Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Grace is Grace

Grace is Grace – Rom 11:5-6

Vs 5- Paul then reminds His audience that even though the days look bleak there is a remnant of people set aside by the grace of God to serve Him during this time period.  God always has His remnant.

Vs 6 – It is by grace and grace alone that these people are kept.  It is not through the works of man or religion that people are kept for God.  If it was by works, than grace would not be grace.  Grace is undeserved mercy.  Works are works.  The grace of God will keep you where ever the will of God takes you.  Grace is that wonderful place of victory where God through His love extends you an ability to overcome.  Mercy flows with grace and together they help the Christian walk through any problem or situation into God’s rest and healing.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Kept by God

Kept by God – Rom 11:3-4

Vs 3 – Paul continues his expose of Elijah.  Elijah said, “Lord you see how the nation of Israel had killed the prophets and torn down your altars.  I am the only one left and they are trying to kill me.”  Elijah was feeling the loneliness of the situation.

Vs 4 – God then told Elijah that he was not alone.  So often we think we are alone and we are not.  This is a perception the devil wants us to have.  God told him that 7000 people had not bowed their knee to Baal.  They were kept apart by God.  God always has His remnant.  There is always a segment of His people that are totally dedicated.  You may not see them but they are them.  My exhortation for you today is to be part of God’s remnant.  

Monday, April 28, 2014

God will not put away His people

God will not put away His people – Rom 11:1-2

Vs 1 – Paul begins this chapter with a question?  Will God forget or cast away His people?  God forbid.  God will never cast away or leave His people.  Jesus said in Matt 28:20, “He would never forsake or leave us.”  Paul says, “I am of the seed of Abraham from Israel and from the tribe of Benjamin.”

Vs 2 – God is not going to cast away the people He calls as His own.  Paul then asks his audience to recall the story of Elijah when he was praying to the Lord about the people of Israel.   Elijah was a man with many passions and faults but God used him to bring the people to a place of decision.  God sees our many faults but still uses us.  The love He has for us and the blood of Jesus Christ allow His mercy and grace to flow when judgment and wrath should be forth coming.  Bask in God’s love but never take it for granted and keep short accounts with God.

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Great Burden Bearer

n Isaiah 52:12, there is a promise that a Christian will not be in haste or flight.  Wherever we go the Lord will be with us.  He will be on our right hand and He will be our rear guard.  That means the Lord will protect and keep us in what ever stage of life we find ourselves.  There are times of great joy and sadness.  There are times of victory and defeat.  He was with us when we were young and He will be with us when we are old.  He will be with us in times of loss and discouragement.  The Lord will never leave or forsake us.  His constant care is upon us.  Jesus made it very clear in Matt 28:20, that He would never leave or forsake us.  He also gave the invitation in Matt 11:28, to come and lay all our burdens on Him.  He has been called the Great Burden Bearer.  So today lay all your burdens and cares on Him and He will care for you.  He will help you through out whatever you are facing today.  Another very important tuth is that the Lord will always lay you upon someone's heart and they will be praying for you.  God will bring Himself and others in your life as you trust in Him.  So trust Him

You will never be put to shame

You will never be put to shame – Rom 10:11-13

Vs 11 – Paul then quotes Joel 2:32 and Acts 2:31.  Whoever believes in Jesus Christ will never be put to shame.  God will acknowledge and publicly proclaim that we are His children.  There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Vs 12 – All men are equal before God.  Jew and Gentile are on equal footing.  God will bestow His riches and blessing on all who call on Him.  The benefits of heaven are waiting for all who will call on the name of the Lord.

Vs 13 – Paul closes the paragraph with the statement.  All who call of the name of the Lord shall be saved.  The same salvation is offered to all.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Your Confession

The Confession of Faith – Rom 10-8-10

Vs 8 – This is what is being said.  In fact this word is near.  It is in your mouth and in your heart.  It is the word of faith that Paul preaches.  Jesus is the Living Word.  He is the resurrection and the life.  It is His atonement that secured salvation for mankind.  Jesus is the object of our faith.  He is the author and finisher of our faith.  He is the central figure of the gospel that Paul and we preach.
Vs 9 – Then Paul relays how a person can be saved or come into the Kingdom.  If you confess with you mouth the Lord Jesus.  Acknowledge Him as your personal Lord and Savior.  If you believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved.  Salvation based in the finished work of Jesus Christ, your belief and acceptance of that fact.  This is the first step to an eternal and abundant life.  Was a story you will write for the Kingdom of God as you serve Him.

