Wednesday, December 23, 2020

To the Church and nation of Tuvalu


To the Church and nation of Tuvalu


    You are beautiful and were for many centuries unreachable by western countries.  In those days you lived in fear, darkness and spiritual oppression.  You gave yourself to the worship of ancestral spirits and other deities along with the power of the vaka-atua Administered by the priests of the old religions.    Yet through a storm and by divine appointment, I sent you Elekana.  Many believe it was an accident but I never do accidents.  You receive him and came to me.  I sent you others and you turned from darkness to light.  It was with sadness I saw how western nations exploited you and took some of you into slavery.  It is a shame to them and a source of pain to you. 

      To my people, I am going to use you to heal and restore those broken and in pain.  You are my balm and medicine.  Substance abuse and addictions are hurting many in your nation.  You will be my people to set the captive free.  You will be my hand extended.  I have four promises for you today.  First, through you, I will love the unlovely.  Many are suffering from poverty.  This is the poverty of heart, mind, and spirit.  You will love it through me.  Next, You will heal the sick.  Those who are physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually you will minister on my behalf.  You will be a medicine of love.  Thirdly, you will help heal the brokenhearted.  Through me, you will bring the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.  Lastly, I will use you as a launching point to reach other places in the Pacific.  You will also go to nations where darkness has ruled.  You will be my light in them.  So prepare and ready yourself for what I will do through you.

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