This is the most exciting and
scary time in history for the church. We
are about to experience the greatest revival the world has ever seen. All around the world the church is exploding
in growth. This is the time of wonders
and miracles. The signs of the Lord’s
coming are all around us, yet the church in the west is sleeping. We have compromised, become cold and are apathetic. Yet the Lord is still about to bring to pass
His divine purpose. The Lord said that
in the last day He would pour out His spirit upon all flesh. What we saw in the 20th century is
nothing in comparison with what the Lord is about to do. He is calling back His children. All who call on the name of the Lord will be
saved. What will be remarkable about
this time is that many who you never thought would get saved will get saved and
many others you thought would stay strong for the Lord will actually fall
away. So make the Lord your priority. Keep Him as the only face you see. Do not stray from the Word, prayer and going
to the house of the Lord. The writer of
Hebrew warns us not to neglect such a great salvation. It is neglect and partial surrender that is
the most prevalent sins among Christians.
We have let apathy, procrastination, lethargy and apostasy run rampant
among us. The Lord is about to change His
church. For some it will not be a
pleasant time. He will reveal our hearts
to us in an attempt to bring us back to Himself. Do not be like the foolish man who even
though He sees himself as he is, he thinks it is someone else. It is time to make the Lord your purpose and
priority. You need to seek and lived
prepared. You need to discern the time
in which you live. Make time for
thoughtful consideration of God’s plans and purposes for your life. Seek to be found faithful and available to
the Lord. These qualities will keep your
strong in these topsy and turvy times.
God wants to do a new thing in your heart. Turn your heart of stone into a heart of
flesh and see the glory of God. Remember
the glory of God is not just His presence but his moral character and nature
communicated to His people. We are the
only Bible some people will ever read.
Let us make sure our message is clear and powerful.
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