Tuesday, May 7, 2024

May 7 – Leviathan - Isaiah 27:1

 May 7 – Leviathan - Isaiah 27:1


     There are four in that day prophecies in this chapter.  The first talks about the serpent also known as Leviathan.  This has three thoughts.  Isaiah uses the old Hebrew thought of te serpent who tempted Adam and Eve into sinning.  The Lord is going to punish the serpent who is also known as satan.  The Lord will use a fierce, great, and powerful sword.  This of course can be the Word of God our offensive and defensive weapon.  Jesus defeated the serpent on the cross. 

     This serpent is named because in the ancient Canaan as part of the deities of the land the serpent was a symbol of Baal.  This serpent coils and glides.  It can entrap and squeeze the life out of its victims.  He will slay the monster of the sea which is also a link to Tyre and Sidon where Jezebel came from and beguiled Israel to sin.  This is also a reference to what will be done in the book of Revelation where the serpent is cast into the lake of fire.

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