “wow and vavavoom.”
23-24 – Adam called her woman because she was the bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh.  She was taken out of man and is part of him.  This became the mandate for family.  A man would leave his father and mother and would be united with his wife and they would become one flesh, one unite or family.
25 – Adam and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame.  This was a time of innocence and harmony.  The only time where man and woman were truly equal and happy. 

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