Monday, May 27, 2024

May 27 – Folly of Trusting in Man - Isaiah 31:1-3

 May 27 – Folly of Trusting in Man - Isaiah 31:1-3


     A common theme throughout the Bible is the Woe.  It means a message of judgment, sorrow and

pain, for what perpetrator has done.   In this case it is for those who went to Egypt for help.  In the Bible

Egypt is a form of the world.  When you go to the world for help you are at odds with the Lord.  The

People of Judah had gone to Egypt and were relying on their horsemen and chariots instead of the

Holy One of Israel. 

     The Lord is going to rise against the nations.  He is wise and does not take back his word.  The Lord

always fulfills His words.  Isaiah reminds his audience that the Egyptians are not gods but mere mortals.

Their horses and chariot have a manmade origin. 

     The Lord stretches out his hand and helps those who stumble.  He lifts the one who fall.  When

they trust in man’s devices and implements they will fall and fail.

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