Monday, July 21, 2014

Paul was different

Paul was different  -21Cor 2:1-2

VS 1 - It is evident that when Paul Arrived in Corinth he was a different man.  Now it could have been the reaction of the people of Athens.  It could have been that he was worn out and tired.  It was evident from this verses and first section that Paul was not at this time the apostolic super hero or God’s man of faith and power in this great hour.  He did not come with excellency of speech.  He was not at this time a great orator.  He did not speak with wisdom of men.  It is evident that he had made a decision about what kind of message he was going to bring.  It would not contain the words or phrases and attitudes of man’s wisdom.  His message would be opposite to what was being offered at the time in Corinth.  He had come to declare to them the testimony of God.  Who was Jesus Christ and Paul’s involved in it.
Vs 2 – Paul had made his decision while he was among them that he was only going to know Jesus Christ and Him crucified.  Paul had decided to keep the message simple.  Jesus Christ died, buried and rose again.  Jesus Christ who allowed His body to be broken and His blood shed for the forgiveness of sins.  No flowery speeches or poetry.

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