Thursday, May 28, 2015

Jairus’ daughter

Jairus’ daughter – Mark 5:21-43

    Jairus had asked Jesus to heal his daughter and on the way a woman with an issue of blood was healed.  As Jesus was on His way to the house word came that the child had died.  Jesus told Jairus not to worry but believe.  Jesus went into the house and told the mourners there that the child was sleeping and not dead and of course they laughed.  Jesus does not worry about reality He is the resurrection and the life.  Jesus put the people out and then He prayed for the child and she was raised from the dead.
    Jairus believed that Jesus was the resurrection and the life and He could heal his daughter.  All Jesus had to do was touch her and she would be healed.   In the case of Jarius and the women with the issue of blood faith was the catalyst for victory.  Faith makes us well and whole.
    Jesus in both cases healed right away.  Timing and circumstances often dictate divine response.   Jesus who is the resurrection and life when faced with death will triumph every time.  Though people may laugh and scoff Jesus will prevail.
    Jesus came to free people from their suffering.  Jesus when faced with unbelief ignored it and put people out so that those who have true faith would prevail.   When a person dies their spirit goes away but at the command of God who was in the person of Jesus Christ the spirit had to return.  God is the only one who has the power of life and death.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Showing Mercy

Jairus’ Daughter

Jairus’ Daughter and the Woman with an issue of blood – Matt 9:18-25, Mark 5:21-43 & Luke 8:41-56

    These are wonderful stories connected by location and opportunity.  We are going to spend two days talking about these two great stories.  Jairus was the leader of the local synacogue.  He asked Jesus to come and heal his daughter.  Jesus went to the house.  On the way there a woman who had an issue of blood for some twelve years and who had tried to be healed by doctors saw Him.  She felt that if she could just touch the hem of His garment she would be healed.  When she touch and was healed by Him, Jesus felt the power go out of Him.  He turned around and asked who touched Him.  The woman came forward and Jesus told her that her faith and made her well.  The woman who had the issue of blood had tried all the manmade cures and now she needed Jesus the great physician.   She knew by faith that Jesus could heal her and all she had to do was touch the hem of His garment.  Faith is the catalyst to knowledge.  You know in your heart that Jesus is the healer and just one touch from Him can make you whole.

    It is the power of God coming from God into your life that makes you well.  Jesus felt the power of God go out of Him so when He asked the question who touched Him though He knew what had happen.   When this woman came forward she was giving a testimony of God’s goodness.  We over come by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.  So tell others what Jesus had done for you.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Law of Love

The Gadarene

The Gadarene Healed – Mark 5:1-20

    Yesterday we learn that Jesus has power over every force of hell no mater how powerful evil or violent it may be.  Remember demonsare fallen angels or evil entities that followed satan into rebellion against God.  Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.  
    Demons have great power that cannot be matched in the natural realm.  We must fight them with the power of the Holy Spirit and the weapons of the Lord which are mighty and supernatural.  Demons are very violent and they have only one agenda, to rob, kill and destroy.  John 10:10

    Jesus has come to destroy the works of the devil.  He also has come to drive out the spirit of fear and replace that spirit with love, power and soundness of mind.  2 Tim 1:7   Jesus told the men who was healed to tell others that God might be glorified.   Jesus one day will send will send evil spirits to a place of no return.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Gadarene Healed

Gadarene Healed – Matt 8:28-34, Mark 5:1-20 & Luke 8:26-39

    Over the next two days we will look at the Gadarene demoniac.  Jesus arrived by boat in the area of Gadara.  Two demon possessed men came and met Him.  They had spent most of their time among the tombs.  They shouted and wanted to know if Jesus had come to torture them.  The demons begged Jesus to let them go into a herd of pigs nearby.  He allowed them to go into the pigs and the animals ran into the sea and drowned.  Jesus then clothed the men and they healed.  When the people saw that the men were clothed and in their right mind instead of rejoicing they asked Jesus to leave the area.  He did and the men who were healed went through the area telling what Jesus had did.
    Even the most powerful, evil and violent demons are afraid of Jesus,   A person must be careful or else a demon can enter their life.
    The demons know that they are going to be judged and they are afraid of Jesus for that and the fact that He was and is God’s Son.   Demons are subject to the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ.  They have to answer when the power of God is present.