Vs 10 – In your heart you believe and righteousness is imputed to you through the Holy Spirit.  Then with your mouth you confess Jesus’ Lordship and you are saved.  Righteousness comes in the heart by belief and salvation is released through the confession made with the mouth.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Faith comes to the wise

Faith comes to the wise – Rom 10:4-7

Vs 5 – Moses described the righteousness that comes from the law.  When a person decides to follow the law they have to follow it to the letter because if they fail in one part they fail in all parts.
Vs 6 – Paul then brings out that the righteousness that comes by faith and it is given to the wise.  Those who chose to follow Jesus Christ are wise.  Paul then asks another question.  “Who shall ascend to heaven and bring Christ down from above?”  There will be a parallel question about to be asked.

Vs 7 – Or shall ascend to the deep and bring Jesus back up from the dead?  Paul is dealing in the questions about Jesus’ incarnation and His resurrection.  In both cases Jesus has already come, died, been buried and rose again.  The work has been done so nothing more is needed.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Jesus Fulfilled All!

Jesus fulfills all – Rom 10:3-4

Vs 3 – They have become ignorant of God’s righteousness.  Instead they have been trying established favor with God by going and trying to establish righteousness based on works and not faith.  They have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.  

Vs 4 -  Jesus is the end of the law.  He came to fulfill the law.  He showed its weakness and He did away with it on the cross.  Righteousness is given to all who believe and put their trust in Jesus Christ for salvation.  So today put your trust in Jesus Christ and let the favor of God flavor your life and situation.  Be His ambassador for his glory and praise of God.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Parables of Steel # 151

The old china cabinet was close to 80 years of old.  It had been used for many different things.  It was once a prized piece of furniture.  Now it sat in a neglected corner of the basement.  Inside were old video tapes and on the top were various pieces of junk.  Nearby one of the male children was playing a video game.  The game was not going well for the young man and in frustration he lashed out and kicked the cabinet.  Immediately the glass in the door shattered and fell to the floor.  A little later the dad of the family came down stairs and saw the damage.  He asked his son what happened to which the son confessed his responsibility of the damage.  A decision needed to be made would the china cabinet be repaired or thrown out?  After considering the age and the fact that it was a family heirloom the dad decided to repair the cabinet.  He took the cabinet out to his workshop.  He removed the broken door and sent it to a local repair shop.  He then sanded off the old finish and it was then that the true beauty and construction of the cabinet was revealed.  Underneath was a beautiful rosewood finish.  He applied an appropriate stain that enhanced the grain and beauty of the wood.  After several coats and proper lacquer the transformation was amazing.  He did the same to the repaired door and all the family marvelled at the finished product.  The cabinet instead of being put back into basement was put in a prominent place in the dining room and became the showcase cabinet for all the fine china in the home.  The lesson we can learn is that a present exterior does not always reveal true beauty.  It takes a master craftsman who with patience and time to restore true value and beauty.  God is the master craftsman who with time and patience will restore any marred or damaged life.

Spiders Are Ferocious

Hilarious: Jeff Allen on the Secret to Marital Bliss

The Right Reasons

The Right Reasons – Rom 10:1-2

Vs 1 – Paul has a hearts desire and a prayer for Israel.  It should actual all our prayer.  That Israel would be saved, that they would acknowledge and receive Jesus as their Messiah.  They would receive salvation through faith.

