Saturday, February 28, 2015
Friday, February 27, 2015
Luke 5:17-26 – healing of the Paralytic
Matt 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12 and Luke 5:17-26 – healing of the Paralytic
Jesus returned to Capernaum and went to a house and was teaching when the crowd became so thick that four men who brought the paralytic to Jesus had to climb on the roof and make a hole so that the man could be lowered down to Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith He healed the man. There was a controversy about the method and Jesus’ claim to forgive sins. People had to believe because the miracle happened before their eyes.
Jesus moves on the principle of faith and whether it is our own or a friend’s, this is the principle that heals people. Jesus claimed to be God when He said that the paralytic’s sins were forgiven. Jesus proved this claim by healing the man, Jesus is God with a face because only God can forgive sins. Jesus knows men thoughts and these thoughts are generally evil.
When Jesus healed the man, the crowds were filled with awe and they praised God that this kind of power had been given to man. It all comes in Jesus name. The power of God must be present to heal. Another method of healing is the calling of the elders and them praying for you. Jesus as the Son of God has the power to heal, save and forgive sins. No one else who has ever walked this earth has had that power. We must believe in Jesus and Him only. This account is such a powerful testimony of what Jesus came to do.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Luke 5:12-16 – Healing of the Leper
Luke 5:12-16 – Healing of the Leper
Jesus was in Galilee and He has just finished teaching on the principles of the Kingdom when a leper came to Him asking Jesus to heal him. Jesus was willing to heal the man. The man was made clean and Jesus sent him to the priest to prove that the healing was genuine so God could be glorified, Here are some lessons we can learn from this account. If we want to be healed we must be willing to come to Jesus and ask. He is more than willing to help and our response must to humbly ask for it. Jesus met the need immediately in this case.
Jesus told him not to tell anyone but to go to the priest and let him examine the man so that God would be glorified and this would be a testimony to the healing power of Jesus. Healing should always be confirmed by a recognized authority. Jesus is moved by compassion when He heals. He knows no one but Himself can meet the needs of mankind. This man disobeyed Jesus and went and told all. Because of this Jesus had to stay in the lonely places. To really get the work done right we must be willing to obey His every instruction. No matter where Jesus was people came to be healed by Him. No matter where you find yourself if you need to be healed in any area of your life, come to Jesus and He will heal you.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Jesus’ First Tour of Galilee
Luke 4:22-24 – Jesus’ First Tour of Galilee
Jesus begins His first tour of Galilee. He taught, preached, healed and cast out demons. Large crowds followed Him everywhere. On this tour Jesus preached the good news of the Kingdom. He healed all the sickness and diseases of all the people who came to Him. The good news of Him spread everywhere. No matter what kind of thing He faced, He met and healed everyone who came.
Jesus was a man of prayer and it was this communion with God that enabled Him to do all these things. He was also a man of the Spirit. This formula or pattern of life will enable us to be successful in our spirit walk with God. This was the secret of the success of the early apostles and disciples. Stephen for example was known as a man of faith and the Holy Spirit. This should be our testimony as well.
Jesus in this account is shown as the universal saviour. He came to reach all the people not a select few. People may try to keep Jesus in one place but Jesus came to bring good news to all people.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Luke 8:38-41 – Peter’s Mother in law Healed
Luke 8:38-41 – Peter’s Mother in law Healed
Today we learn that Peter was married and that His mother in law was sick. Jesus came to Peter’s house and when he touched Peter’s relative she was made well. She even got up and made them dinner. Later in this account we see the demonic possessed and sick were brought to Him and they were all made well. Just a quite note, not all who are sick are this way because of demonic activity and vice versa but Jesus made them well because He came to set the captive free. Jesus also did these things to fulfill prophecy.
Jesus was moved by compassion to reach out to His friends. He touched and healed Peter’s mother in law because His friends asked Him to do it. Jesus has authority over every sickness, disease and demon. It is not God’s will that people are sick. This is evident because everyone who came to Jesus was healed. Jesus healed those who came with His word.
Jesus did not spend time speaking to the demon, He just cast them out. Jesus came to heal or carry our infirmities and diseases. Jesus rebuked the fever and we must do the same. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Nothing must hinder its cleanliness. Jesus used in this case the method of Laying on of Hands. There are many methods of healing can be employed but the issue in every case is seeing people healed and the Lord being glorified,
Monday, February 23, 2015
Four Disciples called
Luke 5:1-11 – Four Disciples called
Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee and He met Peter and his brother Andrew. They were fishing and He called them over and said that He wanted to make them Fishers of men. They immediately left their nets. He came along and did the same with James and John and they did the same.
Jesus was well known at this time as a prophet and teacher, His message was that the Kingdom of God is near. He told the people to repent and believe with all their hearts the good news. Jesus called His disciples to be Fishers of Men. It is beautiful to see these men were willing to give up everything to follow Jesus. Peter put it this way, “where can we go, only you have the words of eternal life.” Here is something irresistible about Jesus that when we first meet Him, the first thing we want to do is follow Him.
It was an act of faith and obedience on the part of the disciples to leave all and follow Jesus. We must be willing to do the same. Jesus taught the word from Peter’s boat. Jesus was with them and Peter was reminded of His sin. He was and so we be when we come into the presence of Jesus. We must be willing to get of all our sin.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
Jesus in Nazareth
Luke 4:16-31 – Jesus in Nazareth
Once again we are looking at the Jesus in His home town of Nazareth. Jesus had revealed He was the Messiah and the people took it the wrong way and wanted to kill Him. Jesus however walked away and was not harmed. Here are the lessons we can learn from this account today.
Jesus came to give sight to the blind both in a physical and spiritual sense. He came to release the oppressed and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour. Jesus has come to your free from your oppression and He wants you to know you are blessed and highly favoured. I have a friend that always greets those who meet him with the phrase, “I am blessed and highly favoured.” Which of course he is because of Jesus Christ.
When everyone’s eyes were fastened on Jesus, He told His audience in Nazareth that the scripture He had just read was now being fulfilled. All who heard Him said He had gracious words but they did not believe in Him.
Jesus revealed that people won’t believe a prophet from their home town because they know his past and cannot believe they could change. Jesus was to face death through all His ministry. He claimed from the very beginning to be the Son of God. His claim to deity would eventually lead to His death
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Rejected at Nazareth
Luke 4:16-31 – Rejected at Nazareth
This story is so full of lessons and truth we will spend two days learning from it. Jesus returns to His home town of Nazareth. He had returned with the power of the Holy Spirit upon Him. He went to the local synacogue and it was here that His mission was fulfilled or revealed. He took the book of Isaiah and read Isaiah 61, which tells about the mission of the Messiah and when he finished reading it, he said the scripture was fulfilled in Him. The people did not believe Him because they knew His family. Jesus told them about Elijah and Naaman. He told them that a prophet is never accepted in their home town. They were going to stone Him but He got away. Here are five life lessons we can learn from this passage today.
Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit and was ready to begin His ministry. Before we start any ministry we need to make sure we are filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the vital ingredient in any enterprise for God. The Spirit led life is the only answer to doing the will of God. Jesus’ mission was revealed right from the start. He taught wherever He could and people praised God for Him. Jesus was a respected teacher through Galilee. He was a man of the word and was a man who believed in the house of the Lord. He was a regular attendee of the House of the Lord. If Jesus believe in going to church so should we.
The Spirit of the Lord was upon Him and He was anointed to preach the good news to the poor. Jesus is good news. Salvation, healing and righteousness Is what He brings. He makes us friends with God. Those who do not know the Lord are poor. They may have the riches of this world but they are poor in the things of the Spirit. Jesus came to set the captive free.
Jesus came to set all prisoners free from whatever bondage they may be under. Whatever you are dealing with there is an answer! His name is Jesus and by His stripes you are healed and through His blood you are set free. Who the Son sets free is free indeed.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
The Nobleman’s Son
John 4:4-46 – The Nobleman’s Son
This event happened in Cana the same town where Jesus had turned the water into wine. Jesus came back and the people hear about Him. One man in particular heard about Him. This man was a member of the royal family and his son laid sick so when Jesus arrived back in Galilee from Judea, the official cam to Jesus and asked Him to heal his son. Jesus told him to go back to Capernaum and he would find his son healed. This act of faith made the son well.
The father was a man that believed that Jesus could make his son well. He was a man who loved his son and would travel great distances for the boy. Jesus told him, “Unless you see a miracle you won’t believe.” This man was a Jew and Jesus was revealing the nature of the Jews which is that they will not believe until they see a sign or a miracle.
The man’s faith was put to the test when Jesus asked him to go back to Capernaum and take Jesus at His word. When he did his son was made whole. Jesus met the need and there were immediate results. The man saw his need met and he believed. Jesus is always willing to meet us at our point of need. There is a role that we must play. We have to willing to put our faith to the test and take the Lord at His word. This was the second miracle that Jesus did.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Jesus Returns to Galilee
Mark 1:35 – Luke 4:15 & John 4:43-45 – Jesus Returns to Galilee
Today seems like such a short devotion to some of the ones we have had. This however has a couple of truths we need to examine. Jesus returns to Galilee after His first appearance in Jerusalem and Judea. He is welcome but He knows that He is not welcome in many homes and heart. Jesus s the great water shed of truth. When He comes into your life for the first time you have to make a choice. Is He who said He was, or not? Like any eternal choice there are consequences with that choice.
Many had seen what He had done during the feast of the Passover. The evidence was there but one’s heart has to be open before you can believe and receive eternal life. Jesus did teach In their synacogues and everyone praised Him. He taught with authority and power. Christ wants to come in your heart with authority and power.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Friday, February 13, 2015
The Amazing Lord
The Amazing
Many will say this is amazing. The Lord would say to His children today that
I have great things in store for you. Test
me and see that I will open the windows of heaven. The glory and the presence of God is about to
be released upon the earth. The most amazing
thing that you are going to see is how I'm going to win battles in many ways
you never thought possible. They will
say this is amazing and you will see the angels of the Lord working on your
behalf. Many years ago I knew a man who
was gifted in prophecy and on regular basis he saw the angels. One day as he was preparing for the day and
an angel told him what he was supposed to do , he obeyed and saw the Lord save
a soul and set someone free. Times
will be very fierce and it will look that you are about to be defeated. But in time your redemption will draw nigh
and the angels will come to assist you for they have been sent by me and you
will see great victory. As the prophet Isaiah said in Isaiah 41:10 do
not, “Do not fear for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you, I will
uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
The Lord is about to launch His great victory. Those who do not shrink back will see the
salvation and victory. The Lord is calling you to a place of victory,
confidence and overcoming trust. The
Lord wants you to know right now He will give you the victory. Remember with God for us who can be against
us. Let the Lord be your banner, your
front guard, your rear guard. Let him
be on your left and right hand and know today that you have the victory. The Lord will not leave you alone, He will
not forsake you, nor leave you. This is your
day of victory. Trust in the Lord,
don't lean to your own understanding. Trust
the Lord and you will see victory in your family, your relationships and in
your home.
Battle will get Stronger
Battle will get Stronger
The Lord is warning His
children that the battle for souls and for victory is about to get stronger and
intensify. Many will get wounded in the
fight. Many will be discouraged and even
some will run away. Others will just give up.
Remember the reward for those who hold out to the end. This is about to become true. Remember, those who know their God will do
exploits but you have to fight through to victory. In WW2, there was a British Commando group
that was given the task of holding a bridge until relieved. Their only orders were to hold the bridge
until relieved. They did and the allies
used the bridge to move deeper into enemy territory. Those who give up to soon will not see the
victory. They will miss the mark and the
blessing. The remnant will see the
victory and the blessing not the weak in heart, mind and will.
Those who raise the banner of
the Lord will succeed. The banner of
love, victory, grace, mercy and faith.
Shout the victory of the Lord and the walls of division will come
down. Stand on the promise of the Lord
and you will see despair and death be over run.
The battle is about to become fierce because the enemy is sending his
best troops into battle. They will look
fierce and cruel which they are but remember they have already been
defeated. We overcome by the blood of
the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
His shock troops have been defeated.
They will run when they realize that you are not afraid and you know
that they have been defeated. They will
growl and roar but they will back down.
are a warrior. You have the armor,
weapons and power of the Lord. You are a
conqueror, victor and overcomer. See
yourself as you are a priest and King.
You are the child of the King and He has already secured your
victory. The enemy has to come up to
you. You do not have to go down to where
he is. Whatever you bind on earth is bound
in heaven and whatever you loose on earth is loosed in earth. You have the keys of the Kingdom and you
cannot be defeated when you know what the Lord has given you. Where people perish is when they forget or do
not see the Lord is there with them. Claim your victory.
off the grasshopper mentality. Do not
see yourself as small in your sight. See
yourself as your are, a mighty warrior.
Throw off the spy mentality which says we cannot take the land. Join Joshua and Caleb and take the land. The Jericho`s will fall and your enemies will
be defeated. Shout unto God with the
voice of triumph. Throw off the shackles
of fear, doubt and discouragement.
Victory is yours. Claim it now
for yourself and your family.
