Saturday, February 7, 2015

What is coming

I was listening to an economy program yesterday and the people there were saying that the economies of the world are about to experience inflation that has not been seen in years because of the fact that many people in the west are over extended in their credit.  This of course is true because according to Stats Can, the average Canadian household has a 162% debt ratio.  This of course cannot be sustained.  So this last week the Bank of Canada lowered interest rates to the lowest in history which will just stimulate more debt.  So what does person do?  First, of all as fast as you can get out of debt.  The Bible teaches that borrower is always subject to the lender.  Next, realize that all that can be shaken will be shaken.  The Bible says that in the last days a great famine is coming.  One of the first judgments God will bring on the world is economic disaster.  Greece this week just elected a leftist government and its first priority will be to turn its back on the measures it has been subjected too by the European Union.  This is going to cause greater unrest in the world markets.  As a Christian you need to be ready for what ever comes.  This means you need to be aware of what is happening around you.  Remember the coming of the Lord is sooner than you think.  You need to open your eyes to what is going on.  In Israel there is an election going on and its outcome is of the upmost importance.  Israel will either elect a hawk or dove government.  One will be strong and the other will give into the demands of the world.  Right now the United States and Israel are in the midst of one of the worst relationships they have ever had.  The White House is very angry over the fact that the Prime Minister of Israel is going to address congress.  Obama already does not like Prime Minister Netanyahu but this latest thing has even further strained their relationship.  All of these things are showing things are getting close to the end.  So what do we do?  First draw close to God.  Seek His face and call unto Him.  Next, go into your world and tell as many people as you can about Jesus Christ.  Our duty is to go into our world and preach the gospel, make disciples and be a light.  Time is short in fact shorter than you think.  So get busy. 

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