Friday, May 17, 2024

May 17 – The Boast - Woe to you, Ariel, Ariel,

 May 17 – The Boast - Woe to you, Ariel, Ariel,


Isaiah 29:1-4


     Isaiah then brings a message or prophecy to the city of Jerusalem or Ariel.  This is known as the city of peace but in this case, it will not experience peace.  David is mentioned so we know it is Jerusalem.  They have been having festivals both to the Lord and idols.  The Lord however is going to allow the enemies to encamp around it, encircle and put siege ramp around its towers, ramparts, and gates.  The cause is rebellion, idolatry, and pride.

     Their boasting and speech will be brought low.  Their voice will ghostlike and like a whisper.  Boasting, mockery, and other fruit of the mouth will be toned down to inaudible.  James says that the tongue is a world of trouble and can cause great pain or great encouragement.  The mouth reflects what is in the heart.  They thought being a covenant people it would secure them from judgment.  A foolish inclination.

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