Monday, May 13, 2024

May 13 – A Trap - Isaiah 28:10-15

 May 13 – A Trap - Isaiah 28:10-15


     Isaiah then brings a familiar Hebrew phrase.  Do this, do that, rule for this, a rule for that and a little here a little there.  It means keep it simple.  Isaiah then says that with foreign lips and strange tongues he will speak to his people.  This has two applications.  The Lord will use people from many nations to get his message across.  This is also a promise that one days a gift of strange tongues is given to the people of God.  This is a direct reference to what happened on the day of Pentecost.

     Isaiah then restates his previous phrase instead though the people who usually follow this phrase will go backwards and be injured and captured by their own sin.  Isaiah then addresses the ruler of Jerusalem.  He addresses a covenant they had made with the occult that promises them they would not be killed or face death.  This agreement they made will be their undoing because it is a lie and falsehood.  The made it with the one who wants their death.  They thought it was a hiding place but instead a entrapment with death.

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