Prophecy fulfilled
These are very exciting times to live in right before our
eyes biblical prophecy is being fulfilled. We of course are seeing a great
falling away. It has been reported that
7 out of every 10 young people raised in the church will leave the church for a
period of time. Also as well more and
more mature believers are either opting out of church and staying home or have
left the faith. This of course was
prophesied in the Bible. But the marvelous thing is that's also within
the pages of the Bible is the promise of God pouring out His spirit upon all
flesh. The coming revival and moving of
God is mainly going to be up on the young people. They are going to be the new generals, majors,
captains, lieutenants, and front line army people to be used for the glory of
God. They will be fearless. They have had a taste of the world and see
that it is hollow, meaningless and unfulfilling. They have had all the technology, all the
frills, and have seen the folly of this world. This new generation of young leaders will be
creative why and discerning. They will be seeking God about strategy about
His plans, and his anointing. They will not be distracted by the voices of the
world because they have heard these voices before. They followed their path. their ideas and to
their misfortune they were hurt, broken and rendered useless. But God in His grace, mercy and love reached
out to them and pull them out of the pit, He set them on the right path and now
they know what it's like to be in the world and what the world can do and they
have refused its lured anymore. The Lord
is giving them a brand new mandate, power an anointing, they will go where
others have not gone before. They will
attempt the impossible and will do the impossible. God is going to give them the signs and
wonders and miracles and they will see the glory of God. Pray
for them for they are being raised up right now. Seek God's face on their behalf for this next
generation need your prayer support now.
Dangerous and perilous days
The Lord is reminding us that very dangerous and perilous
days are upon us. There are few places
in the world that are truly safe or free.
Those places that are considering safe or free are in the midst of an
evil transformation. The one lesson that
men never learn is that history will repeat itself. For 70 years the lands of Eastern Europe were
in the midst of communism and fanatic socialism. Now the countries of the west are adopting
many of the very things that these countries of the east tried and failed
at. Economic disaster is going to come
again on the west. Their policies of
spending without restraint are about to reverse and come back on them. Greece will be the country that leads this
insanity. The new leader in Greece will
refuse to continue the path that has been placed before them leading the
European economy to one of its worst crisis` ever. The other countries will try to minimize the
effect with little success. This will in
turn give the countries of the middle east the impression that they can
continue to move in preparation for war without any reprisal from the
saddest part of the continual fall of the west will be America. The current president will continue to follow
his failed policies and will by the end of his term will make America so weak in
the eyes of its allies that many will follow their own course of action with
limited success. Keep your eyes on China
because it will continue to flex its economic and political muscle in the far
east. It will also make great inroads
through out the west as the west will be desperate for money. This is setting up everything for future
conflict. China will not be satisfied
with its current position as third top military power. With Russia in the midst of an economic and
political crisis because of low oil prices, crippling sanctions and America
with its leadership crisis China will more and more assert its place in the
will also be stronger persecution of the church in Islamic countries, in Africa
and soon in Russia and many countries of Asia.
Strong violence will be in India as both Hindu’s and Moslems will
increase their hatred toward the church.
The revival in Africa and Latin America will soon come to North America
as missionaries from these two regions will be sent by the Lord to the
West. A counter revival will come to
certain parts of Europe because of the Moslem menace. People will return to Christian roots because
the failure of morality, secularism and the false cults. They will want grounding and reality. Something to anchor their lives on. The will be a great opportunity for the
church but this will only happen to those who see what Is going on and jump at
the opportunity. The period this revival
will be of a short duration because the Lord is about to come. So you response must be one of repentance,
revival and readiness. Hear the sound of
revival and be ready for the Lord’s coming is drawing near.
No more fetters or chain
God is so good and promises to break our feathers and
chains. He promises to prosperous our
teaching and preaching. We will not be
shaken when all around us is being shaken. The Lord is our rock our fortress and ever
present help in times of trouble so let us walk in step with Him and be about
His mission. Help us to work together and stay connected in
partnership with you Lord. May your
peace that passes all understanding in this moment fill our hearts and minds in
Christ Jesus. Let us be about your
business and stay in rhythm with what you are doing. Lord help us to have your focus and be
anointed by the Holy Spirit help us to be faithful Lord and to know our place
in the grand scheme of your will. Keep
us humble and respectful but also fearful as we do your work. Plant
water and grow through us Lord. Lord,
keep us at the center of your will and help us to tell others about you because
you're the greatest and most wonderful God there is.
Keep your eyes on the cross
The Lord tells his people to keep their eyes on the
cross. It was the cross that gave them the victory. To take your eyes off the
cross means that you will put it on something else. Usually it has something to
do with man or man-made ideas or thoughts. That is why I tell you to keep your eyes on
the cross. It was on the cross that your healing was
secured. It was on the cross that Jesus
allowed His body to be broken His blood to be shed and allowed His life to
expire. It was on the cross that Jesus told the thief that he would be with Him
in paradise. It was on the cross that
Jesus said it is finished. Nothing
needs to be added or subtracted. Everything
has been secured on the cross. On the
cross Jesus allowed His blood to be shed. Remember its through the blood of Jesus
Christ that all forgiveness comes. It
is through the blood of Jesus Christ that we have access to the throne of God. When we come to God's throne we will have
grace, mercy and help in our time of need.
On the cross Jesus made His declaration into your hands father do I
commend my spirit. Today we can commend
our lives to the Father and we can call Him father. He is our Father which is in heaven His name
is to be hallowed. His kingdom of
righteousness, peace and joy are ours. The
Lord gives us righteousness which is right standing with God and with each
other. He gives us joy which is
deep-seated contentment knowing that God has all things under control. We have that peace that passes all
understanding , it will fill our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. So today
keep your eyes on the cross realize what God has done and never stray from it.
As the old song says would you be free from your passion and pride there's
power in the blood. The devil hates the
blood of Jesus and he hates any message about the blood. Because the blood defeated him and destroyed
his power. Death. Hell and the grave are defeated and Jesus
Christ is Lord so keep your eyes on the cross and the victory that it brought. Amen
Calling all intercessors
Recently I had a conversation
with a lady in our church. She was
feeling an overwhelming sense of foreboding and unsettling in her heart. All she felt like doing whenever she came to
her place of prayer was cry. She did not
know why she wanted to cry all the time.
It was then I explained about the season our church and the church in
general is in right now. God is calling
His true intercessor to pray. We have
been losing battles left and right. We
have also seen many soldiers get wounded in the fight. Intercessors are being wounded and broken
over and over again. It has even got to
the point where many do not even want to pray any more. The battle has not been as intense like this
for decades. There are two reasons. First, evil recognizes that their time is
short and they are moving to secure their position and secondly the Lord is
moving His people into position for the last harvest. This harvest will be primarily among the
young because the older a person gets the less likely they are going to respond
to the Lord because of life experience and the hardness of their heart. This is not judging it is just the truth of
the matter.
