Saturday, February 7, 2015

The shift has come 2

The Lord has made it clear that a shift has come.  Things will never be the same.  We are to watch what is going on around us and be prepared for the Lord to change our view and way of doing things.  Things are going to change and the one thing that will not change is the Lord.  Remember He does not change.  The world is in a time of transition.  Things that are suppose too happen are happening.  World events are moving along as the Lord said they would.  What is happening in the Middle East is happening according to what the Lord has seen.  Mankind is going to get more and more evil.  The religions of the world are coming into conflict with each other because each are trying to prove their supremacy.  This of course is the plan of the enemy because anything that takes man's eyes off the Lord is his design.  The church will not be immune from this attack.  The Lord is sad over the state of his church,  We have become very lukewarm.  There are places where the Lord is moving but the majority of churches are stuck in a rut.  The sad part is that they believe they are doing God's will.  They hold great music, preaching and teaching festivals.  Music that is not of the Lord is being promoted and many who perform are not as they seem.  In reality most who do the gospel music scene are not true believer in any sense.  We have magnified the gift and the presenter but have forgotten that righteousness, holiness and integrity in the artist is more important than the song they sing. 

 .       The Lord is about to cleanse His church.  Secret sin, double lives and hiding personal agendas will no longer be tolerated by the Lord.  He expects His church to be holy, righteous, pure and blameless.  That which He calls sin in the Bible is sin despite cultural shifts and priorities.  Stop entertaining sin.  Those who sin must repent for there are no degrees or exceptions.  Sin has only one agenda and that is kill and separate a person from the Lord.  Many today present lifestyle choices as normal.  Any lifestyle that is contrary to what the Bible says needs to be repented of or it will kill the effectiveness of the church and spirituality of the person.  Remember Jesus says a little leaven will leaven the whole loaf.  The Lord is preparing His bride for His coming.  He is coming for a bride that is pure and spotless.  Her clothes will be white and not some shade of grey.  The Lord calls to his corporate church to come back to their first love.  He tells them to get rid of the demons and devils that have infiltrated the church and in some cases have been welcomed with open arms.  It is time to cast these devils out of the church and become the church God intended.  A church of power, might and authority with the ability to changed their communities for Christ.  Anything less is not God's will.  It is man's will parading as God's and He will not share his glory with anyone.  So this is the moment you decide for you are in the valley of decision.  Choose wisely because both you and those around you will be affected.

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