Monday, September 16, 2013

Doing Exploits

In Daniel 11:32, we have this wonderful promise that in the last days when men are wicked, coming against God's people and trying to win us over with flattery.  God will raise up people who will know their God, be strong and do exploits.  This is such a tremendous promise.  When wickedness is reigning and working hard God will raise up people who will know Him and do great things for Him.  My question is, do you want to be one of those people?  Today Canada is in moral decline and it is getting worse everyday.  It seems like every time you hear something in the news, it just confirm this thought.  Yet God is not finished with this nation or us.  To battle the wickedness of the day Daniel make it clear what has to happen.  First, you have to know God.  Your relationship with God cannot be a causal encounter.  A once a week time with Him.  It must be a daily relationship.  You have to love him with everything you are.  You must spend time with Him in prayer and the word.  You must go to His house and share Him with every one you meet.  You have to know Him.  Secondly, you need to be strong.  Being strong is s decision.  You set your the course of your life.  You say to youself, "I am going to get to know God, find out His will and then follow it."  Your time, talents and resouces are His.  You deal with your past, dedicate your present to Him and want His will for the future.  Then God's promise is that you will do exploits.  God is looking today for a Joshua, Jeremiah, Deborah, Esther or John the Baptist.  Will you be the Elijah of your world?  When you decide to know your God and be strong.  God prmises to use you to do exploits. 

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