God is calling all His
intercessors and prayer warriors into a deeper walk than ever before. The stakes have never been higher. Evil is confident and cocky right now because
they have won some major battles and have swayed public perception. That which is evil has become good and that
which is good has become evil in the minds of the public. Abortion, Homosexuality, suicide are now
accepted norms. Those who promote them
are relentless in their attack on the church.
Everywhere church leaders are being pressured to compromise on essential
biblical truths and they are. Never has
been the need for prayer and revival been greater. That is why God is moving those who have the
gift of prayer to pray. We can still win
the battle but we must seek God like we have never sought His face. Some would say, why does not God just move
and turn this world upside right. That
would mean a total destruction of this world as in the days of Noah and that is
coming but before that happens He is giving us one more opportunity to push
through His final awakening throughout the world. That is why we must respond. Millions of souls are hanging in the
balance. If we do not respond millions
will be lost and we shall held responsible.
So let us not back off but press in and pray like there is no tomorrow
because in reality there is not. Answer
that moaning and crying with your spirit.
As I told her, cry out to God until the peace comes. We have been given power to change our
world. Whatever we bind on earth is bond
in heaven and whatever we loose on the earth is loosed in heaven. Press in someone eternity is hanging in the
balance. Feel the pressure, good.
A sign to take notice
I was driving home and saw a sign that made me stand up
and take notice. The incredible thing
was that I have driven by this sign many times but today it took a new
significance. The sign said, “Coming
Soon.” Now we see these signs everywhere
and they can become mundane and just part of the landscape. The Lord reminded when I saw this sign that
He is coming soon. In fact His coming is
closer than most people think. When you
check the Bible and study the signs of His coming you can see how close His
coming really is. The freakish weather
patterns, wars and rumors of wars. Right
now over 40 wars are being fought. The
most visible of course is ISIS. We see
the West and Russia again on a crash course.
It is as bad as it was any time during the cold war. These signs once again remind us that every
day that we live we are one day closer to the coming of the Lord. During this time period I have become more
and more aware of the reality of the frailty of life. When you start seeing family and friends
dying it awakens you to your own mortality.
You realize that you are only on this planet for a short period of time
so it is imperative that you do two things.
Prepare for eternity and make sure that you every day make an impact in
your world. One of the people who go to
my church just retired after some 40 years in the same job. He was excited about two things. First, that he had more time for what he
wanted to do and then the chance to volunteer and make an impact on his
world. I like that thought. The challenge I have for you and I believe it
is from the Lord is this. Don’t wait
until you think you have more time make your impact now. Do the little things that make a
difference. Do an act of random
kindness, visit someone, phone someone up and encourage them. Do it now because you may not get a chance
later. My neighbor a man who was in his
early sixties contracted cancer. By the
time he learned he had it there was no hope.
Within three weeks he was gone.
There was little time for anything else but the focus of battling the
cancer and preparing for his death. The
lesson I learn was this. Do the things
that last for eternity now before eternity takes you and there is no time
left. Remember Coming Soon to a planet
near you is Jesus. Do what you can now
and when He comes be ready.
Come who are weary
Jesus said in Matt 11:28, that all who are weary can come
to Him and they will have their burdens lifted and fitted with a load much
easier to carry. He promised rest for
the weary soul. In the hymn, softly and
tenderly Jesus is call we are encouraged to come home. Home is that place where we are secure, have
significance and we can be ourselves.
Home is a place of rest and love.
Home is a place where family gets together and fellowship. Home is a place where you are not
judged. You do not have to perform and
wear a mask. It is a place where you can
be what God intended you to be. The Lord
is calling His people home today. Come into
that place of rest. Receive the love,
acceptance and forgiveness of the Lord.
You do not have to wear a mask or feel you have to perform. The Lord is not evaluating you. He will not condemn you. The Lord is your loving Father who wants His
weary children to come home. The devil
has been lying to so many. He tells
people that they cannot come home. He
lies about the wonderful love of God. He
is father of lies. He tells people that
in the Lord they cannot have self worth, significance or security. Yet that is a lie. God`s perfect love casts out all fear. He gives an oil joy for mourning and a
garment of praise for the Spirit of heaviness.
The Lord casts out fear with love, power and a sound mind. So today come to the Lord. Lay your burdens down. Cast all your cares
on Him for He cares for you. Trust the
Lord with all your heart, do not lean unto your own understanding but in all
ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. The Lord has many great and wonderful
blessing waiting for you. Just come
What Happens Next
I was seeking the Lord about what was going to happen
next and the Lord showed me a globe.
Then He told me that soon He was going to pour out His Spirit on
Strategic places in the world. He was
preparing people from all over the world to come to North America and the
western world. The sad fact is that the
Western countries are the new mission field.
For example the Lord has been moving in the Latin America countries in
preparation to bring their revival to the Hispanic population of America. The Lord has been moving in Eastern Europe in
the last two decades to send missionaries to Western Europe. Western Europe and North America are the
desert places of Christianity. The
greatest falling away is happening in Canada and America. So that is why the Lord is bringing missionaries
from Africa, Asia, and Latin America to North America. Fire and persecution have honed their resolve
and commitment. When you are being
slandered, maligned and persecuted it changes your whole perspective. The church in North America and Western
Europe is cold, wretched, pitiful, blind and lame. The only thing we are fit for is judgment. Yet God in His mercy will send us those who
have been refined by the fire to help us come back to revival and power. When they show up in our churches they will
bring a zeal and love for Christ that make many of us uncomfortable. We will long for what they have but we will
not be willing to pay the price. God
though in His mercy and grace will demand us to change. This change can either be a willing change or
forced the choice is ours. The Lord will
not let us stay the same way. He is
coming back for a church clean, pure and holy.
Nothing less will do. The Holy
Spirit is stirring us but we have not responded so He is sending others from
around the world to show us the way.
They have come through the fire of affliction and have won. They know their God and will do
exploits. It is sad that the Lord has to
send them for it was not His desire but He has no choice. We have not heeded Him. We have been satisfied with status quo. We have heard Him tell us to come back but we
have not so now He is sending others to help us but more importantly they will
reach people we would not or could not.
This is a sad day for the church in North America but the Lord will have
His end time revival. So today open your
heart to the Lord and receive His Spirit in a new measure and be part of what
God is about to do. It will be wonderful
if you do.
