Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 16 – Right Instruction - Isaiah 28:23-29

 May 16 – Right Instruction - Isaiah 28:23-29


     Isaiah is the master of illustrations.  He uses word pictures to get his point across.  He uses the picture of a farmer who plows and plants.  He does not do it all the time.  Each task has a role and time.  When he has prepared the soil, he then plants.  When the time is right the farmer harvests.  The grain is ground into flour but done carefully.  Horses are not used in the task because they are not the right animal or method. 

     Isaiah used this illustration to point his audience to the fact the Lord teaches and instructs his people in simple, concise, time-honored ways.  The Lord’s plans are wonderful.  His wisdom is magnificent.  The Lord will teach and instruct in the right way.  That is the important of reading, studying, and thinking about God’s word.  It is the final authority on faith and practice.

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