Friday, February 13, 2015

There is forgiveness

There is forgiveness

There is forgiveness in the Lord but do not use it as licence to commit sin.  Harken to the Lord this day and realize that you cannot hide behind greasy grace for much longer.  There is a time coming when the mantle and banner of conviction will arrive.  It is closer than you think.  The Lord is preparing His bride for His coming.  This bride will be given new clothes and a new look.  This bride will be worthy of the Lord.  They will be clothed in purity and holiness.  They shall be whiter than snow and wool.  No human effort will ever prepare someone or the coming of the Lord.  This is a work of the Spirit.  No amount of human effort will ever secure a place of victory.  Do not the let the teachers of eastern religion or positive thinkers deceive you into this.  You despite what the positive preacher says are not ok.  You need cleansing that only comes through repentance and truly being sorry for your sin.  You cannot use words to condone your sin.  Fresh philosophies and new outlooks will not get you out of bondage.  Only the Son can set you free and then you will be free indeed.  The Psalmist said a broken and contrite the Lord will not overlook.  Repent and lament over your sin.  Hunger, thirst, for righteousness and you will be filled.  It is only when you are desperate for God will He truly meet with you.  A casual relationship will bear no fruit.  You must be connected to the vine to be a fruitful branch.  What breaks the Lord`s heart is how many people claim to be His and the true is the Lord does not know them.  They have done many things in His name but in reality they have done it their own glory.  Their motive is selfishness or recognition.  They love the praise of man more than the favor of God.  As one man put it, there should be nothing on this earth that keeps us from heaven.    Return to the Lord and He will receive you.  Break up the fallow ground of your heart and see Him sow a crop of righteousness in your life that will bear fruit and this fruit shall remain.  All of this begins with forgiveness.  Confessing your sin, making a decision, to never do it again and then receiving His forgiveness.  There is nothing you cannot be forgiven of.  So today do it and receive all the blessing the Lord wishes to give you today.    

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