Saturday, February 7, 2015

Urgency of the Hour

The Lord has made it very clear that there is an urgency in the air.  All around us we see the world unravelling.  The recent economic meltdown in Canada is just one indicator of the coming global money crisis.  The election of a liberal government in Greece and its commitment to throw off the austerity methods imposed on them by the European Union has further complicated the global money situation.  The drop in oil prices and the weakening Canadian dollar along with the highest debt ratio in history has Canada is on the brink.  Most Canadians have grown up with debt and do not see as it really is, a killer of prosperity.  Until this generation the mantra of economics has been save for a rainy day.  Now it is borrow for a rainy day.  This only creates bigger problems down the road.  God sees all this and laughs as the foolishness of men.  His answer is the same.  It you are a borrower you will be subject to the lender.   Do not think that big banks are your friend, they are not.  They will always look at the bottom line.  God`s answer to debt is simple.  Get out of it.  This is not just advice, it is a command during these times.  Get out of debt and put your finances in the things of the Kingdom.  Set you affections and vision on the things which cannot be eaten by the moth, rusted by time or stolen by the thief.  Put you trust in the Lord and stand upon His promises that He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.  Our time is short and the last thing you want to do is saddle your children with a debt that they had nothing to do with.  Do not also take what has happen in Canada for the past century as something that will continue.  All that can be shaken will be shaken.  A time of hardship is coming and only those who have prepared properly will not be swept away.  Put your trust and anchor in the Lord.  His promise is that He will be your anchor in the storms of life.  He never promised He would take you out of the storm but He did promise to never leave you a=or forsake you.    

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