    When Jesus did something the news about it spread through the country.   The people in that area had the Savior of their souls and the Son of God in their midst and they sent Him away.  The people were more concerned about their money and property than the fact that two men had been healed.   Often we do not see Jesus working  in our midst.  It is easy to not see Jesus when we are pursuing wealth, land and things.  Prosperity is the greatest danger to faith.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Spring into action Parables of Steel

Lost Treasure Parable of Steel

Seize the chance Parables of Steel

Forgiveness Parables of Steel

Godly communication

Demand for a Sign

Demand for a Sign – Matt 12:38-45 & Luke 11:29-36

    The Pharisees and people wanted a sign and Jesus refused to give it to them.  Jesus said the only sign they would get is the sign of Jonah.  He then taught them about His resurrection.   People always want a sign for authority.  The Jews were always seeking and searching for a sign.  A wicked and adulterous generation seeks a sign.  They say, “Prove to me that there is a God and I might believe.   As Jonah was in the belly of a large fish so shall the Son of Man be in the earth.  Jesus was foretelling of His death, burial and resurrection.  

    The men of Ninevah will stand on judgement day and condemn the people of Jesus’ day.  The Queen of the south will condemn them also.  She came to hear Solomon and his wisdom.  Jesus is greater than Solomon.  There is a time of accountability so live your life ready.  

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Jesus accused of Blasphemy – Mark 3:19-30

Jesus accused of Blasphemy – Mark 3:19-30
Jesus accused of Blasphemy – Mark 3:19-30

    For the last two days we have been examining the account of Jesus healing a man who was deaf and blind.  These sicknesses were caused by demonic power.  Here are the life lessons we can learn from this passage today.  The mouth speaks what is in the heart.  People must be careful for they shall be judged on what comes out of their mouths.  Words can set us free or condemn us.
    The Pharisees said that Jesus was demon possessed.   Jesus gave a teaching on how demons when cast out go and look for another body to possess.  When it can not find one it will come back and if the body has not been possessed by the Lord.  The demon will go and find seven more demons worst than it self to re-possess the body.  

This is why a person must be filled with the Holy Spirit and power so that these demons cannot return.   Jesus taught that the person that is truly blessed is the person who hears the word of God and obeys it.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Win under Trial.

Jesus accused of Blasphemy

Jesus accused of Blasphemy – Matt 12:12-37

    Jesus had healed a man who was deaf and blind.  This man’s sicknesses were caused by demonic power.  After Jesus did this the Pharisees accused Jesus of healing by satan’s power.  Here are the lessons we can learn from this passage today.   Jesus drove the demons out by the Spirit of God so the Kingdom of God was upon that generation.
    Satan is described as a strong man that has to be defeated by the Spirit of God.   He who is with Jesus scatters and anyone who blasphemes the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.  Things that are done by God and attributed to satan will not be forgiven.
    Things said against Jesus Christ will be forgiven but not when they are said against the Holy Spirit.   Trees are recognized by fruit and the Pharisees showed theirs in this instant.  They showed that their father was the devil.

People walk a fine line when they attacked the work of the Holy Spirit, whether the gifts or fruit.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Tour of Galilee

Tour of Galilee – Luke 8:1-3

Yesterday we had the wonderful story of Jesus and the woman who anointed Jesus for his burial.   After this event Jesus left Simon’s house and went through out Galilee.  He proclaimed the good news and His disciples were with Him.  May Magdalene who was cured of seven demons, Joanna the wide of Chuza who was manager of Herod’s house, Susanna and several others went with Him and support Him out of their own means.  Jesus had an entourage with Him.  He was a man with a mission and purpose and many came along to support Him because they knew He was the man with the plan.  Jesus was an itinerant preacher.  He had a mission for reach all with the good news as he could.  The lesson we learn is that we must use everyday to expand the Kingdom while there is time.  

