Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May 14 – Bed to Short - Isaiah 28:16-20

 May 14 – Bed to Short - Isaiah 28:16-20


     Isaiah then brings the contrast between the remnant and the rulers.  The Lord is going to lay a stone in Zion, a tested, precious cornerstone, a sure foundation.  This is a promise and prophecy about the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  He is tested, precious and sure.  All who relies on Him will never be stricken with panic or fear.  God has not given us a spirit of fear nut love, power, and a sound mind.  Justice will be the measuring line and righteousness will be the plumb line.  Two measuring devices familiar in construction. 

     The wicked rulers will find their covenant of evil, hiding place and refuge will be swept away.  The lie and falsehood they relied on will destroy them.  Their agreement and covenant will be annulled.  They will be beaten, and it will happen day and night.  Like a bed too short or a blanket too narrow it will be a message that will bring terror to the hearer.

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