Lord`s concern for the church
The Lord is deeply concerned
today about the direction that many in His body are going today so He has
decided intervene and redirect all those who will listen to Him. He is going to give new insight
understanding and wisdom to those who wish to receive it. Remember what James
said in James 17 that if we ask wisdom the Lord will give it to us with
abundance. Today the Lord will give His people wisdom and they will know His
plan and His will. The secret to this reception of wisdom will be purity, love,
mercy, grace, and a desire to do the will of God. Only those who are desperate, hungry, and
thirsty for the will of God will see my glory.
Remember my glory is my moral character, my expressed will and the
essence of my being. You must remember the first quality I will communicate to
you will be love. It is the quality that
I want to communicate through you.
People will know that you are my disciples by the way that you love one
I am deeply distressed over
the lack of love that has been expressed by my people. So I am calling on you
to mend your ways to choose the path of love and to heal the breaches in my house.
Remember the Apostle Paul said in the book of Ephesians said that you are to make every effort to
keep the unity of the faith. I am
calling you to be peacemakers, I am
calling you to love those who are not lovely but whom I love. This next little while I am calling
my people back from their walls of the
denominations and traditions. I
want unity and this unity will be based on my Son Jesus Christ. Those who seek
unity through peace, love, forgiveness and wisdom will be my children. This is
your time let go of your personal agendas, your theological bias, and let go of
your personal traditions which are not of me.
desire my people to work for the mutual benefit of each other and others. This is something I intended from the
beginning but has gotten loss in the every day pursuit of man made
agenda`s. My people are doing their
thing in my name and it must stop. You
must stop it or I will stop it. The
choice is yours. If you choose to let
these things go, it will be easy and wonderful.
If you do not, the way will be hard and painful. It is your choice. I will have my will back in my church. Remember it is my church and not yours. It is not the church of the Pentecostals,
Catholics, Methodists, Baptists or the Non Denominational. It is my church. You have made it into something it was never
intended to be. Many times I have tried
to bring you together but you resisted me.
Do not resist me. Now I will
purify my church and make it ready for my coming. Remember in spite of what many are saying I
am coming soon and sooner than you think.
Never surrender to the world
Lord reminds you today that the world wants you to submit and surrender to
it. You are however not of this world
and do not have to submit to the images or standards of this world. Daniel was a great example of how one could
operate in a heathen world and prosper.
There are seven lessons you can learn from his life today. First, see how the world operates. It uses pleasure, possessions and power to
draw people in. So make sure you do not
fall for these traps. Next, Daniel saw
that the world wants your allegiance.
You must never give you will to it.
Your will belongs to the Lord and no other. Thirdly, truth will always be
challenged. When you stand for truth,
you and that truth will be challenged.
You must stand in the Lord and in the power of His might. Remember you know the truth and that truth
has set you free. Bring the truth of
Jesus Christ into your world. You will
be challenged but you have already overcome.
Fourthly, you must trust God. In
Daniel’s world he had to trust the Lord.
When he was put in the Lion’s den he trusted the Lord and an angel was
sent to shut the mouths of the lions.
The Lord will help you when you trust in Him. Daniel saw wonders and you will see wonders as
well. Fifthly, the Lord will protect
you. The Bible teaches that the Lord
sends His angels to camp around you. You
are never alone. Those that stand for
you are greater and stronger than those who are against you. As He protected Daniel and He will protect
you. Sixthly, You will overcome. The promise from the Book of Revelation is
that the people of God will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of
their testimony. The Lord will keep you
in the darkest places. Your trust and
reaction will determination your outcome.
Lastly, Daniel saw that the Lord got the glory when He brings
deliverance. No matter what happens
trust the Lord for His deliverance.
Often things that happen that cannot be explained and all you can do is
give glory to God. Daniel learned this
and you can too. Remember those who know
their God will do exploits. God want to
use you today in this manner.
Example of Nebuchadnezzar
The Lord has a mighty word and lesson to proclaim to His
people. You have begun to think that I
cannot humble or change the heart of leaders, kings or presidents. Not only can I do that I have given you
examples from my word. Remember Nebuchadnezzar.
He was the King of the mightiest empire on the earth. He ruled supreme but I humbled him. Through Daniel I told him what was going to
happen and he refused to listen to me and so I humbled him. He found out that I raise up leaders and
remove them. After seven seasons of
living like an animal he came to his senses and acknowledged me. In Daniel 4:1-3, he stated that the Lord had
worked wonders on his behalf. He told of
my signs and mighty was my wonders. That
my kingdom was everlasting and my dominion was from generation to
generation. The reality is that all
leaders and rulers will one day come and give account of their lives. Some will be like Nebuchadnezzar and
acknowledge me and others will not. For
those who do not they will be destroyed.
So pray for your leaders and rulers.
Pray that they will humble themselves.
Pray that they will remember why they are there. Pray that they will not fall the trap of
power, prestige and success. These are
traps in which the evil one uses to trap even the most purest of motives. Remember those who serve in public office
often made the decision to do so because they wanted to make a difference but
somewhere something went wrong. What
went wrong is that they were tempted by the traps laid before them. They forget what they were doing and got
caught in the culture of entitlement. It
is hard to remember why one is there when all around you is tempting you to
compromise. Pray that purity, integrity,
character and morality will once again return to the halls of power. It can happen if my people will take the
horns of the altar on behalf of these people.
Also I have called on you do speak to them if the opportunity presents
it. I can and I will raise up Daniel’s
and Joseph’s in these places. In spite
of every attempt by the evil one to block my progress in government I will
place my people in strategic places.
There will be Esther’s and Mordecai’s raised up in your nation as
well. So pray for the rulers and those I
have placed in special places. If I
touched Nebuchadnezzar, I can touch them remember that.
Seize your moment
Lord is looking at the nation of Canada with great sadness today. We have gone the way of many nations
throughout the world. The things the
Lord holds sacred we as a nation have rejected.
The Lord loves all people and values life. We in one generation have been responsible
for destroying so many precious lives.
Now we have chosen to make the most vunerable at risk. Those who have no voice will have to face
evil that they have not faced for generations. I have called my church to fight and speak
on their behalf and you did not. Yet it
is not too late. If you seek my face
right now and pour your hearts out to me I will hear and answer your
prayers. I am looking for a people that
will call to me with all their hearts.
You can win the day but you must make a decision today about what you
are going to do. Remember righteousness
exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any nation. At this moment sin has characterized your
nation. This does not have to be your
testimony. I am looking for people who
will stand in the gap and pray. Will you
be that person? Will you humble
yourself, pray, seek my face and turn from your wicked ways. The sadness I feel most says the Lord is for
my people. I have given you many
warnings and opportunities to stem the tide in your nation and you would not or
your effort was half hearted. You knew
this was coming but you ignored me. Do
not ignore me any longer you still have time.
