Saturday, February 7, 2015

Dull of Hearing

Dull of Hearing

There is a major problem these days with God`s people choosing to remain children instead of becoming mature.  Becoming mature is a decision that everyone has to make.  Before you can change you have no see the need of change.  That is the problem with most of God`s people today.  They do not see that they have to change.  The following signs will show that you are backsliding or back slidden.

1.        The story of the cross no longer moves you.
2.       You have forgotten your first love.  You put everything in front of Jesus and this is shown by where you spend your time and money.  Who has your time and your wallet have you.  Be honest.
3.       Church services bore you.  You can hardly wait to get out of church to do what you want to do.
4.       You have no interest in saving souls.  You have not talk to anyone about Jesus, You do not invite people to church and you rarely or never share your testimony.
5.       You choose not do what you know you should do.  You make excuses for yourself.
6.       Frequent absence from church for no real good reason.
7.       Worldly things attract you more than spiritual things.  You rarely pray and read your Bible.
8.       No participation in the work of the church.  This is the biggest indicator that you are back slidden.

If any two or three of these apply to you.  You are backslidden and need to get right with God immediately.  You are lukewarm and useless to the kingdom of God, yourself and those around you.  Repent and come back to God through Jesus Christ.  Now before it is too late.

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