Saturday, September 17, 2011


Pastor Gary Heinrichs will be at Cornerstone Fellowship tomorrow in St. Albert.  Gary is one of those rare people that take his cal of God seriously.  He is going to Mexico to minister to the people there.  Not a safe place these days but I admire him for his willing to serve.  The challenge for each of us is that we are all call to serve as Christians.  The reality is that are to serve wherever we are.  I have been called to St. Albert but I did serve 17 years in the North.  God has given us one lifetime and each day to make a difference.  Never apologize for trying to help someone know Christ.  It is like a person who tries to rescue a person from a fire.  You know it is the best thing and so you do it.  You know that salvation is the best thing ever to happen to share it with confidence because if someone hears you and respond on the day they meet the Lord they will be so glad you did your part to introduce them to Christ.  Gary will do that in Mexico.  I hope you do it in your world.

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