Vs 2 – Paul said that the people of Israel have a zeal for God.  He should know because he himself was once like them.  Their zeal for God is not based on knowledge but tradition.  Zeal is a belief that you are doing the right thing for the right reason.  Jesus was the prefect example of zeal directed in the right way.  Everything Jesus did He did it for the Lord and His motives and reasons for doing them was for the glory and praise of God.  This should be our desire to direct our love and zeal for God in the right directions for the right reasons and motives.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Keith Green - Open Your Eyes (live)

Keith Green - Make My Life A Prayer To You (live)

Keith Green - The Sheep And The Goats (live)

Keith Green - Easter Song (live)

He's Alive - Don and Wendy Francisco, Live


C02. One Drop of Blood - Ray Boltz

Ray Boltz - Thank You [with lyrics]

Ray Boltz - Watch the Lamb [with lyrics]

I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb - Ray Boltz

The Courtroom

The Champion by Carman

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Don't fail to see God's great purpose

Do not fail to see God’s great purpose – Rom 9:28-29

Vs 28 – The Lord will one day carry out His sentence of judgment on the earth with speed and finality.  When the grace of God is exhausted His judgment will come with speed and finality.

Vs 29 – Isaiah is quoted once more.  If God had not left us descendants, Israel would become like Sodom and Gomorrah.  Israel had failed to accept God’s divine plan.  So God gave it to the Gentiles.  These verses remind us that God is both love and wrath.  God is very complicated but the reality His mercy, love and grace are also balanced out by righteousness, purity and holiness.  God dealt with His wrath, holiness and judgment by giving us Jesus Christ which was brought forth by His mercy, grace and love.  Israel failed to seen God’s divine plan but let us not because like Israel a time will come when God will close the flow of His mercy and grace and instead bring wrath and judgment.  We do not know when that will happen so it is better to error on the side of caution and serve the Lord like this is our last day because the reality is that it could be.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Children of the Living God

Children of the Living God – Rom 9:26-27

Vs 26 – It will happen in the very place where they were told they were not His people.  They will be called the Sons of the Living God.  This is spiritual irony.  Jews are rejected and Gentiles are called.  Those who are given the truth reject it and those who do not have truth, accept it.

Vs 27 – Paul then spends the next three verses quoting Isaiah.  Though the number of Israelites will be like the sand by the seashore yet only a remnant will be saved.  Quantity does assure quality.  There will always be a remnant.  A small group who will want more of God.  In scripture there is always a remnant, a group of people who are not satisfied with ordinary Christianity.  These are people who allow the Holy Spirit to continue to drive them into deeper depths and higher heights with God.  We are to grow from glory to glory.  All those who have been pioneers to trail blazers have been people who wanted more.  They wanted God’s blessing and power.  They wanted His reality and anointing.  It made them different in a good way.  May that be your prayer today.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Mercy and Grace

Mercy and Grace to Others – Rom 9:24-15

Vs 24 – His mercy, compassion and grace has been extended not only to the Jews but to the Gentiles as well.  
Vs 25 – Paul then quotes Amos, the Shepherd Prophet. “I call them my people who are not my people, I will call them my loved one who is not my loved one.”  God is calling those who are not His own.  Amos was called to minister to the people of Israel even though he was Judah.  As the shepherd prophet he saw clearly how God would call people who were not His people.  The Gentiles have been the objects of God’s mercy and grace.  It is because God saw the future including ours.  It is so wonderful to know that we are loved and cared for by God.  If we see this and activate this promise in our lives we will be used as objects of grace and mercy in our world.  We are loved and through us He will extend His love to others.

Monday, April 14, 2014

God is love

In John 3:16, John reveals in a nut shell what the gospel is all about.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that who believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  This is passion week the holiest time in the Christian calendar.  On Friday we will be remembering the Lord's broken body and shed blood as well as His death.  On Sunday we will be celebrating the resurrection.  These events secured us the most precious of all gifts, eternal life.  Out of all these events the message is clear.  God wants all men every where to be saved.  The events of Easter remind us that life is not about the accumulation of wealth and family.  it is not about being on this planet for a certain period of time so you can live your own selfish life.  It is about eternal and abundant life.  It is about eternity and where you will spend it.  God is not concerned about your job, money, possessions or other things we manage to jam into our lives.  For Him it is about eternity, doing His will, living for His glory and being in a right relationship with Him.  He wants you, not what you have or what you can give Him which by the way is nothing.  As we head into this passion week make it you passion to draw as close to God as you can and serve Him from a passion of love.

