Thursday, May 30, 2024

May 30 – Kingly Rule - Isaiah 32:1-8

 May 30 – Kingly Rule - Isaiah 32:1-8


     Isaiah talks about the future King.  The Messiah, who is Jesus Christ, will rule and reign in

righteousness.  He will reign with moral, ethical, and behavioural truth.  Those who rule with Him will

rule with justice.  This means that people will be treated fairly and with respect.  They will be like

a shelter from the wind and like stream in the desert in a dry and thirsty land. 

     Eyes will be opened.  Ears will be able to hear.  Fearful hearts will be able to understand and know.

Stammering tongues will be able to speak fluently.  There is going to be a time of healing.  The fool

And scoundrel will be shown for what they are.  

     Isaiah then reveals with fools and scoundrels are like.  They speak fool, are bent towards evil, practice. Ungodliness, and spread lies concerning the Lord.  They leave the hungry empty, the thirsty parched.  They are wicked, schemers, liars even when the need is just.  The rob, kill, and destroy.  The noble Isaiah says makes noble plans and they do noble deeds.  Quite the contrast.

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