Friday, February 13, 2015

Cast your cares on HIm

The Lord reminds you that you do not have to carry your anxieties or cares.   He told you through Peter in 1 Pet 5:7, to cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you.  The problem is that His people seem to rather carry their cares by them themselves.  They carry burdens they were not designed or made to bear.  Fear, depression, hopelessness and pain are being carried by the people of God on a regular basis.  Most believe that this is either their lot in life or they have been deceived by the enemy that this is normal.   The normal life for the disciple of Christ is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  The normal Christian life has two components, eternal and abundant life.  Jesus made this clear in John 10:10.  The thief comes to rob, kill and destroy but Jesus has come to give us life and with an abundance.  It is time for God`s people to rise up to their place of victory.  Remember we are seated din heavenly places.  That means the enemy has to come up to us to pull us down.  It is time to live on the mountaintop of faith and not in the valley of despair.  There are times we live in the valley but they are only to be of short durations.  God has something better in store for us.  He has given us all the benefits of heaven and so we are to learn to overcome and be victorious.  Yes, you will be tested for that is where a testimony comes from.  Yes, you will be from time to time a victim but that is where being victorious comes from.  Yes, you will be overcome from time to time but that is how you become an overcomer.  Yes, you will be conquered from time to time but remember that is how you become a conqueror.  You never give up.  You trust God and you stay in your place of faith because in due season it will bring success.  So cast all your casts on the Lord for He cares for you.    

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