Saturday, February 7, 2015

God cannot lie

Here is one truth about God and that is that He cannot lie.  When God says He is going to do something then He is going to do it.  Now men lie all the time.  We lie to our spouses, children, employers, government and ourselves.  God however cannot lie because it would go against His very nature and character.  So today when God gives you a promise He will not be slow or slack in fulfilling that promise.  You do not have to fear or fall away for the Lord will keep you during the evil days that are about to come on the earth.  Many will lose their jobs, livelihood and even their homes.  As a child of God when you find yourself in a storm, invite the one who can calm the storm into your life and situation.  Here is a truth.  You are either in a storm, coming out of a storm or soon going into a storm.  Life is not clear sailing or sunny days.   We are not living in Arizona where you get 300 days of sun every year.  Most of us live somewhere where the weather and times can be extreme.  Life can be extreme and unpleasant at times and this is because we have the world, the flesh and the devil working against our souls.  They are doing everything they can to destroy our lives.  Satan does not have our best interest at heart.  He has one goal.  To rob, kill and destroy.  He wants all mankind to go to hell.  He has even made hell for many a thing to look forward too.  God however made it possible that no person has to go to hell.  When He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross and made a way for mankind to stay out of hell and have eternal life.  Only a fool chooses hell.   Problem is so many people right now are being foolish.  I trust you will not be that way.  Today hold onto God`s promise and let Him be your anchor right now.  The storms that are currently hitting world and I am not talking about weather.  The economic, social, political and other storms will be fierce.  People`s heart will fail them for fear.  In fact the Spirit of Fear will be so strong that many will want to end their lives and many will.  Only those who trust the Lord will see victory during these times.  Anchor your life in the Lord Jesus Christ and trust the Lord for He is your safe haven.   He will keep you and help you.

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