I have a dream for your nation.
The dream I have is that millions will come to me. It can happen and this will turn the tide in
your favor. You must do three
things. Pray, work and worship. Pray for this has great value in the economy
of eternity. Work, reach as many as you
can in your world. Worship, keep your
eyes focused on me and you will see the tide turned. It is your moment, seize it.
People of Compromise
People of Compromise
Canada has now
completed the cycle of death. In 1974,
we started killing the unborn. Then we
allow morality to be changed and eventually it was killed.
Now our Supreme Court has ruled now it is ok for people to asked a
physician to assist in their suicide.
The vunerable, sick and impaired by been stripped of their right for
protection. When mankind leaves all
standards of morality as the morally bankrupt supreme court has then society
will become nothing more than survival of the fittest. Nazi Germany was doing the same thing. Welcome Nazi Canada. Our Supreme Court justices have become worse
than any person operating in World War Two.
How did it come to this that nine morally bankrupt people would decide
the fate of millions of people? Who is
now going to protect those who society deems as no longer fit for life? It will not be the judicial system of Canada. Those fools in the Supreme Court have seen to
that. Never has been the fate of a
nation been so foolishly given over to insensitive, absolutely in competent
fools. Yes, you heard right I call the
Supreme Court justices fools. Morally,
spiritually, intellectually bankrupt fools.
They have said with the stroke of a pen that God’s view of life is no
longer valid in the country of Canada.
Our country that was founded on the principles of the protection of
life. This Supreme Court said 40 years
ago that it was o.k. to kill babies.
They said a few years ago that it was o.k. to redefine the family and
kill the home. It was only a matter of
time before this same body of justices to rule that it was now ok to kill the
ones who could not protect themselves.
The ones who really are put on the spot are the doctors
who have taken an oath to save life. Now
they will be put into a position to do the very thing they have made an oath to
keep. They are now going to be asked by
those who believe they have the right to die and family members who want their
family member to die to assist them to die.
What does a doctor do? You are
going to see in this country soon already a cottage industry in Europe. Mobile clinics that will come to you. You just go back into a van and a technician
administers the drugs and you are dead.
Sounds like Nazi Germany. They
call it dying with dignity. Soon doctors
and mental health professionals will be deciding the fate of people in mental
hospitals in palliative care facilities on who lives and dies. The Supreme Court has opened a Pandora’s box
and it cannot easily be closed. Fools,
fools, fools. The only answer to this is
a Canada wide revival where millions of Christians stand up and say no. Church we need to pray and work like we have
never worked. It is not the end of the
day but it looks pretty bad right now.
Only a true revival where society is reformed can save us now. Pray and work like you have never worked
before. If you don’t someone later may
decide you are no longer fit for society and wish for you to be
terminated. The door has been opened and
don’t think for a minute that Canadian society has the moral fortitude to
police itself. When the Word of God is
discarded and morality it brings. Evil
will over power the land. The problem by
the way is that we let it happen. Shame
on the church.
Never Give up
The Lord says to never give
up. When you stop striving to win you
have already given in. There is a poem
that goes like this. When faced with a
mountain, I will not quit. I will keep
on striving until I climb over. Find a
pass through, tunnel underneath. Or
simply stay and turn the mountain into a gold mine with God’s help. Paul reminds us 2 Cor 2:14 that we will
always win or triumph in the Lord. No
mountain that stands in our way can defeat us.
When we apply the grace and power of God to it, it will be removed. Remember it is not by man’s might, power or
anointing that any mountain will be remove it will be through the Lord. There is a Persian tale about a king who needed
a new manager. He had narrowed it down
to two men. So he gave them a job to
do. They were suppose too drain a well
with buckets into a local field. After a
few minutes into the job one of the two men said, “I do not see the value in
this, I am going to leave.” The other
man said, “Our job was to drain this well even if we do not see the
reason. We are suppose too do our
masters bidding. “ The other man
replied, “Well I think this is nonsense.”
With that he dropped the bucket and left. The servant who stayed worked until he had
drain the well. When he was done he
noticed something shiny at the bottom of the well. It was several gold bars. He retrieved the gold and got the job of
manager. The lesson we get from here is
that no matter how silly something seems when our master tells us to it we do
it. The best thing to do is obey because
the reward at the end of the job will many times over compensate what efforts
it cost to get the job done. So never
give up, never surrender. Keep on doing
what the Lord tells you. It is about
trust. Do you trust the Lord? Paul states it so beautifully. “Do not grow weary in well doing because in
due season you will reap a harvest.
Lost Sheep
In John 15:4 Jesus talks about looking for lost sheep. Here is a reality all that do not know Jesus
Christ are lost sheep. They have only
one reality for eternity and that is they are going to a lost eternity. One time I read a book from a pastor who felt
he needed to correct the church on the term lost. He said people are not lost they are just
temporarily not knowing where they are going.
Now I know he was trying to help give a new perspective but the reality
is that people are lost. Jesus coined the
phrase and if the phrase was good enough for Jesus it should be good enough for
us. The reality is that the shepherd has
done everything for the sheep. Jesus
gave His life so none would have to perish.
Now our job is to go into our world and tell them. Ezekiel was told that if he did not tell his
generation they would not hear and that he was responsible. It is time we take what was taken to Ezekiel
and apply it to us. If we do not tell
them who will? Your response is well, we
have internet, T.V. radio, newspapers and magazines. Yes we do but we still have the
responsibility and it is time we did it.
God will hold personally responsible.
Our objective must be doing the will of God and about the masters
business. So today do not be selfish
and irresponsible. Tell someone about
Jesus because their eternity is in your hands.
Exciting and scary time
This is the most exciting and scary time in
history for the church. We are about to
experience the greatest revival the world has ever seen. All around the world the church is exploding
in growth. This is the time of wonders
and miracles. The signs of the Lord’s
coming are all around us, yet the church in the west is sleeping. We have compromised, become cold and are apathetic. Yet the Lord is still about to bring to pass
His divine purpose. The Lord said that
in the last day He would pour out His spirit upon all flesh. What we saw in the 20th century is
nothing in comparison with what the Lord is about to do. He is calling back His children. All who call on the name of the Lord will be
saved. What will be remarkable about
this time is that many who you never thought would get saved will get saved and
many others you thought would stay strong for the Lord will actually fall
away. So make the Lord your priority. Keep Him as the only face you see. Do not stray from the Word, prayer and going
to the house of the Lord. The writer of
Hebrew warns us not to neglect such a great salvation. It is neglect and partial surrender that is
the most prevalent sins among Christians.
