Friday, February 13, 2015

Anti-Christ is Close

Here is a reality my children today.  The spirit of the antichrist is at work in this world my coming is closer than you think.  All the forces and factors of my coming are now into play.  I have allowed all this to happen to wake up my people to reality of my soon coming.  You are now seeing the mass exodus of young people from the church.  This is happened because my people have become four things.  Apathetic, lethargic, apostate and choose procrastination over industry.  My people especially in the west have become rich, increase with goods and lacking nothing.  Their reality is however is that they blind, naked, lame, wretched and pitiful.  There is coming soon a time when all that can be shaken will be shaken.  There is not an area of your life that I will not shake.  You must repent and call unto me before it is too late.  Here is another reality.  More and more of my former people are choosing to opt out of going to my house.  This choice is too their folly.  The house of the Lord is the one place where they can be truly restored.  They have however chosen to stay with their hurt, pain and bitterness.  Many times I have warned of this poor choice in the New Testament.  Here is one major reason why my people must attend the house of the Lord.  It was the habit of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  If this habit was important to Jesus it must be important to you.  In the house of the Lord my people can and will be restored by true and loving shepherds.  There is strength and help in the house of the Lord.  When you do not attend my house you isolate yourself and are more open to satanic attacks.  You are also subject to religious pride and delusion for you have chosen to not make yourself accountable to others.  Remember iron sharpens iron.  Do not become the apostate generation.  Draw close to the Lord.  Seek safety among my people.  The days are going to get more evil as my coming draws closer.  The reason you will greater evil is because the enemies of your soul have interpreted to their folly that they will actually win this time period in man’s history.  As evil increases so does the resolve of those who love good increases.  Remember when the enemy comes in like a flood I will raise up a standard against them.  You are that standard so rise up for me and win the day.  

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