God is Love

In John 3:16, John reveals in a nut shell what the gospel is all about.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that who believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  This is passion week the holiest time in the Christian calendar.  On Friday we will be remembering the Lord's broken body and shed blood as well as His death.  On Sunday we will be celebrating the resurrection.  These events secured us the most precious of all gifts, eternal life.  Out of all these events the message is clear.  God wants all men every where to be saved.  The events of Easter remind us that life is not about the accumulation of wealth and family.  it is not about being on this planet for a certain period of time so you can live your own selfish life.  It is about eternal and abundant life.  It is about eternity and where you will spend it.  God is not concerned about your job, money, possessions or other things we manage to jam into our lives.  For Him it is about eternity, doing His will, living for His glory and being in a right relationship with Him.  He wants you, not what you have or what you can give Him which by the way is nothing.  As we head into this passion week make it you passion to draw as close to God as you can and serve Him from a passion of love.

God is Love

God is patient

God is Patient – Rom 9:23-24

Vs 22 – God has chosen to make His power and wrath known.  Yet in His patience and long suffering He works with those objects of His wrath that have been prepared for destruction.  God gives second chance after second chance.

Vs 23- Paul then says that God does this to make know the riches of His glory.  They will be known as the objects of His mercy which He has prepared for glory.  God’s character and essence is known by His patience and mercy towards both those who are the objects wrath and mercy.  God is so wonderful in the way He displays His grace and mercy.  While we were yet sinners He sent Jesus Christ to us.  Now because of Jesus Christ we are now objects of His mercy.  John Newton saw this concept clearly when he wrote Amazing Grace.  It is amazing grace that saves and keeps us.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Beyond Understanding

Beyond our Understanding – Rom 9:14-16

Vs 14 – Paul again uses the question answer method which has become a general means of writing through out this book.  “Is God unjust?”  Not at all.  God’s sovereign mercy is beyond our understanding because God sees the whole picture and most of all He knows our hearts.
Vs 15 – God told Moses that He will have mercy and compassion on who He wishes.  He is God.  We have limited vision and insight.  We have personal bias’ and ideas.  God knows all, sees all and is all.

Vs 16 – The mercy and compassion of God is not dependent on man’s desire or effort.  It is God’s mercy.  God has always been and always will be merciful.  He will not always explain what He is doing but you can stand upon the fact that it will all work out for you best.  Trusting God on a daily basis is a matter of trust and obedience.  Like the old hymn today trust and obey for those no other way to be happy in Jesus.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Call of the World

The call of the World – Rom 9:12-13

Vs 12 – Paul clears up a very important argument.  Many feel that good works is the grounds for acceptance by God.  Paul makes it clear that it is God’s call.  In Rebecca’s case she was told the older would serve the younger.

Vs 13 – In the oral law it was written that Jacob was loved and Esau was hated because as the first born he rejected his birth right.  He was also proned to love foreign women.  God saw the hearts of the two boys.  He knew which one would handle the things of God better.  He knew who would serve Him.  Esau though he had the birth right did not value it.  Jacob did and would later bring about the greatest blessings.  Value the things of God and handle them properly and through you God can and will change your world.  Be a Jacob not an Esau.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

God is in Charge

God’s is in Charge – Rom 9:9-11

Vs 9 – Paul then relate the incident where the Angel of the Lord visited Abraham just before the angels with Him went to Sodom.  It was here that the Lord said in one year Sarah would have a child.  When He returned one year later Isaac was presented.
Vs 10 – Rebecca had children as well and their father was Isaac who was the child of promise.

Vs 11 – Paul then reveals that even before the twins Jacob or Esau had done anything bad or good.  Even before they were born God knew what each boy would do and He knew which one to choose.  Paul states here the sovereignty of God was in effect.  God knows or beginning from the end.  He has a plan for our lives which is both eternal and abundant.  Today make it your aim to submit to the will of God and live in the reality of His eternal and abundant life.  God has great things in store for you.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Real Descendants

The Real Family – Rom 9:6-8  

Vs 6 – It is not because the Word of God failed that all whom are from Israel are Israel.  Paul is about to get into a subject about who are true Israel.  It is not necessary to be Israel by birth or ancestry.
Vs 7 – Not all Israel is Abraham’s descendents.  Paul says that it is actually through Isaac that one becomes Israel.  Ishmael was a son of Abraham.  He also had children through Keturah.  Isaac was the child of promise.