We have let apathy, procrastination, lethargy and apostasy run rampant
among us. The Lord is about to change His
church. For some it will not be a
pleasant time. He will reveal our hearts
to us in an attempt to bring us back to Himself. Do not be like the foolish man who even
though He sees himself as he is, he thinks it is someone else. It is time to make the Lord your purpose and
priority. You need to seek and lived
prepared. You need to discern the time
in which you live. Make time for
thoughtful consideration of God’s plans and purposes for your life. Seek to be found faithful and available to
the Lord. These qualities will keep your
strong in these topsy and turvy times.
God wants to do a new thing in your heart. Turn your heart of stone into a heart of
flesh and see the glory of God. Remember
the glory of God is not just His presence but his moral character and nature
communicated to His people. We are the
only Bible some people will ever read.
Let us make sure our message is clear and powerful.
New area of giving
The Lord is calling His people
to a new area of Giving. It is more than
resources. It is your time and your
talents. Be assured the Lord will one
day expect an accounting of all that we have done. This accounting is not about obligation but
rewards. He will also in that day check
your motives.
Giving starts with faith which responds to the
word of promise and the expression of divine will. You give because you believe in the Lord’s
abundant harvest and you believe that as you give it will be given unto
you. Next, you give because you love the
Lord. His love has been shed abroad in
our hearts. You know that love gives and
love shares. Thirdly, you give because
of obedience. You are committed to a
higher authority which is the Lord. You
give out of gladness to the divine will.
You have been given so much and in return you give. When you give it adds fruit to your account
and you are sowing into eternity. You
give gladly and cheerfully. Your motives
are one of purity and love to the divine purpose and will. We are called to be stewards of the manifold
grace of God. We chose to give because
He first loved us. You give because you
are a faithful servant. Lastly, we give
out of wisdom. We give according to what
we have and not according to what we do not have. We give our time, talents and resources to
God because He has done so much for us and in return out of love and gratitude
we give for His praise and glory. So
that which we have we give unto Him and bless those around you for the glory of
Beware of Falling
The time is upon us where if one is not careful even the
strongest Christian will fall away. In
fact, even now many who you thought would never fall away have fallen
away. The reality is that it is going to
get worse before it is going to get better.
The Lord counsels you to strengthen what remains. Keep your eyes on Him. You must do everything possible to weather
the coming storm that is going to test the faith and resolve of even the most
seasoned Christian. Remember everything
that can be shaken will be shaken. The
Lord is looking to those who will hold out to the end. Remember it is not how you start that matters
but how you finish. Only the strong in
faith, the diligent in discipline and the powerful in patience will win the
We are responsible for the following. We must make sure our priorities in life line
up with God’s word. Only God’s work is
the best blueprint for life. To forsake
or abandon it will result in spiritual shipwreck. Do not allow your focus or vision stray off
the Lord. Keep your eyes firmly
fixed. Remember He is the author and
finisher of your faith. Spiritual
blindness is caused by people taking their eyes off of Jesus. Exercise faith. Faith is your spiritual muscle that needs to
be exercised every day. Remember it
grows because of the Word of God. It
will keep you when all else seems to fail.
Be quick to repent. Keep short
accounts between you and God. Only the
fool believes they can get away with sin without results or consequences. Do not be lazy or unfaithful. Both are conditions of a heart that has
forgotten their first love. Your first
priority is to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. This allows you to learn to love yourself and
in turn love others. You have an
adversary who will do all he can to destroy your faith. He knows exactly where to attack so stay
close to the Lord and ask for His help.
Never try to do this alone. You
have the Holy Spirit inside. You have
His gifts and fruit waiting to be release.
Release them into your world and walk in victory. Remember the grace of God enables us to fight
any force, walk into any situation and endure any attack. His grace mix with your faith will give you
the victory. You are an overcomer,
victor and conqueror. He is your source
and your responsibility is to apply His victor to your lives.
Shift has come
The Lord has made it clear that a shift has come. Things will never be the same. We are to watch what is going on around us
and be prepared for the Lord to change our view and way of doing things. Things are going to change and the one thing
that will not change is the Lord.
Remember He does not change. The
world is in a time of transition. Things
that are suppose too happen are happening.
World events are moving along as the Lord said they would. What is happening in the Middle East is
happening according to what the Lord has seen.
Mankind is going to get more and more evil. The religions of the world are coming into
conflict with each other because each are trying to prove their supremacy. This of course is the plan of the enemy
because anything that takes man's eyes off the Lord is his design. The church will not be immune from this
attack. The Lord is sad over the state
of his church, We have become very
lukewarm. There are places where the
Lord is moving but the majority of churches are stuck in a rut. The sad part is that they believe they are
doing God's will. They hold great music,
preaching and teaching festivals. Music
that is not of the Lord is being promoted and many who perform are not as they
seem. In reality most who do the gospel
music scene are not true believer in any sense.
We have magnified the gift and the presenter but have forgotten that
righteousness, holiness and integrity in the artist is more important than the
song they sing.
. The Lord is about to cleanse His
church. Secret sin, double lives and
hiding personal agendas will no longer be tolerated by the Lord. He expects His church to be holy, righteous,
pure and blameless. That which He calls
sin in the Bible is sin despite cultural shifts and priorities. Stop entertaining sin. Those who sin must repent for there are no
degrees or exceptions. Sin has only one
agenda and that is kill and separate a person from the Lord. Many today present lifestyle choices as
normal. Any lifestyle that is contrary
to what the Bible says needs to be repented of or it will kill the
effectiveness of the church and spirituality of the person. Remember Jesus says a little leaven will
leaven the whole loaf. The Lord is
preparing His bride for His coming. He
is coming for a bride that is pure and spotless. Her clothes will be white and not some shade
of grey. The Lord calls to his corporate
church to come back to their first love.
He tells them to get rid of the demons and devils that have infiltrated
the church and in some cases have been welcomed with open arms. It is time to cast these devils out of the
church and become the church God intended.
A church of power, might and authority with the ability to changed their
communities for Christ. Anything less is
not God's will. It is man's will
parading as God's and He will not share his glory with anyone. So this is the moment you decide for you are
in the valley of decision. Choose wisely
because both you and those around you will be affected.
Redefining the rules
The Lord is redefining all the rules and ways
He is looking at His people. The Lord has seen how His people have chosen
political correctness, cultural relevance, and social status above His word.
His heart is grieved. He does not
change His word and does not change His view.
