Friday, May 24, 2024

May 24 – Wait - Isaiah 30:15-18

 May 24 – Wait - Isaiah 30:15-18


     There are two great promises given here.  In repentance and rest is your salvation.  In quietness and

Trust is your strength.  This is found in the Lord.  Yet the audience rejected it.  They chose the path of

fear and flight.  They thought they could outrun their trouble.   The thing about trouble and problems

they are faster than you. 

     The audience will flee at the threat of one and fear will paralyze them.  Yet there is another promise

here.  The Lord longs to be gracious and compassionate.  He is a God of justice and all who wait on Him

are blessed.  This is an amazing passage.  On one hand the Lord is rejected but He stills shows love,

compassion and favor.  You just must wait.

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