Friday, May 15, 2015

Jesus Anointed at Simon’s House

Jesus Anointed at Simon’s House – Luke 7:36-50

    Simon was a Pharisee who asked Jesus to dinner.  While Jesus was there a woman who had an awful life came into the home with a bottle of perfume.  She stood at the feet of Jesus and wiped them with her hair and mixed the perfume with them.  She kissed Jesus’ feet as well.  Simon was disgusted because the woman was a sinner.  Jesus then told him a parable about two men that owed money and both were forgiven their debt.  Jesus then told the woman that her sins had been forgiven.  Jesus taught Simon that day about true value.
    This woman was paying homage to Jesus by her act.  She knew He was the Messiah.   The Pharisee Simon was looking at the outward side of the woman and condemned her.  Jesus saw the inside and saw her faith and this saved her.  This shows the difference between man’s and God’s judgment.  
    Jesus wasn’t afraid of ruining His reputation to help people.   God cancels debts but the greater debt of sin has been forgiven more.  Jesus said that those who have been forgiven much, love much.  Those who know they have been forgiven much will love Jesus more than those who do not.

    Jesus showed the difference between Simon and the woman.  She knew that Jesus had forgiven her sins which was much and so she showed Him through this act how much she loved Jesus.  Simon had been in his mind forgiven little so He loved Jesus little.   Jesus said her sins had been forgiven and the people who wondered who Jesus was when they saw Him forgive her sins.   Jesus teaches that the principle of faith is what saves people not good works.  When we are saved and forgiven we have peace.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Jesus accused of Blasphemy

Jesus accused of Blasphemy – Mark 3:19-30

    For the last two days we have been examining the account of Jesus healing a man who was deaf and blind.  These sicknesses were caused by demonic power.  Here are the life lessons we can learn from this passage today.  The mouth speaks what is in the heart.  People must be careful for they shall be judged on what comes out of their mouths.  Words can set us free or condemn us.
    The Pharisees said that Jesus was demon possessed.   Jesus gave a teaching on how demons when cast out go and look for another body to possess.  When it can not find one it will come back and if the body has not been possessed by the Lord.  The demon will go and find seven more demons worst than it self to re-possess the body.  
This is why a person must be filled with the Holy Spirit and power so that these demons cannot return.   Jesus taught that the person that is truly blessed is the person who hears the word of God and obeys it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Demand for a Sign

Demand for a Sign – Matt 12:38-45 & Luke 11:29-36

    The Pharisees and people wanted a sign and Jesus refused to give it to them.  Jesus said the only sign they would get is the sign of Jonah.  He then taught them about His resurrection.   People always want a sign for authority.  The Jews were always seeking and searching for a sign.  A wicked and adulterous generation seeks a sign.  They say, “Prove to me that there is a God and I might believe.   As Jonah was in the belly of a large fish so shall the Son of Man be in the earth.  Jesus was foretelling of His death, burial and resurrection.  
    The men of Ninevah will stand on judgement day and condemn the people of Jesus’ day.  The Queen of the south will condemn them also.  She came to hear Solomon and his wisdom.  Jesus is greater than Solomon.  There is a time of accountability so live your life ready.  

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Jesus’ Family seeks an audience

Jesus’ Family seeks an audience – Matt 12:46-50, Mark 3:31-35 & Luke 8:19-21

    This is a very small passage but it is obvious because it is found in 3 of the gospel it has significance.  Jesus was talking to the crowds when His family arrived and wanted to talk to Him.  When Jesus was informed of their arrival he taught this spiritual truth.  It is our thought for today.  All who do the will of the Father are His brothers, sisters and mother.  The family of Jesus Christ is recognized by one quality and that is obedience to the will of the Father.  Jesus stated it was His desire to do the will of the Father.  I trust that is your desire as well.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Centurion’s Servant

Centurion’s Servant – Matt 8:3:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10

    Jesus had come back to Capernaum when a centurion came to Him and asked Him to heal his servant.  Jesus wanted to go and heal the man, but the officer asked Him to say the word and the servant would be healed.  Jesus marvelled at the faith of the centurion.  He told the centurion to go and he would find his servant healed.  
    Jesus is willing to help anyone no matter what nationality.  He was willing to break the law of the Jews which states a Jew a cannot to enter the house of a gentile, just to help someone.
    The centurion recognized that he was not worthy of Jesus to come to his house.  He was a man of humility.
He believed that if Jesus would say the word his servant would be healed.  He was a man of faith.    He recognized that he was under the authority of Christ.  Jesus would only have to say the word and the servant would be healed.