The Lord says to His people come back to the word and do not change it because government tells
you or special interest groups attempt to pressure you. You are not of this
world, this world is not your home, you are a pilgrim passing through and you
are here for you are salt and light. Light has nothing to do with darkness so
you are to have nothing to do with the images, the standards and the beliefs of
this world. No matter
what men would say, you are the children of light and as
the children of light you are to reflect the glory the essence and the moral
character of God. Jesus Christ died so that mankind`s sin could be forgiven He
did not die so it could be excused, justified, or gloss over. The Lord is
calling His people back to holiness, righteousness, purity and integrity. The
Lord is jealous over holiness . He has
called us to be holy as He is holy so do not any longer excuse, wink or allow
sin to be a part of your life. As Jesus did when He came face to face with sin
in people's lives He loved them but he did not condone their sin.
We are called the love the
sinner not to sin. The sinner feels condemn not because of you but who you
represent. They are aware that their actions fall short of the standard and so
instead of repenting or doing something about it, they choose to blame, they
choose to justify, they choose to ignore the results and consequences of their
sin. This can also happen to my people when they choose to wink, ignore or
justify sin. Sin is sin, it must be repented of or it will destroy those who do
it. So my children if you have repented.
Confess it, renounce it, and receive my forgiveness its yours. You do
not have to be yoked or in bondage remember who the Son sets free is free
indeed. Walk in my freedom today do not
compromise any longer but be free. *
Slippery Slope is over
Today as I was driving home and
I was just looking down the road when all of a sudden in my spirit I felt a
total shift. It was the Lord saying that
all that I have been thinking about and doing is about to change. Things from this point forward would not be
the same. Now I had to ask the question,
“What do you mean Lord. Things are not
going to be the same?” He then spoke the
followings this into my heart. First,
that His coming is quickly approaching.
World events are going to speed up and we need to be watching the world
around us. We are called to watch and
pray. Next, things in the church world
are about to radically change. The
church world is going to be fragmented like never before. That is because the LBGT agenda will divide
churches, homes and Christians. Those
who accept it and those who oppose it.
Theology, the Word of God and moral standards are being putting aside or
sentimental, relational realities and
political correctness. Pastors, churches
and denominations are being pressured to accept the unthinkable this day. The slide will continue as Christian leaders
will embrace other religions and faiths as acceptable or compatible with the
teachings of Christ. The song we are all
one in the spirit will be the rally cry among these leaders. The problem is the spirit they are embracing
is the spirit of the antichrist.
The Lord says the greatest
tension in the Christian life will be personal.
He will not tolerate any longer secret sin, justifications and excuses
for bad behavior, language and actions.
The old hymn which states that God is coming back a church without spot
or wrinkle, washed in the blood of the lamb now applies. God is calling a people to Himself who are
holy, pure, blameless and righteous.
Those who will not change will either be forced to change or reap the
consequences. God does not wink at
sin. He is fully aware of it and will
judge it harshly. Jesus did not die on
the cross so mankind could continue as normal.
Jesus’ sacrifice was for a people who would want forgiveness of sin and
live a holy and righteous life. To do otherwise
degrades Jesus death, burial and resurrection.
The shift has been made. The Lord is now moving in the hearts of those
who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness.
To refuse to do so means you will become harder and harder in your
heart. You will continue to compromise
on the essentials. The Word of God is
clear on moral issues. Just because
something is accepted by the world does not mean the church should. Morality, fidelity and integrity does not
change. Do not let the phrase if you
love me accept me for what I am rule out the Word of God. You can love someone and not condemn them
when they sin but that also means you not have to condone what they do. Jesus when He told the woman caught in the
act of adultery that He did not condemn her but he also told her to go and sin
no more. The shift has come and it is
not going to change. That which is holy,
pure and righteous will become in the church the new norm. The slippery slope is over.
Urgency in the air
Lord has made it very clear that there is an urgency in the air. All around us we see the world
unravelling. The recent economic meltdown
in Canada is just one indicator of the coming global money crisis. The election of a liberal government in Greece
and its commitment to throw off the austerity methods imposed on them by the
European Union has further complicated the global money situation. The drop in oil prices and the weakening
Canadian dollar along with the highest debt ratio in history has Canada is on
the brink. Most Canadians have grown up
with debt and do not see as it really is, a killer of prosperity. Until this generation the mantra of economics
has been save for a rainy day. Now it is
borrow for a rainy day. This only
creates bigger problems down the road.
God sees all this and laughs as the foolishness of men. His answer is the same. It you are a borrower you will be subject to
the lender. Do not think that big banks
are your friend, they are not. They will
always look at the bottom line. God`s
answer to debt is simple. Get out of
it. This is not just advice, it is a
command during these times. Get out of
debt and put your finances in the things of the Kingdom. Set you affections and vision on the things
which cannot be eaten by the moth, rusted by time or stolen by the thief. Put you trust in the Lord and stand upon His
promises that He will supply all your needs according to His riches in
glory. Our time is short and the last
thing you want to do is saddle your children with a debt that they had nothing
to do with. Do not also take what has
happen in Canada for the past century as something that will continue. All that can be shaken will be shaken. A time of hardship is coming and only those
who have prepared properly will not be swept away. Put your trust and anchor in the Lord. His promise is that He will be your anchor in
the storms of life. He never promised He
would take you out of the storm but He did promise to never leave you a=or
forsake you.
Don`t be Anxious
Paul reminds us in Phil 4:6-7, that we do not
have to be anxious for anything or about anything. Then He gives the key for overcoming the
anxious moments in our lives. We are to
pray about all the things we are facing.
There is a little song that says, “Talk to Jesus about everything.” We are to with prayer, supplication and
thanksgiving bring everything to the Lord.
Most of the time we think that either the need is to small or that God
will not answer it at all. The promise
is that He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. Not some of our needs, but all our
needs. It is time that you bring
everything to the Lord. He does not want
you to have to carry or be anxious about anything. Paul also reminds us in these verses that
when you bring all your requests to God that His peace that passes all
understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. That is the promise. So it is time you stand up in the Lord’s
promises. Refuse to stay where you
are. Be like David when He faced
Goliath. He knew His enemy was bigger
and stronger that he was but He had the promise of God. To David, Goliath was an enemy standing in
the way of a promise. He knew in God he
could defeat the giant and win the victory.
Do you know that today? The Lord
reminded Zerubabel that any mountain in way could become a plain when he
applied not might or power to it but relied on the Spirit of the Lord. Rely on the Spirit of the Lord today to give
you the victory. You are not a victim
but a victor. You will not be overcome
but will be an overcomer. You will not
be conquered but will be a conqueror. It
is time for the church to act like the church.
It is time for us to walk in the victory of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil
and now it is time to defeat the devil and our own personal devils. So rise in the strength of the Lord your God
and be victorious for His praise and glory.
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