Saturday, February 7, 2015

The shift is now

Today as I was driving home and I was just looking down the road when all of a sudden in my spirit I felt a total shift.  It was the Lord saying that all that I have been thinking about and doing is about to change.  Things from this point forward would not be the same.  Now I had to ask the question, “What do you mean Lord.  Things are not going to be the same?”  He then spoke the followings this into my heart.  First, that His coming is quickly approaching.  World events are going to speed up and we need to be watching the world around us.  We are called to watch and pray.  Next, things in the church world are about to radically change.  The church world is going to be fragmented like never before.  That is because the LBGT agenda will divide churches, homes and Christians.  Those who accept it and those who oppose it.  Theology, the Word of God and moral standards are being putting aside or sentimental,  relational realities and political correctness.  Pastors, churches and denominations are being pressured to accept the unthinkable this day.  The slide will continue as Christian leaders will embrace other religions and faiths as acceptable or compatible with the teachings of Christ.  The song we are all one in the spirit will be the rally cry among these leaders.  The problem is the spirit they are embracing is the spirit of the antichrist. 
The Lord says the greatest tension in the Christian life will be personal.  He will not tolerate any longer secret sin, justifications and excuses for bad behavior, language and actions.  The old hymn which states that God is coming back a church without spot or wrinkle, washed in the blood of the lamb now applies.  God is calling a people to Himself who are holy, pure, blameless and righteous.  Those who will not change will either be forced to change or reap the consequences.  God does not wink at sin.  He is fully aware of it and will judge it harshly.  Jesus did not die on the cross so mankind could continue as normal.  Jesus’ sacrifice was for a people who would want forgiveness of sin and live a holy and righteous life.  To do otherwise degrades Jesus death, burial and resurrection.  
The shift has been made.  The Lord is now moving in the hearts of those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness.  To refuse to do so means you will become harder and harder in your heart.  You will continue to compromise on the essentials.  The Word of God is clear on moral issues.  Just because something is accepted by the world does not mean the church should.  Morality, fidelity and integrity does not change.  Do not let the phrase if you love me accept me for what I am rule out the Word of God.  You can love someone and not condemn them when they sin but that also means you not have to condone what they do.  Jesus when He told the woman caught in the act of adultery that He did not condemn her but he also told her to go and sin no more.  The shift has come and it is not going to change.  That which is holy, pure and righteous will become in the church the new norm.  The slippery 

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