    This man had greater faith than anyone in Israel and he was a gentile.   Jesus told the people that those who claim to be of Abraham will be surprised to find out that they are the ones thrown out on the day of the wedding supper of the Lamb and it will be people of faith like the centurion who eat at the feast. If we asked in faith believing that our request will be answered it will.  This centurion was a man that greatly loved people and was the type of man God really loves.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Your will inherit

Warning to the religionist 123

Vision for the future 114

The promise of God 122

Responsibility of the messenger 117

So great a salvation 122

Proper View 118

Prince of Persia 120

Prince of Persia 120

Praise and fight like david 112

Lessons from Abraham 113

Joshua Generation 111

Dry Bones 116

Discern the times 115

Free will 103

Do not shrink back 101

Combination of the best 110

Combination of the best 110

I lift my hands 105

The shout 107

Praise the Lord 104

Play unto the Lord 108

Move in the Lord 109

Love you 102

Last days gathering for India 97

Last days gathering 96

Church in Pakistan 98

Bortherly love 99

Beloved in Christ 100

Beloved in Christ 100

Are you ready 91

Freedom 92

Keep it simple 93

Things to come 94

What is faith 95

Jesus’ Authority

Jesus’ Authority – Matt 7:28-29

    Jesus had just finished this powerful sermon.  The principles of the Kingdom had been presented.  God’s real view of religious life had been presented.  Jesus through this sermon revolutionized religious teaching up to this point.  When Jesus finished His sayings the people were astonished at His doctrine.  Doctrine means a set of principles or belief held by a group or teacher.  Jesus had just outlined His beliefs and principles.  These of course were God’s view on eternal and abundant life.
    Jesus taught as one with authority.  Jesus had heaven standing behind Him.  He spoke under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  He was speaking the will of the Father.  When Jesus spoke He revealed the will, plans and purposes of the Father.  Jesus stated in the book of John that when the see Him they saw the Father and if they saw the Father they saw Him.  Jesus was God with a face.  He was the perfect union of the natural and the divine.  He was the God man.  The power of God was behind every thought, word, deed, attitude and motive Jesus did.  He taught with authority not like the scribes or religious teachers of the day.  It was clear that the scribes taught man made religion, traditions and doctrine.  The people after this sermon knew the difference and they would never be the same.  When you come to Christ and see Him as He is, you will never be the same.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

What we must be 84

What is happiness 89

Watch out for Neglect 83

The fool 90

Temple of God 81

Talents belong to God 86

Positives of the Lord 85

Out of your inner most being 87

Life is not so simple 82

Dead of winter 88

Dead of winter 88

Dead of winter 88

Dead of winter 88

Following False Teachers 71

Extravangant asking 72

Cry of God`s people 73

Stand for truth 74

Hell 75

Love of God 76

Icabod 77

Waiting on the Lord 78

Get ready for what is next 79

Canada`s Reconcilation 80

The Wise and Foolish Builders

The Wise and Foolish Builders – Matt 7:24-27

    Jesus is almost finished His Sermon on the Mount.  He has taught on almost every aspect of life.  Now He closes this sermon by giving a practical illustration.  He says that those who hear His sayings and does them is like a wise builder.  This man built his house on a rock.  When the storm comes his house will stand.  Those who hear Jesus’ words and does not do them is like the foolish builder.  He builds his house on the sand or the beach.  It has a great view but when the storm comes because of a shifting foundation the house falls.  Jesus has made a clear distinction between His teachings and the teaching of the leaders of the day.  The wise follow Jesus and the foolish follow the teachers of the day.  
    Jesus offers stable righteousness while the Pharisees offer unstable traditions of men.  The foolish hear Jesus’ teaching and still cling to their sinful and wicked ways.  The wise hear what Jesus says and does what He wishes and then inherit eternal life and righteousness