Vs 8 – It is not the natural children of Abraham who are the children of promise by those who come through Isaac and ultimately through Jesus Christ.  God has a promise that you are and will be part of His family through Jesus Christ.  You have all the inheritance and blessings of being a child of God.  You did not come naturally but through the process of adoption.  You were not a son but now you are a son and joint heir with Jesus Christ.  Such a blessing.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Jesus is Lord of All!

Jesus Christ is Lord Over All – Rom 9:4-5

Vs 4 – Israel has had so many blessings.  Adoption as sons, divine glory, the covenants, they received the Law, they had temple worship and all the promises.  This was Israel’s privilege and blessing.

Vs 5 -  Israel had the Patriarch’s, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  From them the human ancestry of Jesus can be traced.  Paul then makes a declaration, “Jesus Christ is God over all, forever praised. Amen.”  If anyone had any doubt of the deity of Christ this statement makes it clear.  Jesus Christ is God over all, forever amen.  When Jesus is Lord of all it shows in our actions, thoughts and words.  Jesus needs not only to be Savior but Lord as well.  Amen is the final point, nothing needs to be added or taken away.

Friday, April 4, 2014

More than a Conqueror

More than a Conqueror – Rom 8:36-37

Vs 36 – Paul the quotes a Jewish proverb, “For your sake we are being killed all day long, we are counted as sheep for the slaughter.”  We have to die daily.  We must say no to the flesh, world and the devil.

Vs 37 – This is such a powerful verse.  In all things we are more than conquerors through who loved us.  There are three things of note.  We are more than conquerors.  Through Christ this happens.  Lastly, God love us.  You are not a victim but a victor.  You are not overcame but are an over comer.  You are conquered but you are a conqueror.  This is both a spiritual bit physical reality.  God has given us the victory in Jesus Christ   If you submit to the Lord when you resist the devil he will have to flee from you.  Stand up and stand firm in Christ today.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Nothing Can Separate

Nothing Can Separate US – Rom 8:34-35

Vs 34 – Paul then asks the question, who can condemn you?  Jesus Christ died and has risen again.  Right now He is sitting at the right hand of God making intercession and advocating for us.  So when the accusation comes Jesus comes to our defense.  He has also supplied us with the means of escaping condemnation because He has already secured the resources to pay any debt owe because of our sin.  All we have to do is ask.
Vs 35 – Paul then closes with one final question.  Who can separate us from the love of Christ?  Paul has been using this form of writing to make His point through out the letter.  He asks a question and then answers it.  Can tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril or sword.  What a great place to be in God’s love.  No one can fathom its height, depth, width or breath but it wonderful.  So today rest in God’s love and let it fully develop in your life and situation.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

God for us!

God for Us – Rom 8:31-33

Vs 31 – Paul stops for a moment with a thought.  What can we say to this?  With God is for us, who can be against us.  When the will of God is to be called, justified and glorified.  No one can stand in our way.
Vs 32 – If God did not spare His own Son but delivered Him for all of us.  Shall he not only through Christ freely give us all things.  It is because of Jesus’ sacrifice that all the benefits of eternal and abundant life are now ours.

Vs 33 – No one can lay a charge against God or us.  God has justified us and we are set free for the glory of God.  No accusation of the devil will stand when we stand in Christ.  We have been justified and declared righteous in God’s sight.  Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and when we stand in Christ no one and anything can stand in our way or God’s

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

All things work together for good

All things work together for good – Rom 8:28-30

Vs 28 – This is such a powerful and wonderful verse.  All things work together for good to them who love the Lord.  It does not say all things are good but all things will work together for good.  For those who are called according to His purpose.  God has a purpose and will for our lives,  When our aim and goal is His will, then all things that happen in our lives will be good eventually.  
Vs 29 – God’s will is that we become conformed to His image.  God has an image He wants to become like.  That image of course is to be like Jesus.  Jesus was the first born of many brethren.  If we become like Jesus then we are doing the will of God.

Vs 30 – The will of God is that first we are called, then we are justified and then we are glorified.  These four help us to do the will of God.  When you know you have been set apart from the beginning of time, you answer to call to be justified which later will bring glorification.