Friday, May 31, 2024

May 31 – Topheth - Isaiah 30:27-33

 May 31 – Topheth - Isaiah 30:27-33

The Lord is coming from afar as a manifestation of smoke. His lips, tongue and breath are a consuming fire and rushing torrent. See the images and word pictures. Powerful and effective in the mind. He shakes the nations and pits bits in the mouths of the people and leads them away.
The people of God will sing rejoice and celebrate as they go up to the mountain of the Lord. They
Will see the Lord manifested in a audible way, a arm, a cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail. He will punish Assyria. Those who see its destruction will rejoice with the pipe and timbrel. Topheth is the valley of Hinnom. This was where children sacrificed to Molech. He describes it as a place prepared for the King. Josiah would come here during the time of Jeremiah and destroy it. Like Topheth the breath of the Lord is a consuming fire ready to destroy all the wicked.

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