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wake up 66

Truth to know today 67

We are guilty 68

Guilt as charged 69

3 woes 70

More than mere profession of faith

More than mere profession of faith – Matt 7:21-23

    Jesus has been shooting straight from the hip in the last few days.  He states here that not everyone who calls Him Lord will enter the Kingdom.  This is a reality for those in Christian cults.  Certain cults today have a Jesus in their central doctrines but this Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible.  He may be the younger brother of satan or a created being and not God.  The unfortunate truth is that these sincere people have lived their lives serving an organization or religious system thinking they have attained salvation through works or religious teaching and in reality they never knew the Lord.  
    Those who enter the Kingdom do the will of the Father in heaven.  Jesus is the only way, truth and life the Father has given.  It is through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ salvation has been secured.  By His broken body and shed blood that have we been made whole.  
    Jesus states these people will prophesy, cast out demons and do wonderful works in His name but they never knew Him.  Jesus will call them workers of iniquity.  Imagine going through your life thinking you are right with God and finding out you were not.  Jesus states you are the Lord’s when you do the will of the Father.  Today make that your aim and goal so you will not have any surprises at the end of life.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

False Teachers

False Teachers – Matt 7:15-20

Jesus reveals the truth about false prophets and teacher.  First they come in as part of the flock.  They appear on the outside to be righteous and truthful.  In reality they are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  Finis Dake says there are seven ways you will know a false prophet.  
    Their outward general conduct.   By their inward state.  By the kinds of works they produce.   By the fruit that comes from the doctrine they teach.   By professing to do the will of God and yet their life demonstrates they do not.   By the fact that satan is backing them.  They are causing division, strife and dissension.   By their destiny.
    By their fruit you will know them.  Good men produce good fruit.  Jesus uses an agriculture analogy

familiar to His audience.  Good trees produce good fruit.  Bad trees produce bad fruit.  The destiny of a corrupt tree is being cut down and cast into the fire.  A good tree will always remain.  BY their fruits you will know what is in the heart of an individual.  Jesus also reveals here what is waiting for the false prophet or teacher, hell fire.

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Goodness of the Father

The Goodness of the Father – Matt 7:9-11

Jesus had just outlined how a person would get answered prayer in the previous verses.  You have to ask, seek and knock.  Now He illustrates these truths with the following example.  Is there a man among you that if your son asks for bread, would you give him a stone?  Or if he ask for a fish, would you give him a serpent?  Jesus stated that even wicked and evil fathers will make sure their children are fed, clothed, sheltered, protected, happy and prosperous to the best of their ability.   Jesus knew that in every true father there is a strong connection with their children.  This connection motivates the father to give good gifts to their children.  Their generosity is motivated by love and relationship.

If they give gifts to their children how more will our heavenly Father who has no evil in Him give good gifts to them who ask Him.  Jesus reveals here the infinite fatherhood of God and the certainty of answered prayer.  Good is good and He loves to give good gifts to those that ask Him.  The operative word here is ask Him.  Two thoughts here, asking secures God’s attention and secondly it brings focus to what we really want from God and our motivation behind asking.  

Friday, May 1, 2015

Psalm 93 Psalms of Steel

Psalms of Steel Psalm 94


Ask – Matt 7:7-8

   Jesus gives the proper view of prayer and receiving from God.  First, ask and it shall be given unto you.  James 4:2, states that we have not because we ask not.  Petition is an essential part of prayer.  Secondly, seek and you shall find.  Please notice that in these two examples effort is required.  Thirdly, knock and the door shall be opened unto you.  Asking  involves our speech.  Seeking involves the eyes and knocking involves the hands.

Jesus then reveals that everyone who asks will receive.  When you seek you will find what you are looking for and when you knock it shall be opened for you.  Jesus speaks directly to God and His desire for us is to have a focus when we pray.  When these three efforts are mixed with faith the impossible becomes possible and the promises of God are unlimited.  Just a note, in the Middle East a door will not be opened until two things happen, a person knocks and then identifies themselves.    Then the door will be opened.