Wednesday, May 29, 2024

May 29 – The Fire - Isaiah 31:6-9

 May 29 – The Fire - Isaiah 31:6-9


     There are future events portrayed here.  First, an exhortation to return to the Lord which they

have revolted against.  This is an individual and collective sin.  In that day they will turn and reject the

idols made of silver and gold of which they have made.  This was their idea and sin. 

     Assyria will fall but not by a human hand.  This is a prophecy about the angel of the Lord destroying

The Assyrian army.  In one night, 185,000 soldiers were killed by this angel.  The army of the Assyrians

Will flee in terror.  They will panic later at the sight of Babylon.  Their stronghold will fall.  It will be like

A fiery furnace.  The furnace is Jerusalem, and the Lord is the one who light the match.

May 30 – Kingly Rule - Isaiah 32:1-8

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