Looking For in My People
Looking For in My People
are the qualities I am looking for in my people today. The quality of tarrying. Waiting with expectation, faith, to watch and
be ready to move when I call. You will
not have until you learn to be still.
You cannot hear my voice in the midst of noise, busyness and
distraction. You will miss much of the
message and will not hear the important parts when you are listening to other
things. When you miss parts of my
message you get confused or do things in your own strength. I am next, looking for purity. Only clean and non polluted vessels can carry
my light. It is like trying to shine a
light through a dirty receptacle. It is
like drinking water from a dirty glass.
These things can be done but with great difficulty. Clean your heart, hands and mind. A dirty cistern produces s dirty water and
clean cistern filters and produces sweet water.
Let my word cleanse your heart.
Let prayer filter your mind and let the house of God keep you clean and
accountable. Walk in forgiveness and it
will keep your relationships on track.
You will not keep seeing things through hurt and bitterness when you
forgive. You will have the right heart
attitude towards me and others. True
love is found in seeing what your beloved wants most. Service before selfishness.
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